SOTW #6 Application

well....tyler does in fact make his own brushes, and I will most of the time too.....

You seem a little edgy......whoa.

You need to be more laid back. Who really cares if you get disqualified? You have next week.
Brawny said:
well....tyler does in fact make his own brushes, and I will most of the time too.....

You seem a little edgy......whoa.

You need to be more laid back. Who really cares if you get disqualified? You have next week.
Your right, this isnt DE, and were not playing for prizes,
ill try to make a sig before the dead line

sorry about snapping
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Cknapp, i'm glad you understand...there's just no need to get all bitchy. :/ By your logic I could just enter any sig, because to me it looks like tech (when i'm just lying to myself, it really doesn't). I also said i'm going by your honor mind you...

here i even downloaded my first set of brushes today, the techy squares + the country text makes a nice combo

i also made a louie vaton(sp?) pattern and if you look close enough there is sun set like the chinese flag
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Brawny said:
ah.....pokemon. That explains everything
LMFAO. Don't get either of started.

Anyways, we'll just let it slide. It's late, who gives a damn. Ammiright?
its not to late, its 11pm

nm im retarted
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Cknapp151 said:
its not to late, its 11pm

nm im retarted
Never said it's too late, I just said it's late. Your entered. :]

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