Sony Strikes Back

Nope I didn't just sit back. I took action and I'm waiting to see the results of that action. I frankly hope you just learn to be a more accepting person. Not everyone has to agree with. Not everyone that opposes you has to be "gay". Nor am I arrogant or anything akin to that. I simply have my opinion and I'm sticking to it. The playstation has a lot of interesting and possibly great features to someone like you. But for me it represents a clusterf*ck of items that I don't need because I already have them or they're just not useful to me at this point.
i know u didnt just sit back, i said u already had told me that u dobbed on me to the mods, why dont u just sick back and hope i get banned now. I know not everybody has to agree with everything, but the way you comment on things is just harsh and sometimes stupid, ps3 may not interest u but your in these forums all day long argueing with that shift guy about how crap the ps3 is.
and as for the "At least Shift can say something related to the p$3 once in a while." comment, dont even bother trying to get that guy side with u against me, his posts are so long i dont even read them
LOL I'm the last person on the Earth shift would side with so trust and believe when I say that I did not write that to try and curry favor with the kid. It was more just to say if you're going to attack people why not at least say something to back up sony. Nor do I spend, "all day arguing with shift". Its more like I spend half my dad responding to his comments or others in the p$3 forum and I spend the other half discussing the Wii and 360 with other members in the other parts of the forum.

P.S. I agree that some of shifts post are really long, epic stories.
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MasterJedi2U said:
LOL I'm the last person on the Earth shift would side with so trust and believe when I say that I did not write that to try and curry favor with the kid. It was more just to say if you're going to attack people why not at least say something to back up sony. Nor do I spend, "all day arguing with shift". Its more like I spend half my dad responding to his comments or others in the p$3 forum and I spend the other half discussing the Wii and 360 with other members in the other parts of the forum.

P.S. I agree that some of shifts post are really long, epic stories.

i know shift wont side with u, u two hate each other.. but i just meant if your trying to.. u know what i mean... nvm then

im not really defending sony at all, i was never a big fan of sony and ps3 was the first playstation i ever owned, resistance graphics isn't as good compared to gears of war, the only good thing i like about it is the online, story mode got repetitive and makes u feel dizzy. When i said 'all day' i meant it in a ... jesus i cant explain something like that my vocab just aint big enough mate sorry ull understand what i meant one day.
Robertking1123 said:
are we not fighting a war in iraq? is it over? did i miss something?:frown2:
you dont see me sayin that scotland is full of fruity people for wearing dresses. (kilts) so dont try to insult me when you know damn well what i am talking about.:nono:

your not even..........:sleep: ......... worth it........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Am I the only one who thinks that maybe there is something wrong when you start comparing your computer games consoles to an armed conflict where people are actually still fighting and dying!?

Also as for USA vs Iraq - I thought the US was trying to LIBERATE Iraq? Are we actually at WAR with iraq - No, war has not been officially declared. Troops are "peace keeping" and its not USA "vs" IRAQ - we are supposed to be "helping" iraq... (By stealing all of its oil it seems).

Anyway to get back on topic...
The PSP may be aimed at 20 - somethings but I found the games to be (1) rubbish (2) aimed at immature teenage boys... So what if the psp has some semi-"grown-up" titles? The DS has games for all ages. I know a guy whos nearly 40 - never played computer games - who owns a DS and plays 42 all time classics.
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sagema said:
Shift please stop linking SNES games on the PSP. What are you telling us? You hate the PSP games like MGS so much you'd rather show off SNES? I didn't buy a Wii to play PS1 games. So I think it's a waste to buy a $250, now $170 PSP to play illegal mods of games, you can get at a much higher resolution on your computer with... Game Genie on ZSNES.

1 Youtube video is enough, but you have several up. Get a computer or buy some real PSP games like Ace of Combat.

Now that sounds like a ****ing hater. its ok to have the roms on pc, but put it on the psp and its a crime. two faced ass ****. so is it ok when you make that disk that lets you play old games on the gamecube? which could be used on the wii. since it plays those games. i guess thats ok cause it nintendo's? trying to ***** about illegal roms like you are the perfect citizen.
BrandonMcAuslan said:
Am I the only one who thinks that maybe there is something wrong when you start comparing your computer games consoles to an armed conflict where people are actually still fighting and dying!?

no i was just making a point. you you dont get it, you dont get it.

BrandonMcAuslan said:
Also as for USA vs Iraq - I thought the US was trying to LIBERATE Iraq? Are we actually at WAR with iraq - No, war has not been officially declared. Troops are "peace keeping" and its not USA "vs" IRAQ - we are supposed to be "helping" iraq... (By stealing all of its oil it seems).

so when 9-11 happened, we went over there "looking for oil??" plus saddam getting hung. still no bin ladin. people dying? sounds like war to me. if we where there to help then why does it take 7 years to "help" people?

BrandonMcAuslan said:
Anyway to get back on topic...
The PSP may be aimed at 20 - somethings but I found the games to be (1) rubbish (2) aimed at immature teenage boys... So what if the psp has some semi-"grown-up" titles? The DS has games for all ages. I know a guy whos nearly 40 - never played computer games - who owns a DS and plays 42 all time classics.

wont even address this
Jonny said:
please tell me how i lean more towards fanboy? i'd like to know thanks.
and please tell me why i'm so dumb?
Don't be stupid. I didn't say you lean more towards fanboy, read the post you just quoted, I didn't say YOU lean more towards a fanboy, though I think that now because of all this crap. Every try that? READING the post? And why the hell do you think I called you dumb, because you started your post off by calling three members gay ninty fanboys and then went into detail. That, sir, is stupidity at the uttermost highest level.
this is exactly what im talking about, ur a fanboy who just points his finger everywhere calling everybody else fanboy for no freakin reason at all. and then u call me dumb without giving a reason, everything u say has no reasoning u just make it up and ur little friends agree with you, then u agree with them and u think your the king of this forum or something
Loser, I never called you a fanboy. In fact, I PM'd hotpotato and said "he actually would have sounded smart if not for the bullshit at the beginning." I can copy and paste the PM right now if you want me to.

Tell me how i'm a fanboy show even 1, single post where i'm bashing the PS3/360 ANYWHERE. Just try; but I know you won't because you know that you're just spouting out crap that's not true.

Did I honestly need to give a reason? It was so apparent that a blind person would have noticed it; but just so you're happy I already put a reason in my 1st paragraph.

Everything I say is based on FACTS that I KNOW you imbecile. Did you not see when Shift was listing all those facts about the PSP and how it will become great competition for all consoles, I said, "wow...sweet. I DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT THE PSP SO I CAN'T DEBATE WITH YOU ON THAT; BUT YOU SURE DID JUST LIST A LOT OF REASON FOR ME TO BUY IT"

If you praise Shift as your god, then see what he has to say. He already said i'm not a fanboy at all, and i've already expressed my opinions about hotpotato78 and MasterJedi2U.

Think before your post, it's a helpful technique when you want to, you know, sound intelligent.
sorry mate my bad, i refer to masterjedi as jedi, u reffered to him as master, so it didnt click to me. and i read all this at work while alt tabbing every few seconds so i dont get caught during work, so i miss words here n there sometimes, thats why half my posts are all edited, my bad.

i dont praise shift as my god.. lol i dont even read his posts.

if your not a fanboy then ill take that back, but after reading some of your posts it made it seem to me that u, hotpotato, and jedi team up in other threads to bash on certain products. If its not like that then forget what i said.
Jonny said:
sorry mate my bad, i refer to masterjedi as jedi, u reffered to him as master, so it didnt click to me. and i read all this at work while alt tabbing every few seconds so i dont get caught during work, so i miss words here n there sometimes, thats why half my posts are all edited, my bad.

i dont praise shift as my god.. lol i dont even read his posts.

if your not a fanboy then ill take that back, but after reading some of your posts it made it seem to me that u, hotpotato, and jedi team up in other threads to bash on certain products. If its not like that then forget what i said.

Jonny i wont lie to you but there was no excuse nor reason possible for what you did. It was done out of immaturity... We don't plan to be in the same thread. Sometimes we just end up there and usually there always be someone talking garbage.. But hey I no i am not a fanboy, plus i don't call myself one..... But all three of us could talk for each other. I never go around bashing anything. But dude you surely did make your self an enemy because of this. Even though i'm cool now but dude you cross some serious borders that wasn't meant to cross.. The way you use fanboy , is the same reason we say it is over used.
Jonny said:
sorry mate my bad, i refer to masterjedi as jedi, u reffered to him as master, so it didnt click to me. and i read all this at work while alt tabbing every few seconds so i dont get caught during work, so i miss words here n there sometimes, thats why half my posts are all edited, my bad.

i dont praise shift as my god.. lol i dont even read his posts.

if your not a fanboy then ill take that back, but after reading some of your posts it made it seem to me that u, hotpotato, and jedi team up in other threads to bash on certain products. If its not like that then forget what i said.
Actually it's more like this. MasterJedi2U posts, Shift debates him (or vice versa) and me potato are just somewhere in the mix. :/

The only reason I said that is because I was exaggerating out of frustration, but it's just that you don't pick him out, but you did us three....

And no, us three don't gang up and bash on other products. :lol:
I agree the Ps3 is a heck of a good deal but I really don't wan't Blu ray shoved down my throat because I still don't see nothing wrong with DVD's and I Like my regular TV the way it is and I am not ready and can't afford to upgrade to a HDTV......but in 4-5 years time i will seriously consider getting a HDTV and by then wii2 or xbox1000 will be out and i will want the new one not the old ps3.
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markmanuel18 said:
I agree the Ps3 is a heck of a good deal but I really don't wan't Blu ray shoved down my throat because I still don't see nothing wrong with DVD's and I Like my regular TV the way it is and I am not ready and can't afford to upgrade to a HDTV......but in 4-5 years time i will seriously consider getting a HDTV and by then wii2 or xbox1000 will be out and i will want the new one not the old ps3.

How is blue ray shoved down your throat? If you dont want blue ray then the system is probably not the right system for you. No one forces you to want a console. I could say, "the wii is one heck of a system, but why do they shove using the wiimote down my throat? I just want a regular controler and no wiisports". Each product is packaged in a way where you want what it has or you dont. If you get a bag of trail mix (food) and love everything in it except for the raisins.. then are you going to complain that the company making the trail mix is shoving the raisins down your throat? No you either buy the bag of snacks and dont eat the raisins or you dont buy it and get another snack.

Regular DVDs hold 4.7 gigabytes. We are at that cross roads where we need a bit more than 4.7 gigs. Probably not the 50gigs sony is offering but thats intended for the long term approach. But we do need more than 4.7 for next gen gaming. HD tvs are becoming more and more common, to make up for this, more HD friendly disks are needed to become more common. DVDs dont help those with HD tvs.

If you are turned off by the PS3 then its clear you are not who they are marketing the product too. Thats all, its just that simple.

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