Sony Strikes Back

CyanRussel said:
Hey, whatever, you guys have your opinion and i have my opinion!!!
The least you guys could do is respect it!
Just pretend they respect it in your mind, thats what I do.
BrandonMcAuslan said:
Short circuit is a terrible terrible movie...
That is the first one isnt it? I really enjoyed that film, twas awesome. I wanted one of those robots when I was a kid...soooo cool. He even had a laser if I remember right.

I'm gonna hunt down the boxset of that...
Jesus Shift. Shut up! You go on for 5 pages! Learn to use fewer words, or put more meaning into your sentences so you only need to use fewer words.
GamerCon said:
First off, this is stupid. First you say great games are what makes a console, then you turn around and say Wii is selling more so its the better console. So which is it, games or units sold? If you say its gaems, your full of crap cause the Wii games suck. If you say units sold then the PS2 is the greatest system ever made.

"I still love playing mario kart on my N64. Hows that for product life? Now only if I can find Mario Party 3." Thats great but how long were they making games for the N64? Not long. The product life of the N64 was a few years. It was to costly to make carts.

A lot of you are just, special. When Sony says "We dont expect to sell millions the first day." then you say "Well they didnt even sell a million the first day" you either have a learning disability or your a bad listener. Or both.

I like how you say what Sony is doing. "They are losing money and they dont want to, they are not doing as good as they thought they would" when they say "Uhm, well we kinda dont care about the money right now, we have sold more PS3's then PS2's in the same amount of time" Its nice to know you work for Sony and can tell me everything that goes on there. No, you dont and no you cant.

I dont know if its cause your all scared that the Wii was a last ditch effort by Nintendo but, making things up to make yourselves feel better is not the way to go.

The PS2 is not the best selling console of all time. The Nintendo Gameboy is, i dunno where you get your info but i would stop going there if i was you. Also the best selling game of all time is super mario bros so i guess Ninty wins on both regards.
If Sony is losing money don't be a little ***** and try to say that Sony execs aren't shitting bricks about their failure of a console. Their gaming department is hemorrhaging money and that fact isn't likely to change in the next few years. If they aren't making money then they arent doing good business. There is no plan to sneak attack a win at the last minute to make the PS3 look even better.
SamuS said:
The PS2 is not the best selling console of all time. The Nintendo Gameboy is, i dunno where you get your info but i would stop going there if i was you. Also the best selling game of all time is super mario bros so i guess Ninty wins on both regards.
If Sony is losing money don't be a little ***** and try to say that Sony execs aren't shitting bricks about their failure of a console. Their gaming department is hemorrhaging money and that fact isn't likely to change in the next few years. If they aren't making money then they arent doing good business. There is no plan to sneak attack a win at the last minute to make the PS3 look even better.

The Game boy isnt a proper console, its a handheld so its an entirely different category from a Ps3, Wii or 360. Ps2 is the best selling console ever.
---Brian--- said:
The Game boy isnt a proper console, its a handheld so its an entirely different category from a Ps3, Wii or 360. Ps2 is the best selling console ever.

It plays games, its a games console.
Gameboy 69.42 million, PS1 102.49 million, PS2 115.36 million. The greatest selling console of all time is the PS2. Also in a few more months the GC is supposed to surpass the Xbox in sales. So technically the Xbox was dead last in the prior console wars. The reason is the Xbox is discontinued. Good luck even finding a Xbox controller.
i liked the part where he talked about how lots of kids have a PSP.

but what he failed to mention is that the PSP is being outsold by the DS like 4 to 1. (im too lazy to look up the actual numbers.)

the ds is even surpassing the wii in sales. and the ps3 is bearly holding off the gameboy advance.:lol:
Oh snap! Then he would also know the DS Lite is out selling the PSP. PSP is out selling the DS Phat. What does this all mean you ask? Well Nintendo once again screwed up and had to rethink their game plan. If it wasnt for that the DS would have had poor sales compared to the PSP.

Yea, they will go to great but cheap lengths to get the popular vote. How many GBA's did they make? Like 3 or something. Cant they get anything right the first time.
I dont get it, all they are doing is just evolving!

For instance, ps2's graphics were garbage compared to GC, and Xbox..... But ever since ps3 came out, it seems that ps3 has best graphics this time around, "or is it 360, i dont know" but thing is that they evolved!
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CyanRussel said:
I dont get it, all they are doing is just evolving!

For instance, ps2's graphics were garbage compared to GC, and Xbox..... But ever since ps3 came out, it seems that ps3 has best graphics this time around, "or is it 360, i dont know" but thing is that they evolved!

360 has the best graphics processing unit. The PS3 is slightly below that. The PS3 has the best processing power this generation.

And you are right, gaming is evolving, which is funny to see people support the companies over gaming itself. Nintendo adds to gaming with stuff, microsoft with theirs, and sony with theirs. This competition is helping us gamers by mainstreaming the good things. Who wants to bet the next wave of consoles will all have some sort of motion sensing in them? will all be more multimedia friendly? will all have high end storage mediums like blue ray? They will and its great.
Shiftfallout said:
360 has the best graphics processing unit. The PS3 is slightly below that. The PS3 has the best processing power this generation.

And you are right, gaming is evolving, which is funny to see people support the companies over gaming itself. Nintendo adds to gaming with stuff, microsoft with theirs, and sony with theirs. This competition is helping us gamers by mainstreaming the good things. Who wants to bet the next wave of consoles will all have some sort of motion sensing in them? will all be more multimedia friendly? will all have high end storage mediums like blue ray? They will and its great.

I knew i was right about the 360 having better graphics, although i didnt know that the ps3 had better processing power, i could've that the 360 did!?!? Damit im confused!!!!

OH WELL, Thanks for clearing things up, All i can say, and everybody else could say is that, this generation as of right now is basically about evolving into something better, i wished that the graphics on wii evolved a lot more but it didnt, at least it did its best to evolve in gameplay! And as of right now its seems gameplay is overruling graphics from my standpoint, "I already know, that your gonna have your own opinion on this, and have a post that would counter mine!" Im not sure, but its only the beginning, and only future can tell now i guess!

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