SOTW Contest #8 Application

Byuakuya said:
Here is my entry:

Woahhhhhh. Pras in da houze. :]

Very nice, like Wiired said, you take advantage of the long sigs by using long renders. This is a good thing. Nice bg, flow very well, I like the text as well. Might want to change the border though, those black lines funny to me stretched across the entire thing. Maybe make a creative one on your own. :]

Best ever. @_@ GJ Pras.
ssbb_lover said:
Woahhhhhh. Pras in da houze. :]

Very nice, like Wiired said, you take advantage of the long sigs by using long renders. This is a good thing. Nice bg, flow very well, I like the text as well. Might want to change the border though, those black lines funny to me stretched across the entire thing. Maybe make a creative one on your own. :]

Best ever. @_@ GJ Pras.
Thanks man. I feel that I am using that border too much as well. I will have another border for my next Sig. I may leave this one as it is though.
Once again, thanks for your input.
Byuakuya said:
Thanks man. I feel that I am using that border too much as well. I will have another border for my next Sig. I may leave this one as it is though.
Once again, thanks for your input.
I was just suggesting that you try out a bunch of different borders (maybe try to create ones that are unusual), then if all else fails, just use your current entry. :]

And your welcome. :)


Joe....a tech border and about a bagillion renders? 5/10
Hell yeah. Finally got Photoshop back. I'll definitely be entering SOTW, though I'm horribly rusty...
KCBlack said:
Hell yeah. Finally got Photoshop back. I'll definitely be entering SOTW, though I'm horribly rusty...
Ahhhhhh shahdup.

Good to have you back KC. :]

Doesn't matter that you're rusty, I will be too now that i've been gone a week. We'll be in the same boat.
ssbb_lover said:
Ahhhhhh shahdup.

Good to have you back KC. :]

Doesn't matter that you're rusty, I will be too now that i've been gone a week. We'll be in the same boat.
Lol, try about 1 month for me. XP Meh, whatever. I'm just happy to be making sigs again!
KCBlack said:
Lol, try about 1 month for me. XP Meh, whatever. I'm just happy to be making sigs again!
Me too. :/ Can't wait to see your next bee-utiful creation.
I might enter If i can be bothered, i really need to get some rest and sleep.

I just want to relax this weekend.

I blame school for overworking me.

and tyler for coming on computor to late:cryin:

Cpt.McCloud said:
I might enter If i can be bothered, i really need to get some rest and sleep.

I just want to relax this weekend.

I blame school for overworking me.

and tyler for coming on computor to late:cryin:

It's only 4:30 P.M. here. Not late for me. :]
ssbb_lover said:
It's only 4:30 P.M. here. Not late for me. :]

Normally you come on 23:00 my time, I am like wth:lol:

I think i might enter, we shall see.
hey guys, sorry heres my final entry, lol getting better but still pretty unfamillar with most of PS but oh well

Wiired said:
Took your time :p just 'bout to check out your Bboy videos too
Lol sweet. I think I'm slightly better than the videos show though, but I've been told I'm ok.
Ok, My sig:

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