SOTW #6 Application

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  • #61
Ok, here's the deal you guys.

Adam has been working with GIMP a while now, even when he doesn't make a good sig, he's still very familiar with the program and knows what he can do to make it better.

Brandon on the other hand isn't as familiar with the program, and he finally made a break-out with this sig (like close said, it looks great). So I would rather not break his "creative heart" (or whatever the hell you want to call it) by not allowing this to be his entry.

I promise this sympathy will not happen again, but (IMO) Brandon's looks more tech then Adam's. :/ Maybe if you, Brandon, could make something about the sig more "tech", like change the text or something?...


Ok, one more thing. If Brawny doesn't make a new and improved sig, we will let the one he has already made slide. I don't really think it's fair to "ok" Brandon, but shut down Adam...
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  • #63
Brawny said:
Wow, nice speech there.... I don't really care... whatever.
Lol, I know. I'm just trying to make the right judgement.
ssbb_lover said:
Don't bag on the n00b. :]

Tyler did you vote in sotw 5?

I need to add a render to my entry if i enter it, no renders that go with it tho:(
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  • #67
Cpt.McCloud said:
Tyler did you vote in sotw 5?

I need to add a render to my entry if i enter it, no renders that go with it tho:(
hehe..nope. :] Still building the suspense, I bet Gym and Wiired are so pissed. :]

I'm sure a bunch of renders would go with the background if you put the right gradient map/photo filter adjustment on it. :]
ssbb_lover said:
hehe..nope. :] Still building the suspense, I bet Gym and Wiired are so pissed. :]

I dont think they care.

I think im the only one who actuly cares about sotw:lol:

I must get more then 3 points next week:)

Tyler, vote for me, consider my effert, i tried really hard and it was only my 4th thing i made on gimp:D

There i sucked up, thats worth your vote is it not?


My entry

That took me all day >.<

I spent ages adding and removing renders.
Then i spent ages with diffrent animations.

In the end i went simple.

Hope you like:)
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So SSBS, whats for SOTW #7? I dont have enough brushes and such for tech sigs, I tried downloading some and got a huge virus monday, got rid of it tho, thank god. lol
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  • #70
Tr1p1ng said:
So SSBS, whats for SOTW #7? I dont have enough brushes and such for tech sigs, I tried downloading some and got a huge virus monday, got rid of it tho, thank god. lol
Sorry the topic caused you trouble! should only be dowloading brushes off of reliable sites though...

And no one knows, it's up to me who wins SOTW tonight. :] I'm the deciding vote...hehe. I feel the power.
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  • #72
Close said:
Lol, I followed a tut :)
Teh øn3 @nD ønL¥ CLOSE follow a tut??!!11??one?

How dare you...change of plans though on my part. I'm entering. :] Nearly finished. Nothing special, but it'll be something. Better I enter than not (for me anyways). :/

Edit im in, i love this sig, its techish, but also really sick so yea
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  • #74
Cknapp151 said:

Edit im in, i love this sig, its techish, but also really sick so yea
Sorry dude, there's nothing tech about that. Just those lines that might be considered mildly tech, but the way they're used they don't look it. A good sig nonetheless.

YESSS I MADE IT ZOMG HOLY CRAP!!!! Woo...i'm tired. So here it is.


Don't care how crappy it is, it's finally done. :]
ssbb_lover said:
By tech, it is meant that either a render may be used that could go by the definition of 'tech' (we leave it up to your honor to be the judge), brushes that are tech (there are actual brush packs labeled 'tech'), or just anything that looks like 'tech' to you.

You are not disqualfying me, half you people dont even make your own brushes and thats cheating in its own, and the scan lines, and the opacity on the text makes it techish.

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