SOTW Contest #8 Application


i to have my share of pokemon cards stashed somewhere.

And I'm with Ty, those were actually some pretty good memories.
Made the render/background :)

I'm feeling the same way as Sovieto, I dont even know if I'll try. It's just not my thing.
ssbb_lover said:
Pshaw. You weren't in the Poke age like I was. You were 4 when it broke out into a craze. The 1st season of Pokemon was amazing to me. The 2nd season wasn't too bad either, but nothing will be season 1 (as far as that series goes). One of my fondest memories tbh. :]

Right on man, i was 10 when the first season came out, i even owned 50 of the casset tapes( thats what we had before dvds) of the first season, i also had like 20,000 cards, all the money from my birthdays, and summer job, all went towards a charizard and all those other stupid cards
Meh.... such an easy topic. I was unprepared before.

Why not some obscure topic like, wild carnivores.....orrrrr...ONIONS!!!!
Yeahhhh!!!! :lol:
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demonflair said:
Not your best bg...
I like the render, looks cool, but the bg has something that needs to be changed, although I like the border too :)
I agree, but i think if he brightend up the render, and bg, it would look alot better

Monsteroids said:
Meh.... such an easy topic. I was unprepared before.

Why not some obscure topic like, wild carnivores.....orrrrr...ONIONS!!!!
onions would be such a easy topic, rember the guy out of parapa the rapper, the onion dojo, dang i miss that game

and the next topic should be music related, like regatone, or alt/inde rock
I may be dating myself but when I was a kid Transformers, GIJoe and He-Man were the stuff. So needless to say I'm not too familiar with Anime, but to my surprise when searching for an Anime render I ran across some transformers under the Anime renders section of Planet Renders. I would like to use this but I wanted someone to weigh in on the use of it before I start my sig. Gym would transformers count? anyone else have an opinion?
soo...any cartoon we watched on saturday morning will work? They are still anime..right? even if they are crap (pokemon)
Sine y'all ain't Anime fans I would suggest something mainstream like Naruto Bleach Pokemon Inu-Yasha etc. I'm gonna try Maison Ikkoku or Mermaid forest maybe Ranma or Urusei Yatsura something by Rumiko other than Inu-Yasha. Either a creepy sig or funny.
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tarheelsuperman said:
Gym would transformers count? anyone else have an opinion?
That depends, do we want to class Anime as anything animated or just the Japanese stuff...
I guess the "anime" term generally applies to the Jap stuff so that's what Close probably meant.
Gymdawg said:
That depends, do we want to class Anime as anything animated or just the Japanese stuff...
I guess the "anime" term generally applies to the Jap stuff so that's what Close probably meant.

Yeah, and anime style, and/or originating in Japan. :)
Here ya go guys, had a crack at my first goal orientated sig, sorry not good at putting text in sigs so any pointers would be good, so here we go, first ever entry to SOTW comps :) lol i know shes a bit rough :p
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