Sony Strikes Back

:O *jelous* lol, what i would LOVE is to get all the Final Fantasy's (from 7 and under) onto my PSP :) , man i'd pay someone to do that for me lol "Final Fantasy Portable"
hotpotato78 said:
HOLD FRIGGIN UP! What is this nonsense you are running on with. Shift i'm sorry but i will have to borrow a bit of your personality because i can not let this go....... Dude are you gay or just stupid because i'm thinking both are correct,right about now... Fanboyism? to another level? who are you? The gay dude from i love newyork? I can talk for myself and on the behalf of the others, all of us chat in an unbias way. I am trying to figure where you came from because you had nothing to do with this thread. Dude you need to keep your mouth shut because honestly only $h** is coming out of it

cause every post i see in the ps3 subforum i see from u 3 are something about nintendo being the best and everything else being the worst.
actually u cant speak for yourself, cos all i ever see is u doing is agreeing with ssbb and that other idiot jedi and praising them like they're your god. get over it

and no im not a fanboy, i love both my wii n ps3, i just dislike u 3, always argueing and bashing on sony. and wdf is i love newyork mate? and no u dont chat in an unbias way.

where i came from has nothing to do with u, what if i told u? ur gonna tell me that my country sux too? i wouldnt be suprised. This is a public thread, if u wanna keep ur chat private then go private message them. otherwise stop telling ppl they dont have the right to chat on this forum. u TOOL
ssbb_lover said:
Sry guys, I tried to avoid it, but I truly have to respond to this asshole. This post was going way over the top

How the f***ing hell are we fanboys?! Master...sry dude, but you lean more towards fanboy (you appear that way), but me and hotpotato are in no where near the term "fanboy".

If all you think about is boys getting together and screwing each other with wiimotes, i'm sad for you. You truly should just shut up, you're so dumb I would go as far as to say Shift would defend MasterJedi2U.

If you want to debate, go right on ahead, but if you're just going to talk ****, get out now.

please tell me how i lean more towards fanboy? i'd like to know thanks.
and please tell me why i'm so dumb?

this is exactly what im talking about, ur a fanboy who just points his finger everywhere calling everybody else fanboy for no freakin reason at all. and then u call me dumb without giving a reason, everything u say has no reasoning u just make it up and ur little friends agree with you, then u agree with them and u think your the king of this forum or something
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Jonny said:
cause every post i see in the ps3 subforum i see from u 3 are something about nintendo being the best and everything else being the worst.
actually u cant speak for yourself, cos all i ever see is u doing is agreeing with ssbb and that other idiot jedi and praising them like they're your god. get over it

and no im not a fanboy, i love both my wii n ps3, i just dislike u 3, always argueing and bashing on sony. and wdf is i love newyork mate? and no u dont chat in an unbias way.

where i came from has nothing to do with u, what if i told u? ur gonna tell me that my country sux too? i wouldnt be suprised. This is a public thread, if u wanna keep ur chat private then go private message them. otherwise stop telling ppl they dont have the right to chat on this forum. u TOOL

Lmao you have problems young man or should i say gay boy wonder.... Even shifts agrees with ssbb and vice versa. dude i can truly say you don't know me. when i say unbias i mean you don't take sides like how fanboys would just boost up one system.... me for one, my only problem with sony really is there fanboys. Other than that i would play a sony console because they have some games i like.... The most i can remember me saying is i dont like sony fanboys. Other than that sony is cool with me.... But dude everything i have said in this thread has nothing to do with the ps3 or any of their consoles sucking a$$.

I love new york is a show on VH1, you dunce. and i'm mature, so i don't want to talk about your country. Don't class me with you, it brings my status down a few blocks. I mean we don't bash Sony's consoles. Maybe masterjedi2u does every now and again because of things certain fanboys may say but we don't go around bashing any console.

If someone makes a good point, i agree with them. damn what do you want me to do? lie? thats not my style so get over it. Now until they really say something stupid, then i will get on their case. But dude you need to chill. We are all over this forum especially masterjedi2u and ssbb. I try to go in every forum section and see whats going on and how people feel. You just has issues and you need to grow up. honestly i don't see why you are trying to mess with all three of us.
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because everytime i see u guys post your always argueing
but if u say u hate only the fanboys, then i take everything back for u and u only, just some of the things u guys say makes me feel like your biased with nintendo
We aren't agrueing. We are usually debating and trying to get people to see more than one side fo the box. Not all of us hang in the same threads. but it just so happen that the most debates goes down in the ps3 section...... Nintendo will always be my number choice but they are not perfect and i can admit. They leave room for improvement so that they can produce another system in future years and so did every other gaming company.
Shift please stop linking SNES games on the PSP. What are you telling us? You hate the PSP games like MGS so much you'd rather show off SNES? I didn't buy a Wii to play PS1 games. So I think it's a waste to buy a $250, now $170 PSP to play illegal mods of games, you can get at a much higher resolution on your computer with... Game Genie on ZSNES.

1 Youtube video is enough, but you have several up. Get a computer or buy some real PSP games like Ace of Combat.
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Hey, ya know you know you cant stop him from downloading those nes, snes games on his psp, dont get me wrong, i also think its wrong for someone to take what nintendo had made and put on a sony portable, but we cant stop him, if he wants to do that let him do it, it is his psp!!
I still stand my ground on nintendo should of done something, so this kind of crap wouldnt happen:mad: , oh well.
I guess some things are meant to happen that we just cant change.:frown2:
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sagema said:
Shift please stop linking SNES games on the PSP. What are you telling us? You hate the PSP games like MGS so much you'd rather show off SNES? I didn't buy a Wii to play PS1 games. So I think it's a waste to buy a $250, now $170 PSP to play illegal mods of games, you can get at a much higher resolution on your computer with... Game Genie on ZSNES.

1 Youtube video is enough, but you have several up. Get a computer or buy some real PSP games like Ace of Combat.

lol, did you seriously just post this? are you serious? you crack me up. Each video is a different system, which you didnt notice. Also yes, the conversation lead to it. And if you think playing old favorites on your computer is the same as playing them on a portable hand held console which you can take ANYWHERE, then you need some help.

I personally like having the selection of nes-n64 and ps1 games along with psp games at my disposal. You know how big of a game library that makes it? Pretty big.

If you cant see the worth ($170) in having a 64bit portable system that lets you play all your favorite Final fantasy games from nes-snes- and PSX. Then dont bother posting.

CyanRussel said:
Hey, ya know you know you cant stop him from downloading those nes, snes games on his psp, dont get me wrong, i also think its wrong for someone to take what nintendo had made and put on a sony portable, but we cant stop him, if he wants to do that let him do it, it is his psp!!
I still stand my ground on nintendo should of done something, so this kind of crap would happen:mad: , oh well.
I guess some things are meant to happen that we just cant change.:frown2:

Some see consoles, both portable and stationary as being sides you have to affiliate yourselves with. Gamers see consoles as tools, tools for playing games. My PSP is a tool that lets me play a lot of those cartrige based games i have stashed in a box in storage. It lets me play some of the best games the industry has to offer since the 1980s and play them where ever I go, even if those games no longer exist or can be found. I dont care what brand it is, i only care about what it can do. In this case, the PSP like the PS3 is an open source piece of technology in which users can create their own software for the hardware. Its a tool for entertainment nothing more, nothing less.
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BrandonMcAuslan said:
Anyway I'm interested in the whole "10 year cycle" thing. Think back 10 years ago. What did games look like? Would you be happy still playing ps1 games?
I still play PSX games :smilewinkgrin:
Jonny said:
because everytime i see u guys post your always argueing
but if u say u hate only the fanboys, then i take everything back for u and u only, just some of the things u guys say makes me feel like your biased with nintendo

So you have a problem with fanboys? Deal with it. I support Nintendo and I respect Microsoft. I don't like sony and I don't think the p$3 is a good product. Thats my decision to make and not you or anyone else is going to make me feel bad for my decision. Instead of making immature and idiotic insults towards other members and myself why don't you just simply say what you have to say in defense of the system. Oh yeah thats right you have no points. At least Shift can say something related to the p$3 once in a while.
MasterJedi2U said:
So you have a problem with fanboys? Deal with it. I support Nintendo and I respect Microsoft. I don't like sony and I don't think the p$3 is a good product. Thats my decision to make and not you or anyone else is going to make me feel bad for my decision. Instead of making immature and idiotic insults towards other members and myself why don't you just simply say what you have to say in defense of the system. Oh yeah thats right you have no points. At least Shift can say something related to the p$3 once in a while.

this is my way of dealing with it.
theres no need for me to defend anything if u dont even give facts in ur posts.. and even if u did, ur so arrogant that theres no point argueing with u cos u always seem to think your right.
please theres no need to sook even more, u already told me u dobbed on me to the mods, y dnt u just sit back and hope i get banned. lol

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