Sony Strikes Back

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Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
psp and ds are in the same zone.GAMING and the ds is much better i see the same forcast for the wii in the console market

I wouldnt confuse the portable gaming systems with their console counterparts.

They are not the same. Portable gaming and home entertainment.

Nintendo has long since been the rulers of portable gaming with the gameboy. The PSP is sonys first attempt at rivaling nintendo in that market. So far, the PSP has been the most successful yet in history when fighting for that market. It so far has sold 25 million units at a cost thats the price of the Wii. Thats pretty dang good. Now the PSP is getting a price cut.

As for gaming, its all a matter of opinion, but my personal feelings are that the PSP is a much better system. Its game line up includes all ps1 games and psp games, which make it extensive and graphically appealing. It also serves as a means to play all those favorite nes, snes, gb, gba, some N64, sega, mame, atari, and homebrew games. Also functioning as a good system to watch movies, browse the internet and can be used as a portable usb memory device. Also the first portable to really use an analog stick. I would say the PSP is amazing for what it can do, and its marketed towards an older audience as well.
Shiftfallout said:
I wouldnt confuse the portable gaming systems with their console counterparts.

They are not the same. Portable gaming and home entertainment.
That's what I was arguing when Tretton said something along the lines of, "Well look at the PS2 and PSP, they were successful, so of course the PS3 will follow the same road..." Just because a console's predecessors did well, doesn't mean it will do well; such has been the case for many companies, look how many are left now.
Shiftfallout said:
Nintendo has long since been the rulers of portable gaming with the gameboy. The PSP is sonys first attempt at rivaling nintendo in that market. So far, the PSP has been the most successful yet in history when fighting for that market. It so far has sold 25 million units at a cost thats the price of the Wii. Thats pretty dang good. Now the PSP is getting a price cut.
Well of course they were, and are (IMO), the rulers, they've been around for 5 generations of gameboys before the PSP came around. But, the PSP has been around much longer than the Wii, PLUS it's in a totally different aspect of gaming; the portable market. So while you might buy a Wii, you could still buy a PSP while buying a Wii; but, it's not as much as a load as having say a Wii and a 360/PS3. You can't take your Wii to the doctor's office, if you could doctor's would be a hell of a lot richer.

The PSP is doing very well for its age; then again it's very understandable. It's Sony's 1st attempt at a portable system, people had to see it for their own eyes, kind of like the wiimote and the Wii. Plus it had things that previous GB's never had; things other then gaming (music, etc., etc.).
Shiftfallout said:
As for gaming, its all a matter of opinion, but my personal feelings are that the PSP is a much better system. Its game line up includes all ps1 games and psp games, which make it extensive and graphically appealing. It also serves as a means to play all those favorite nes, snes, gb, gba, some N64, sega, mame, atari, and homebrew games. Also functioning as a good system to watch movies, browse the internet and can be used as a portable usb memory device. Also the first portable to really use an analog stick. I would say the PSP is amazing for what it can do, and its marketed towards an older audience as well.
...hmm, sweet. :lol: I don't know a lot about the PSP, so I can't debate with you on that, but I just learned a lot. :/ With a price cut, that's gonna be some mean competition.
Um cheaper doesn't necessarily mean most popular. Look at Game Cube. That was cheap and it also sucked and was unpopular.
ssbb_lover said:
And I prove my point. :)

that didnt prove your point. if i know a price drop is coming tomorrow (not that it is but soon) it wouldnt make sense to buy it today. that is just as shift would put it illogical captain. lol. if i had known it sooner i would have considered buying one then. but dont mean i would really go do it. just consider it. :ihih: <<<<what the hell is this any way?
David328ci said:
Um cheaper doesn't necessarily mean most popular. Look at Game Cube. That was cheap and it also sucked and was unpopular.
But it started out cheap; PSP is getting a price cut. It's got $300 worth of junk on there and it's going to be reduced to probably $ for the Wii, it's cheap....compared to the other consoles. It's not cheap, the gamecube was $100, the Wii is $250. Big price jump.
Jonny said:
i think ssbb masterjedi and hotpotato should trade wii numbers and have a little wii party then screw each other up the a*s

while screaming ohhh we hate sony while orgasming, u guys take fanboyism to a new level

HOLD FRIGGIN UP! What is this nonsense you are running on with. Shift i'm sorry but i will have to borrow a bit of your personality because i can not let this go....... Dude are you gay or just stupid because i'm thinking both are correct,right about now... Fanboyism? to another level? who are you? The gay dude from i love newyork? I can talk for myself and on the behalf of the others, all of us chat in an unbias way. I am trying to figure where you came from because you had nothing to do with this thread. Dude you need to keep your mouth shut because honestly only $h** is coming out of it
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hotpotato78 said:
HOLD FRIGGIN UP! What is this nonsense you are running on with. Shift i'm sorry but i will have to borrow a bit of your personality because i can not let this go....... Dude are you gay or just stupid because i'm thinking both are correct,right about now... Fanboyism? to another leve? who are you? The gay dude from i love newyork? I can claim for myself and the others, all of us chat in an unbias way? I am trying to figure where you came from because you had nothing to do with this thread. Dude you need to keep your mouth shut because honestly only $h** is coming out of it

hu hu hu. hey bevis? he said i love new york. he he yea he he new york. that show sucks.

really though its a funny as show to watch to see all those fake ass dudes. and the fake ass host (tiffany pollard)
Jonny said:
i think ssbb masterjedi and hotpotato should trade wii numbers and have a little wii party then screw each other up the a*s

while screaming ohhh we hate sony while orgasming, u guys take fanboyism to a new level

As for the interview i think its good that they're planning on putting different region ps2 games up for download even if its at a small price i think its still worth it. Japan have had a lot of good games exclusive to japan only - Rival Schools being one of my favourites which was never released in Aus.

I think in 10 years time ps3 wont be around anymore, it'll be one of those old consoles that sit in your cupboard and collect dust, but i guess some would still use it as a dvd/blu-ray player(if blu-ray is successful to say) only if the laser still reads the cds.
Sry guys, I tried to avoid it, but I truly have to respond to this asshole. This post was going way over the top

How the f***ing hell are we fanboys?! Master...sry dude, but you lean more towards fanboy (you appear that way), but me and hotpotato are in no where near the term "fanboy".

If all you think about is boys getting together and screwing each other with wiimotes, i'm sad for you. You truly should just shut up, you're so dumb I would go as far as to say Shift would defend MasterJedi2U.

If you want to debate, go right on ahead, but if you're just going to talk ****, get out now.

hotpotato78 said:
HOLD FRIGGIN UP! What is this nonsense you are running on with. Shift i'm sorry but i will have to borrow a bit of your personality because i can not let this go....... Dude are you gay or just stupid because i'm thinking both are correct,right about now... Fanboyism? to another level? who are you? The gay dude from i love newyork? I can talk for myself and on the behalf of the others, all of us chat in an unbias way? I am trying to figure where you came from because you had nothing to do with this thread. Dude you need to keep your mouth shut because honestly only $h** is coming out of it
Damnit, beat me to the punch...and kick...and stab...
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  • #101
Robertking1123 said:
playin a portable mame nes snes. i might buy one. after the price drop of course. lol


As the first official price cut for Sony's handheld device, the core PSP package has been slashed by $30 to an MSRP of $169.99.

PS: Yeah SSBB is far far far from being a fanboy.
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Shiftfallout said:
This also means its a great system to buy along side another gaming system. Many gamers do not stick to just one system. So really the war is between PS3 and 360. Nintendo Wii is not even part of that war, its the only thing like it on the market and its cheap. So no matter how many units the wii sells, its not kicking anyones butts because its in a whole different ball game.

I heard somebody else made a statement close to this and i disagreed with them and i will tell you why i do... You could be meaning good or bad by this. but last time i check nintendo is a gaming company so that means they are in the race. Each of those 3 companys have different specialities. mircosoft is a computers. Sony specialize in Electronic and nintendo is strickly gaming. But even though they all have specialities, they still are each others competetion and they can break or make the other. So stop saying that the wii is not in the same ball game. the developers will choice between those three, which cases them to be in the same race, regardless of who has a fancy controller or high graphics or good internet support... so that's my only problem with that mainly. it is their competetior. But i do agree that is a good system to buy along with the others but it can also be vice versa. think about it.
Not Kiddy!

hotpotato78 said:
My thing is right, why does everybody feels like you have to be in your mid 20's to be a hardcore gamer..i will have to read that piece by piece shift, that is very long. lmao He basically said nintendo was kiddie though lmao If the ds stored music and movies, adults would play it just as much......... i think sony needs to get real because they only target the older people. how could you be surprise to see a kid with a psp. IT'S A GAME FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.
the thing that rlly annoys me is him calling Nintendo kiddie. just becuz it does hav a large 10nd under consumer base many teens and adults can enjoy it just as much. this guy is the only hater here. its that kind of talk that will turn older buyers away from a system. this is what will make my parents tell me "thats 2 kiddy". Shameful sony.

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