Sony Strikes Back

Just imagine it though...Pokemon Playstation! You can kill Pokemon as a bounty hunter! Watch the blood, guts, and gore spill out with awesome detailed graphics! The sound would be incredible. And you could have trophies in your Home house to show to other friends or "homies" when they're on Playstation Home! Seriously though Pokemone would be SO radically different if it was on Playstation.

As for Jerrod I think there are better reasons not to get a p$3 but Pokemon iss not one of em. But thats STILL a valid opinion. Just a kinda wierd one.
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First let me just say that I've owned a NES, SNES, Genesis, PS1, and PS2. I now own a Wii. I'm not a fanboy of any system or company, nor do I dislike any company. I think they all have their strong and weak points, I think they all appeal to some people. I think all 3 current systems are good.

With that said, I picked the Wii this gen over the 360 and PS3. Why? Price was a large part of it. The fun of the gameplay and the fact that my wife would like it too came into play. Also, I'm not going to play enough to get the worth of a really expensive system. I'm not going to log extremely long hours online nor am I going to be using a lot of multimedia on the system. That's just where I am now in my life and my own personal needs and usage.

As far as that interview goes - what do you expect the guy to say? That Sony is getting its butt kicked right now? That they are taking hits from both the underdog and the newest player in the market? He isn't going to say that. The fact is the PS3 isn't selling well because of its price, plain and simple. I believe the system is far, far ahead of its time. I really think Sony put too much tech in there. In 3-5 years it will have standard tech, but right now it is just a little too much.

I've played all 3 systems. I think the 360 and PS3 have awesome graphics. Resistance looks amazing. The video for GTA IV looks incredible. That being said, there is still a large contigent of people who don't own a HDTV, don't need a multimedia system, and aren't going to buy something simply because it is cool technology. The PS2 had a DVD player, but let's face it, you could play those on any TV in existence at that time. It also cost $300. When I bought mine I remember thinking that it was about the ceiling for me buying a gaming system. 360 gives you a choice on whether you want a hi-def DVD drive. If you don't want the DVD drive at the moment or ever you don't have to pay for it. With the PS3 there is no choice. You have to buy it. They can say that you are getting a deal, but the fact is they are bundling something in there without giving you a choice other than the choice of whether to buy or not. People are making that choice. Sony wants to tell you that you need this or that. You don't need it, it is a choice, a want. If you want it, cool. If you don't, cool.

The fact is the PS3 will be fine over the course of time. When MGS and GTA come out the system will sale. But, it will not sale like the PS2, or even the PS1. There is too much competition. The 360 is not the Dreamcast. The Wii is not the Gamecube. And the PS3 is too far ahead of the non-tech crowd. As far as the PS3 catching up over time, by 2009 or so when it will realistically be more on level with the current tech, Microsoft will be getting close to delivering its next system, and Nintendo will be well on their way to delivering its next system. There is no denying that the PS2 wasn't the most powerful of last gen, but that wasn't the point. It wasn't waiting around for years before trying to pull in gamers. It got gamers early in its life. It's still a great system, but it is clearly out of date. The strategy of trying to clean up on the back end is flawed because the graphics, the power, the whole package will be out of date by then and the competition will be releasing the next version of their stuff.

The PS3 is a great system, but Sony made a few mistakes and went a little too far this time and it will hurt them. The PS3 isn't going to crash and burn or anything, but I think they end up at least second behind the 360 this gen. To me Sony is going against some of what worked for them before with the PS1 and 2. Not a smart move. It's a shame that they take potshots at Nintendo. Nintendo has made a few mistakes of their own and the Wii isn't the greatest thing ever, but the GCN it is not. Ninty had done a lot of things right and the Wii isn't going to slink off into the night just yet. The system is extremely popular and is getting 3rd party support that the GCN envies. Sony needs to recognize the threat that Ninty is, at least right now. There is no doubt that Nintendo has had an effect on the sales of the PS3.
No problem just letting you know. Nice analysis though. You could easily be right about the p$3 being fine over the long run but its not a guarantee and if thats what sony thinks then they need to take a long look around them.
Well, they will have some great games coming. Also, there will come a day when HD is more of a standard and if Blue-Ray is doing well the PS3 will sell better. But, the problem is Sony is falling behind now. They will catch up some later, but I don't see them ever catching the 360. It's almost as good graphically, has the best online system, give you choices, and is cheaper sans HDDVD drive. You are correct when you say that Sony needs to admit to themselves that they have made a few mistakes and that the competition is for real this gen. They have to admit that the PS3 isn't the PS2. They seem to think that because they dominated last gen they will continue this gen. Nintendo knows better than anyone that the previous gen means nothing.
i still dont see why people keep talking about the next gen war. nintendo isnt even part of it. people just keep putting it in there. nintendo isnt trying to beat the ps3 or xbox 360 it is just providing entertainment. ps3 is competing with the xbox. people can say that wii is for kids just because of the games. but if thats the case then the ps3 is for nobodies (since it doesnt have many games) dont start that stupid fanboy stuff im just making a point. plus if you do it anyway ill just skip it.
Can someone close this thread? 3/5 of the pages so far are Shift yapping. There is a such thing as flooding. It looks like he keeps repeating the same 4 paragraphs, then throws in a final insult paragraph to anyone who questions him. From Shift we get, "The View (TV show where people yap about nothing for hours)."
i think ssbb masterjedi and hotpotato should trade wii numbers and have a little wii party then screw each other up the a*s

while screaming ohhh we hate sony while orgasming, u guys take fanboyism to a new level

As for the interview i think its good that they're planning on putting different region ps2 games up for download even if its at a small price i think its still worth it. Japan have had a lot of good games exclusive to japan only - Rival Schools being one of my favourites which was never released in Aus.

I think in 10 years time ps3 wont be around anymore, it'll be one of those old consoles that sit in your cupboard and collect dust, but i guess some would still use it as a dvd/blu-ray player(if blu-ray is successful to say) only if the laser still reads the cds.
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Robertking1123 said:
i still dont see why people keep talking about the next gen war. nintendo isnt even part of it. people just keep putting it in there. nintendo isnt trying to beat the ps3 or xbox 360 it is just providing entertainment. ps3 is competing with the xbox. people can say that wii is for kids just because of the games. but if thats the case then the ps3 is for nobodies (since it doesnt have many games) dont start that stupid fanboy stuff im just making a point. plus if you do it anyway ill just skip it.
Your right there not in the War, there jsut by them self's and kicking the other 2 systems asses in sells they have sold over 6 million Wii's in just 6 months while the 360 have been out for 18 months and has sold 12 million meaning at this rate by next June the wii will have caught up to the 360 thats pretty bad.
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JerrodDRagon said:
Your right there not in the War, there jsut by them self's and kicking the other 2 systems asses in sells they have sold over 6 million Wii's in just 6 months while the 360 have been out for 18 months and has sold 12 million meaning at this rate by next June the wii will have caught up to the 360 thats pretty bad.

I dont really think thats bad at all. Lets look at it like this: Cheap affordable price + wide target audience + brand thats been around since the 80's. No matter how you look at it, general economics states the cheaper system will be more popular, especially if there is high demand and little supply. It doesnt hurt anyone to buy a wii, its not really an investment. And thats a good thing.

This also means its a great system to buy along side another gaming system. Many gamers do not stick to just one system. So really the war is between PS3 and 360. Nintendo Wii is not even part of that war, its the only thing like it on the market and its cheap. So no matter how many units the wii sells, its not kicking anyones butts because its in a whole different ball game.
Shiftfallout said:
I dont really think thats bad at all. Lets look at it like this: Cheap affordable price + wide target audience + brand thats been around since the 80's. No matter how you look at it, general economics states the cheaper system will be more popular, especially if there is high demand and little supply. It doesnt hurt anyone to buy a wii, its not really an investment. And thats a good thing.

This also means its a great system to buy along side another gaming system. Many gamers do not stick to just one system. So really the war is between PS3 and 360. Nintendo Wii is not even part of that war, its the only thing like it on the market and its cheap. So no matter how many units the wii sells, its not kicking anyones butts because its in a whole different ball game.

please dont start trippin. im just point some **** out. adding if you will.
its funny though this time last time when nintendo wasnt even in the last "next gen war" when it was xbox, ps2 and gamecube. people where doing the same stuff. im sure fanboys hated that ****. ps2 dominated that time period. i wonder if sony sucked then? nintendo then make some decent hardware that "innovative" and starts to sell more than sony and it starts all over again. "wii is gonna win the war" what war? you know its like the war we are having. iraq vs the usa and some dumbass hollerin china will win the war!!? its stupid.
Robertking1123 said:
you know its like the war we are having. iraq vs the usa and some dumbass hollerin china will win the war!!? its stupid.

Iraq vs USA :eek:ut:

This is the kind of statement that gives Americans a bad reputation for commenting on world events.
BrandonMcAuslan said:
Iraq vs USA :eek:ut:

This is the kind of statement that gives Americans a bad reputation for commenting on world events.

are we not fighting a war in iraq? is it over? did i miss something?:frown2:
you dont see me sayin that scotland is full of fruity people for wearing dresses. (kilts) so dont try to insult me when you know damn well what i am talking about.:nono:

your not even..........:sleep: ......... worth it........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
psp and ds are in the same zone.GAMING and the ds is much better i see the same forcast for the wii in the console market

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