SOTW Contest #8 Application

Wiired said:
I never said I hated the topic sig-wise, just don't like watching Anime. simple.
fair enough,
i dont watch it either, but when i was 13, 14 i watched alot of dbz, and jap naruto, so anime is pretty easy, now to me it all seems stupid, and why did i waste all my money when i was younger on all these damn cards
Wiired said:
Nope :] only anime thing (which I'm not even sure is Anime) was the first series of Pokemon back in the day of that craze :cool:
yea that counts as anime
Wiired said:
Nope :] only anime thing (which I'm not even sure is Anime) was the first series of Pokemon back in the day of that craze :cool:

Pokémon is Anime, but Non-Quality Anime...

Do you like my entry?? Few posts above ^^
Haha, used to be so obsessed with them stupid cards. It's stupid, look at the name
Could of made my own Pokemon cards with a Frosties cereal box.
And I actually did :cool:

Edit: It's alright, though I think you should start working on giving your sigs a main colour, and blending this with you render (like mine with the pink ;]) don't really like the font either tbh, other then that it's not badd :)
I'm sorry.

Pras has this week pwned. No questions asked.

Wiired, maybe bleach or outlaw star or naruto or DBZ or deathnote etc etc.

You could stick with pokemon:lol:
Cpt.McCloud said:
I'm sorry.

Pras has this week pwned. No questions asked.

Wiired, maybe bleach or outlaw star or naruto or DBZ or deathnote etc etc.

You could stick with pokemon:lol:
Thanks for the compliment Foxy. I appreciate it.

Naruto/ Naruto Shippuden


Dragon Ball, Z, GT

Bleach .... etc.
2 entries. There was like 4 on the 1st page of last week's. Lol.

I am also doing a sig of the Pokemon proportions. Too bad i'll be in FL till Saturday. >.> I'll have to do a quickie. :]
Yes, it is an anime.

But shonen jump anime/manga is much better like 37,645,763,453,704,948X .
Close said:
Yes, it is an anime.

But shonen jump anime/manga is much better like 37,645,763,453,704,948X .
Pshaw. You weren't in the Poke age like I was. You were 4 when it broke out into a craze. The 1st season of Pokemon was amazing to me. The 2nd season wasn't too bad either, but nothing will be season 1 (as far as that series goes). One of my fondest memories tbh. :]
ssbb_lover said:
Pshaw. You weren't in the Poke age like I was. You were 4 when it broke out into a craze. The 1st season of Pokemon was amazing to me. The 2nd season wasn't too bad either, but nothing will be season 1 (as far as that series goes). One of my fondest memories tbh. :]
We were all crazy for that "anime" when it was released all those years ago. I even collected the cards at one point. :lol:
Byuakuya said:
We were all crazy for that "anime" when it was released all those years ago. I even collected the cards at one point. :lol:
I have over 1000 of those things. >>>>....<<<< I have em in a book at home I think. Somewhere in the attic, i'll have to get em down now. :]
I know, I collected everything, and I saw season 1/2 and whatever until they added the third generation of pokemon. :(

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