Sony Strikes Back

jmsjamz said:
the thing that rlly annoys me is him calling Nintendo kiddie. just becuz it does hav a large 10nd under consumer base many teens and adults can enjoy it just as much. this guy is the only hater here. its that kind of talk that will turn older buyers away from a system. this is what will make my parents tell me "thats 2 kiddy". Shameful sony.

i dont see how a kiddy system could have MK:armageddon, manhunt2, some other m rated games. i trip out when people say its kiddy.
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  • #107
jmsjamz said:
the thing that rlly annoys me is him calling Nintendo kiddie. just becuz it does hav a large 10nd under consumer base many teens and adults can enjoy it just as much. this guy is the only hater here. its that kind of talk that will turn older buyers away from a system. this is what will make my parents tell me "thats 2 kiddy". Shameful sony.

wait where does he say nintendo is kiddy? It seems to me that a lot of people are putting intent where none was clearly stated. Jumping to conclusions?

theres nothing wrong towards marketing to the younger audiences, thats how mcdonalds became the superpower it is.
robert you are so right but yet nintendo will always have the image like i have said because of sony fans........

jmsjamz trust me shift isn't close to being the only hater. their are plenty more of those haters but alot of them do get banned after showing themselfs....... But i won't say nothing about shift because he says he owns a wii.

But do you see where i am coming from shift?
Shiftfallout said:
wait where does he say nintendo is kiddy? It seems to me that a lot of people are putting intent where none was clearly stated. Jumping to conclusions?

theres nothing wrong towards marketing to the younger audiences, thats how mcdonalds became the superpower it is.
I think he's referring to remarks like when he says something like, "When I see people with the PSP in their hands, they're 20 year olds; but, when I see the DS, it's generally being handled by a kid." He doesn't say it directly, but he does hint towards it.


A couple of quotes where he's indirectly saying this:
John Tretton said:
With the PSP, we didn't try to be everything to everybody. We didn't sell four-year-olds little pink PSPs. We targeted the mid-20's audience, hardcore console gamers. And we did a nice job of carving out that market, to the tune of over 25 million PSPs worldwide in less than two years.
John Tretton said:
When I look at people in the street, it isn't surprising for me to see somebody in his twenties playing a PSP. I am surprised to see a little kid playing a PSP. Conversely, I've never really seen many adults playing [the DS], but I see a lot of little kids. We've always felt that people want to be like their older brother; they don't want to be like a little kid.
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ssbb_lover said:
I think he's referring to remarks like when he says something like, "When I see people with the PSP in their hands, they're 20 year olds; but, when I see the DS, it's generally being handled by a kid." He doesn't say it directly, but he does hint towards it.

But isnt he referring to being suprised when he finds kids playing the PSP? I think its concerning the marketing tactics and buying habbits of parents. I did not read it as him saying anything bad about nintendo at all, in fact he said he admires nintendos ability to target audiences at multipul angles. Meaning everybody, where sony is just focusing on one group at a time.

One of the things that I always admired about Nintendo, with its portable strategy, is that they could attack the consumer from many angles. They aren't just in the console business; they're in the portable business.

then hes asked the question by the interviewer: GP: I've been seeing more kids with PSPs, which surprises me (it's expensive). People are still out there buying the PSP. That says a lot.

Then he responds with

But we'll soon start the second phase, where we reach down to the teen market, and ultimately to the younger consumer [with the PSP]. But if you try to be everything to everybody from day one, you'll alienate a significant portion of the population. When I look at people in the street, it isn't surprising for me to see somebody in his twenties playing a PSP. I am surprised to see a little kid playing a PSP. Conversely, I've never really seen many adults playing [the DS], but I see a lot of little kids. We've always felt that people want to be like their older brother; they don't want to be like a little kid.

I dunno about you, but i saw this as him talking about how they view the market in terms of strategy. Hes saying that from what he sees, and i have to agree, that he does not see a lot of adults playing the DS in public. He is not suprised when he sees kids playing the DS, but is suprised when he finds Kids playing the PSP. And vice versa, it shows how hes viewing how the marketing tactics are playing out. He states that they do intend to target younger audiences. Kids are a huge market, but its how the general market views the product. Obviously parents are viewing the DS as a kid safe product, however hes suprised because it seems like some also see the PSP that way before Sony even marketed towards them.

hotpotato78 said:
jmsjamz trust me shift isn't close to being the only hater. their are plenty more of those haters but alot of them do get banned after showing themselfs....... But i won't say nothing about shift because he says he owns a wii.

But do you see where i am coming from shift?

What the hell is that supposed to mean? Im far from being a hater. I dont hate on any system, but i do come under attack a lot. Your post for example proves this. Why bother saying you wont say anything when you just did. The pot calling the kettle black.
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Shift he price between the DS and the PSP is not that big of a deal. Now the wii and ps# has a big price difference.

DS cost $129.99
PSP cost $169

So that would cost me to disagree with you......... He is simply saying nintendo is for kids and psp are for growns ups. NO matter how you like it because he couldn't be suprised because of the price. And like i said the PSP is a game for crying out loud
Shiftfallout said:
But isnt he referring to being suprised when he finds kids playing the PSP? I think its concerning the marketing tactics and buying habbits of parents. I did not read it as him saying anything bad about nintendo at all, in fact he said he admires nintendos ability to target audiences at multipul angles. Meaning everybody, where sony is just focusing on one group at a time.
My point, he's surprised when he sees kids playing the PSP (because it's targeted towards the teen-adult audience) and when adults are playing the DS (because it's targeted towards the child audience). It just sounds like he's indirectly calling the DS a "childish system", that's all.
Shiftfallout said:
I dunno about you, but i saw this as him talking about how they view the market in terms of strategy. Hes saying that from what he sees, and i have to agree, that he does not see a lot of adults playing the DS in public. He is not suprised when he sees kids playing the DS, but is suprised when he finds Kids playing the PSP. And vice versa, it shows how hes viewing how the marketing tactics are playing out. He states that they do intend to target younger audiences. Kids are a huge market, but its how the general market views the product. Obviously parents are viewing the DS as a kid safe product, however hes suprised because it seems like some also see the PSP that way before Sony even marketed towards them.
I could probably copy + paste my last paragraph here and it would make since, but i'm sure you don't want to read it twice...
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hotpotato78 said:
Shift he price between the DS and the PSP is not that big of a deal. Now the wii and ps# has a big price difference.

DS cost $129.99
PSP cost $169

So that would cost me to disagree with you......... He is simply saying nintendo is for kids and psp are for growns ups. NO matter how you like it because he couldn't be suprised because of the price. And like i said the PSP is a game for crying out loud

You really dont get it do you?
The PSP used to be $250. It just recently had a price cut.

No matter how you look at it, 250 is considered a lot for a portable game console, just like the PS3 is considered a lot for home console system. Cant you be reasonable? If you have decided to never budge from what you decided to argue then this debate will go no where.

As for what he said, thats how you are interpetiting it. He does not say right out that kids playing a system that was marketed towards them is bad. Are you ashamed kids like playing the DS? Remember when i said hes talking about how they were marketed? well price plays a role in that. A price of 250 is not kid friendly. Now lets see, theres a price cut which makes it more accessable. However the interface is still fairly complicated. Its entirely possible in the hands of an unexperienced user to kill your PSP's bios. Its a fairly complicated system.
Shiftfallout said:
A price of 250 is not kid friendly.
Just a question. You must be talking about portable systems right? Because the Wii is generalized as a kiddie system, or even if it's not (and it isn't IMO) it's being bought for many children, and the price is $250.

Probably sounds like i'm trying to start another argument, but i'm just confirming what you're saying, maybe less people will try to argue with you that way. :/
The guy is taking subtle pokes at Nintendo and trying to hide them up as compliments. Besides that I think that once again sony overdid it when it came to the PSP. Its got too much crap that I don't really need. Graphics are great. No one is denying that. I think a game that can make me look at it in awe for 20 minutes deserves praise and credit but if it comes at the expense of good solid game play or its attached with other stuff I don't want or need then I'm not going to buy the system.

The graphics no the DS aren't that bad. Yes they might be lower quality than the PSP but the games are far more numerous and fun. Hence why my little brother is getting one for his birthday. Heck even I want one although I don't know if I'll have the time to enjoy playing it what with my Wii and possible 360 on the way.

P.S. Has anyone bought a HD DVD or Blu Ray dvd player? Why? The reason I ask is because I feel like these current/recent models for both formats are good but they're going to be obselete in a few years right? Aren't they still toying with the technology and trying to improve on it? I guess what I'm saying is that newer, better models will come out by the time the winning format is established so wouldn't it be better to wait until THEN to get either or?
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ssbb_lover said:
Just a question. You must be talking about portable systems right? Because the Wii is generalized as a kiddie system, or even if it's not (and it isn't IMO) it's being bought for many children, and the price is $250.

Probably sounds like i'm trying to start another argument, but i'm just confirming what you're saying, maybe less people will try to argue with you that way. :/

yep. The whole conversation was about his remarks concerning the portable systems, though some are trying to mix in the full on consoles into it.

Who cares what the wii is generalized as though, it doesnt matter because it sells. Its no lie though that nintendo has targeted children aggresively more so than sticking to their older gamers. I think a lot of frustration that some gamers throw at nintendo is because they used to be nintendo fans when they were kids but felt that nintendo did not grow up with them. I felt that way with the zelda series, which seemed to be getting more .. toony and childish. However im glad that at least twilight princess is going back to a more mature Link.

Nah dont worry about SSBB, people will try to argue with me anyway i put it. Im tagged as a sony supporter and there for must be = to the devil himself.

also just the hell of it, i think this is a fairly good balanced video to show.
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Shiftfallout said:
You really dont get it do you?
The PSP used to be $250. It just recently had a price cut.

No matter how you look at it, 250 is considered a lot for a portable game console, just like the PS3 is considered a lot for home console system. Cant you be reasonable? If you have decided to never budge from what you decided to argue then this debate will go no where.

As for what he said, thats how you are interpetiting it. He does not say right out that kids playing a system that was marketed towards them is bad. Are you ashamed kids like playing the DS? Remember when i said hes talking about how they were marketed? well price plays a role in that. A price of 250 is not kid friendly. Now lets see, theres a price cut which makes it more accessable. However the interface is still fairly complicated. Its entirely possible in the hands of an unexperienced user to kill your PSP's bios. Its a fairly complicated system.

lmao ssbb_lover made a hell of a point just now though........ Shift if you can not see the man is saying that the ds is for kids and the psp is for adults then something must be wrong with you. You can see everything else other than that. when people say stuff you have to read between the line SOMETIMES. Not all the time people will come out front with what they mean.. I understand what you are saying but the Ds also cost more than $129 dollars. But i dont think he's talking about when the psp first game out. i feel as if he is talking about now. I can't give you facts of which time he is meaning and neither can you. So we have to approach the two of those.... Who said i am ashame of the ds being for kid? Frig! i want one lmao. I would take a ds from anybody who buys me one right now.

Shift you honestly makes the dude from sony sound so innocent. you know there are hints in the way he talks so get over it.....I will find out what was the price for a ds when it first came out. i'm sure its close to $200
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hotpotato78 said:
Shift you honestly makes the dude from sony sound so innocent. you know there are hints in the way he talks so get over it.....I will find out what was the price for a ds when it first came out. i'm sure its close to $200

Im not making him sound innocent, im just not reading into it like you are. The difference is you are not looking at it from a marketing perspective. Target audience and all. You are assuming there are "hints" and hidden meaning behind every thing he says, and the sad thing is, that means you did not read it with an open mind but rather looking to find something wrong.

The key word here is, object. We have to be objective. You are reading way to much into it and putting meaning where there is none.

He is in no way saying the DS is bad. He is stating that he sees a lot of kids playing it. Its true, i do too.

Imagine this, you are a business man with a product and a competitor. You walk outside and see every day living, your product was supposed to reach older audiences but to your suprise you see it with some out of the target audience range. You think, hmm interesting i will have to make a note of that. You continue your analysis. You see your competitors product aroud ALOT. Its in the hands of kids. You note that and go back to the office. Your analysis shows how you and your competitors product is ending up in the public from what you have seen. Your hypothesis must then be that there may be a market for your product with younger audiences as well and that your competitor already has a firm hold on that audience.

What you plan in the office, what you plan as long term goals, may differ once they reach the public. Its all about analysis and execution. There need not be biase in business because once there is you will fail to see how to address the issue of coming ahead of your opponent. Also what works and doesnt work. Hit and miss. Its all science.. the science of business.
Shiftfallout said:
Im not making him sound innocent, im just not reading into it like you are. The difference is you are not looking at it from a marketing perspective. Target audience and all. You are assuming there are "hints" and hidden meaning behind every thing he says, and the sad thing is, that means you did not read it with an open mind but rather looking to find something wrong.

The key word here is, object. We have to be objective. You are reading way to much into it and putting meaning where there is none.

He is in no way saying the DS is bad. He is stating that he sees a lot of kids playing it. Its true, i do too.
Imagine this, you are a business man with a product and a competitor. You walk outside and see every day living, your product was supposed to reach older audiences but to your suprise you see it with some out of the target audience range. You think, hmm interesting i will have to make a note of that. You continue your analysis. You see your competitors product aroud ALOT. Its in the hands of kids. You note that and go back to the office. Your analysis shows how you and your competitors product is ending up in the public from what you have seen. Your hypothesis must then be that there may be a market for your product with younger audiences as well and that your competitor already has a firm hold on that audience.

What you plan in the office, what you plan as long term goals, may differ once they reach the public. Its all about analysis and execution. There need not be biase in business because once there is you will fail to see how to address the issue of coming ahead of your opponent. Also what works and doesnt work. Hit and miss. Its all science.. the science of business.

Look who is putting meaning into things where there is none. lmao I never said he made it sound bad. Shift i am tired of you trying to make me sound like a fanboy. It's really making me sick with all the open mind retartedness you keep running on with. I don't care whether you realise it or not. that's your choice because cleary you never see anything somebody else is trying to show you...... It's not like i'm saying that he made nintendo sound as if they wasn't a real gaming company... I did read that tiredsome thing. All five of those post. Just to hear what he had to say and the stuff that lays ahead for the ps3 but in my reading i happen to find that he did throw a little hint here and there...... I'm just saying like before the man is obvioucly saying that his game is for adults and the nintendo game is for kids. Which part of that you couldn't get.....

Well shift if you are looking at it from the market view then you would have to regconize your opponents sales and how are they different from yours. It's a business, you must compete to win. I'm just saying its dumb for a ceo to be surprise to see his game in a kids hand. that obviously means its not for kids in his eyes. but when it comes to nintendo, thats definitely for kids because most kids play them.
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  • #120
hotpotato78 said:
Look who is putting meaning into things where there is none. lmao I never said he made it sound bad. Shift i am tired of you trying to make me sound like a fanboy. It's really making me sick with all the open mind retartedness you keep running on with. I don't whether you realise it or not. that's your choice because cleary you never see anything somebody else is trying to show you...... It's not like i'm saying that he made nintendo sound as if they wasn't a real gaming company... I did read that tiredsome thing. All five of those post. Just to hear what he had to say and the stuff that lays ahead for the ps3 but in my reading i happen to find that he did throw a little hint here and there......

If you feel that im making you out to sound like a fanboy, yet again you seem to be reading into stuff a bit too much. Perhaps its insecurities, or just wanting to find the bad intent where none existed. Im not trying to do anything like that, but those are your thought and your words. Nothing more nothing less.

No im not reading into what he is saying, just stating the simple fact that he does not say the DS is bad, and does say he sees a lot of children playing the DS in public. There is no apparent meaning behind these other than two simple observations and when compared to marketing it helps to see how the products are appearing within the general public.

I'm just saying like before the man is obvioucly saying that his game is for adults and the nintendo game is for kids. Which part of that you couldn't get.....

He is not obviously saying his game is for adults and nintendo for children. Let me fix it for you, he said the psp was marketed originally for adults (price, SOME games, user interface..ect) where as he found that nintendo was able to secure an audience with children as well. Kids are a huge market, theres nothing wrong with that. You need to stop twisting words around. "which part of that you couldnt get....."

Im not going to repeat myself again. Read it right or dont read it at all please.

Well shift if you are looking at it from the market view then you would have to regconize your opponents sales and how are they different from yours. It's a business, you must compete to win. I'm just saying its dumb for a ceo to be surprise to see his game in a kids hand. that obviously means its not for kids in his eyes. but when it comes to nintendo, thats definitely for kids because most kids play them.

Is it dumb to see your product in the hands of a kid? I think the suprise comes more from the fact that it was originally priced in such as way that many parents wouldnt want to give to their kids. If you look at the PSP demo disc that was included or shown at game stores, what did you see? It included movie trailers like triple X, music vidoes of Hip Hop and games like Twisted metal. Its clear who the target audience was. He didnt say it was a bad thing it was popular with some kids, he was just suprised. Showing there is a market for it. Thats all. Its a simple observation, nothing more. Its NOT saying its not for kids. I really dont understand your frame of mind. Its clear what he said but you are putting intent where there is NONE.

Cant you see that?

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