Sony Strikes Back

David328ci said:
I read the first post of the article and could not bear to read the whole thing. I have never seen such a display of unabashed misplaced optimism. The things that that guy from Sony says has SO MUCH misinformation it's insane. Of course, he's going to try to give PSP a positive spin, but this guy has his head in the sand. He's even worse than the trolling Sony fanboys on the internet. An article like that doesn't amount to Sony "striking back". It's more like damage control.
Let's see, who knows more about the future of the PS3? Some guy, or the President/CEO of Sony America....?
Shiftfallout said:
My god.. the pot is calling the kettle black.

And to think, all this time you have been talking about the DS as if you owned one.

Besides you when have I EVER been mean to someone on this forum for being a supporter of any system? Can anyone answer this question? The ONLY time I blast people is 1) IF they have made a useless and often times repeated thread. This is includes stupid **** that we all know about. And 2) IF they have made a thread that contains stupid spam. I haven't said a single negative thing to someone who supports Nintendo, Microsoft or sony, besides YOU. You unfortunately are not everyone as much as youd like to think so. So no its not the "kettle calling the pot black". Its me being honest. sony fanboys are arrogant, rude, and generally mean to EVERYBODY. Me? I just want to sit back, enjoy my games, and have discussion on different topics without you barging in and screaming your head off for no reason.

And what do you mean by the DS comment? NO WHERE have I said I OWNED a DS. Ask ANYBODY on this forum. I have 3 brothers. The youngest is dying to own one. SO I'm THINKING about getting one for his BDAY. What is so hard to understand about that? I dare you to even find ONE post I've made where I specfically said I own a DS.
Shiftfallout said:
Trolls can be existing members of a community that rarely post and often contribute no useful information to the thread, but instead make argumentative posts in an attempt to discredit another person, more often than not based on what they thought was said rather than what was actually said by the other person, with the intent of provoking a reaction from others.

Thread Crapping" occurs when a person comes into a thread and posts something contrary to the spirit/intent of the thread, often derailing the discussion or turning it into an argument.

For example, coming into a thread about "The Greatest Beatles Album" and posting "The Beatles were overrated" is a thread crap. Another example: In a thread titled "I love my new Apple Macintosh!", someone posting "PCs are better and cheaper" is a thread crap. Master2Jedi is the king at this.
Trolls crap a lot.

And for the record I'm not a troll you arrogant piece of ****. I go to a thread I read the piece and if I like what its saying I agree. IF I don't agree I state my mind WITHOUT attacking the person who made the post. Continue to try and make me look like something I'm not. Its not gonna work. I've already talked with plenty of people who agree with me and know that I'm not flaming or any of those words you overuse to try and silence people who don't agree with everything you say.
Shiftfallout said:
Reading is awsome. I would pick a good book over a game any day, the bigger the book the better. But thats just the difference between you and I.

I made the questions in bold, so there was no need to read it all if you wanted to see how the guy responded to a specific question. I know you are here to support your fellow wiifriends, but its getting a bit rediculous at this point. I come under attack by these same people on a daily basis, nothing new ever changes. Its always, omg my eyes bleed, or you nintendo hater this, or change my daiper that.. Its getting old.

It's good that you read and what ever but i could less about that first part.

NOW this is where you are getting on my nerves... "wiifriends" Who do you take me for..... 1) dont ever mix me up for every and anybody because i am here on this forum to spread what i know and to learn from others and what have you. But don't you ever come on to me like that, talking about me as if you know me. I am here because i want to be here, not because of nintendo fans. I don't agree with everything people say and if i do i let them no why.... I am here to have discussions and debates in a civil manner not for friends. It just so happen that while being on the site i like how some people keep it real and e become friends. But the minute Byuakuya or masterjedi2u or a random taco and the others say something that i dont agree with i will let them no. I dont want you be thinking that i am here for any nintendo fan because i stck up for everybody when the time is right. And you know why people attack you. When you make statements like that, that makes people think you are a nintendo hater. From this seem thread you posted i said nothing dissing the ps3. Letting you know that i'm here to make friends with anybody who keeps it real in a mature manner.. If you give a nicer approach people won't attack you.

You of all people need to learn how to shut up and leave certain things alone and stop with the primary school games. " you kick my dog, I kill your cat" Be mature about certain situations and stop anwswering every FRIGGIN thing people may say at you.
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ssbb_lover said:
Let's see, who knows more about the future of the PS3? Some guy, or the President/CEO of Sony America....?

In this case you should listen "some guy" because the President/CEO is never going to say "I screwed hard. Certain products that I am selling are doing terrible, and their success is directly related to my future employment at this job." :ciappa:

I mean come on LOOK AT what he is saying about other systems compared to the PSP and the PS3. He makes it seem like Sony game systems are untouchable. That couldn't be further from the truth.
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MasterJedi2U said:
Besides you when have I EVER been mean to someone on this forum for being a supporter of any system? Can anyone answer this question? The ONLY time I blast people is 1) IF they have made a useless and often times repeated thread. This is includes stupid **** that we all know about. And 2) IF they have made a thread that contains stupid spam. I haven't said a single negative thing to someone who supports Nintendo, Microsoft or sony, besides YOU. You unfortunately are not everyone as much as youd like to think so. So no its not the "kettle calling the pot black". Its me being honest. sony fanboys are arrogant, rude, and generally mean to EVERYBODY. Me? I just want to sit back, enjoy my games, and have discussion on different topics without you barging in and screaming your head off for no reason.
MasterJedi2U said:
And for the record I'm not a troll you arrogant piece of ****. I go to a thread I read the piece and if I like what its saying I agree. IF I don't agree I state my mind WITHOUT attacking the person who made the post. Continue to try and make me look like something I'm not. Its not gonna work. I've already talked with plenty of people who agree with me and know that I'm not flaming or any of those words you overuse to try and silence people who don't agree with everything you say.

Emotional much? :ihih:
Ok you brought this upon yourself. You call people what you are yourself.
Let me quote some of your recent "friendly posts". You have more than i can count.

Someone asked about how much they think the wii makes you respond with
MasterJedi2U said:
Oh My God....:frown2:

What will the next noob post seriously you guys I'm about to hurl...

Lets look at more shall we?

MasterJedi2U said:
21 ***** and are you actually condoning this crap? I mean really? He answered his own question basically. And its not like he couldn't search (either on this forum or 1 min on google). Besides the fact that almost everyone in the gaming industry knows that Nintendo is making a little profit off every Wii sold. So yeah I was ass to him. Are you going to reach across the internet and strangle me? Lol...please get real. This **** is beyond ridiculous.

Oh and heres a bunch of other lovely things you reply to people with:
Are you a dumbass retard who isn't capable of making a real post?.... You really are a clueless fool.... **** off you dumbass piece of ****.... 21 ***** and are you actually condoning this crap.... Damn are you suffering from PMS? I'm sick and tired of your negativity....Are you really that dense?... Frankly I'm tired of hearing about Israel and the Jews. I'm tired of America supporting them....
Some people are insecure...others are a$$holes......I can choose to believe shift doesn't have a Wii if I want to.... Good thing your opinion doesn't count for much huh?.... Lol first off you're a vagina. 2nd of all I simple stated the facts..... You're an idiot then.... I'm also an a$$hole and have low tolerance for idiots...
The original poster is both a liar and a loser...please get off this forum... Keep lying to yourself dumas....
Thats cuz ur either stubborn or stupid....

Thats just a what a few clicks through your history shows. You are the largest hypocrite i have ever seen on these boards. You whine about others while you do it yourself. 70% of your post are negative either at something or someone.

Lets look at this:

MasterJedi2U said:
I personally know that I try to post relevant things and discuss the issues rather than make up news or dumb posts that shouldn't be made.

Followed by

MasterJedi2U said:
This thread just keeps going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going.


MasterJedi2U said:
LOL...omg you are priceless kid. 1 in a million.

No, you thread crap alot! We cant forget your favorite FINGER to the mods comment:
MasterJedi2U said:
As for the mods and the rules of this forum they're broken by both wii fanboys and sony fanboys on a constant basis. Besides that there are numerous posts that either complete spam or bullshit fake news and yet the mods never seem to clamp down on those right away so until they start doing a decent job at "moderating" I'll continue to express my opinions the way I see fit. Now I'm done arguing with your old and bitter self.

Yeah. You look just peachy. Unfortunately you have been "mean" to people for making posts about another system. You call them idiots, losers, noobs. Telling them to get off the forums or stop posting.

You are calling me arrogant when one look at your posts says it all. You are a real funny guy. Yes, you are a hypocrite. I dont know how anyone can defend you.

And what do you mean by the DS comment? NO WHERE have I said I OWNED a DS. Ask ANYBODY on this forum. I have 3 brothers. The youngest is dying to own one. SO I'm THINKING about getting one for his BDAY. What is so hard to understand about that? I dare you to even find ONE post I've made where I specfically said I own a DS.

Whats so hard for you to understand that I never said you DID own one. READ. I said you talk as IF you did. Big difference there, champ.

Anyways. Enjoy.
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hotpotato78 said:
But the minute Byuakuya or masterjedi2u or a random taco and the others say something that i dont agree with i will let them no.
I have yet to see that. But that doesnt matter much really.

.. If you give a nicer approach people won't attack you.
I get attacked because i say one good thing about Sony and people have a fit. I get tired of these random snide remarks from Jedi kid. Theres nothing worse than a hypocrite with an ego.

You of all people need to learn how to shut up and leave certain things alone and stop with the primary school games. " you kick my dog, I kill your cat" Be mature about certain situations and stop anwswering every FRIGGIN thing people may say at you.

Welcome to the forums. Its pitch and hit. Someone pitches a remark you hit it back. I am being mature about this, but if you choose not to see it that way, then its up to you.

David328ci said:
In this case you should listen "some guy" because the President/CEO is never going to say "I screwed hard. Certain products that I am selling are doing terrible, and their success is directly related to my future employment at this job." :ciappa:

I mean come on LOOK AT what he is saying about other systems compared to the PSP and the PS3. He makes it seem like Sony game systems are untouchable. That couldn't be further from the truth.

Really, thats interesting, where does he really get into saying stuff in comparisions about the other systems that make them sound untouchable? Did you read the article. He actually had some good things to say about the competition. Further more, he barely gets into talking about the competition at all. The MOST you will find can be found in :

GP: Third-party games are switching alliances like crazy. Does this make first-party more important?

TRETTON: I think that if you put your fate in somebody else's hands, you're dependent on them buying into your message. We like a balance. Maybe it's not fair, but we look at our competition and Nintendo is almost solely dependent on first-party, and Microsoft is almost solely dependent on third-party. We like a mix of 75 to 25, where we take risks and lead with some flagship games, but third-party is still very important.

GP: What's up with Nintendo and the Wii? Do you see them as a competitor?

TRETTON: We've gone down a very different road from those guys since we've entered the gaming business, and I haven't seen our paths cross much over the last decade. If we're on divergent paths, it's probably more divergent now than it ever has been. The Wii is very different from the PS3 and the DS is very different from the PSP. I think we reach very different consumers. There may be a time when they start to cross over, but it won't be any time soon. We've carved out very different areas. I don't think any company wants to give up their high ground, but there's no debating that Sony is aimed more at more traditional console gamers and Nintendo is aimed at more casual, younger consumers.

I think you are just wanting to hate for the sake of hating. If you read the interview you would see its fairly neutral.
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No where in there is there ANYTHING about another system you dumbass. Like I said. Its about idiots who post GARBAGE. Yes I curse. Your point? Does that make me a bad person? Not at all. And I don't take back a SINGLE WORD you prick. Congrats on posting ANOTHER long post full of NOTHING.

PS I love how you're taking it out of context...idiot. Half of those posts were made by people who were trying to get attention and posted lies, fake information, or dumb stuff. You know that. I know that. Everyone knows that. I've NEVER said anything mean to someone else other than you because they like another system you retard. You just can't get that thru your head.

So try again to find a post where I'm mean to someone because they like a specific system. Besides you that is. And you know damn well that the "going and going" post was a joke you idiot. Just like I said it was a joke a few posts after. But it nice to see how you went thru the trouble of stalking me.
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Shiftfallout said:
I have yet to see that. But that doesnt matter much really.

So far i have done it with a random taco. Byuakuya is a nice dude, and we call each other brothers because we think alike. He doesn't defend one system he defends all and give many views. Like with masterjedi2u he can get a bit harsh but alot of the times i understand why he does it. But i dont have to say i disagree with him. All i have to do is post how i feel and what i know, and if it don't line up with his then it shows i disagree. And the other day when some one was on me for my language and grammar. He agreed with that person that i could type a bit better and that's what a friendship is all about. I help you improve and you help me.

I get attacked because i say one good thing about Sony and people have a fit. I get tired of these random snide remarks from Jedi kid. Theres nothing worse than a hypocrite with an ego.

But look at just now. Even though its a thread. that stuff is 5 post long on a disscussing with the ceo of SONY'S PS3. you are making yourself an easy target for people. and just for you answering back at someone, can cause an outside viewer to have bad views on you. Hey its how you come on to people and how you break things down to them will cause them like you or hate you.
There's a difference between " you are FAT" and " you look a bit solid than usually"

Welcome to the forums. Its pitch and hit. Someone pitches a remark you hit it back. I am being mature about this, but if you choose not to see it that way, then its up to you.

I'm not dumb, i know where this is. but what you said is not life. this is just like the real world but we can't see each other. You have to be you at all times. Who ever you are thats who you be on the forum. So you know what that mean. In real life you are faking to everyone and when on the interet you show your real self.
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i think that the ps3 sucks very much mostly because it does not have pokemon for it. pokemon is the best selling game ever it is the most fun game i have ever played and it is only for NINTENDO not ps3. ps3 are for little kids that cant play a strategic game like pokemon. pokemon is one of the hardest games and has the best graphics out there. pokemon was released in 1995 when i was 10 and i have bought every one about twice. i have currently 477 hours on my new diamond one and i have alomst gotten every pokemon. my favorite pokemon is charizard because hes a super fire dragon. i started off with charmander my first time ever playing and have loved him ever since. i think it is kind of weird thet in the show ash started off with a pikachu and in the game you cant start off with one. also how did he catch a pidgeotto right away. i know, its crazy hunh. but out of all of this i think the ps3 is for little kids and the nintendo is for older kids. pokemon has been with me all of my teenage years and i have put in about 6 hours a day. a lot of people get kind of jeolous of my pokemon but i just blow them off because i cant be seen with nerds. i have a reputation to keep. currently i am 5th in the world i battling but i think i will become first. i have been training a lot of dragon pokemon because i want to be a dragon tamer as my profession. i am from spain the country that created pokemon and i must say i am really proud of my heritage. i am trying to get a girlfriend right now but she isnt as easy to catch as a pokemon is. every one says i am going to be a dragon tamer when i am older and i get really excited. so this information changed your mind about the ps3 for sure. i hope you go get some nintendos i know you will
JerrodDRagon said:
i think that the ps3 sucks very much mostly because it does not have pokemon for it. pokemon is the best selling game ever it is the most fun game i have ever played and it is only for NINTENDO not ps3. ps3 are for little kids that cant play a strategic game like pokemon. pokemon is one of the hardest games and has the best graphics out there. pokemon was released in 1995 when i was 10 and i have bought every one about twice. i have currently 477 hours on my new diamond one and i have alomst gotten every pokemon. my favorite pokemon is charizard because hes a super fire dragon. i started off with charmander my first time ever playing and have loved him ever since. i think it is kind of weird thet in the show ash started off with a pikachu and in the game you cant start off with one. also how did he catch a pidgeotto right away. i know, its crazy hunh. but out of all of this i think the ps3 is for little kids and the nintendo is for older kids. pokemon has been with me all of my teenage years and i have put in about 6 hours a day. a lot of people get kind of jeolous of my pokemon but i just blow them off because i cant be seen with nerds. i have a reputation to keep. currently i am 5th in the world i battling but i think i will become first. i have been training a lot of dragon pokemon because i want to be a dragon tamer as my profession. i am from spain the country that created pokemon and i must say i am really proud of my heritage. i am trying to get a girlfriend right now but she isnt as easy to catch as a pokemon is. every one says i am going to be a dragon tamer when i am older and i get really excited. so this information changed your mind about the ps3 for sure. i hope you go get some nintendos i know you will

You're about to get smack down kid, a real good one. I would do it myself, but i'm making sigs, i'm just browsing the forums atm.

hotpotato78 said:
OH! lmao i will love to hear shifts response to this. LMAO i won't even say anything
Damnit, you beat me. :p
ssbb_lover said:

You're about to get smack down kid, a real good one. I would do it myself, but i'm making sigs, i'm just browsing the forums atm.


Damnit, you beat me. :p

Do it ssbb, DO it, do it do it lmao. Hey all i can say is OH and WHOA and OMG lol. I don't even wan to respond to that but i think we know who will
JerrodDRagon said:
i think that the ps3 sucks very much mostly because it does not have pokemon for it. pokemon is the best selling game ever it is the most fun game i have ever played and it is only for NINTENDO not ps3. ps3 are for little kids that cant play a strategic game like pokemon. pokemon is one of the hardest games and has the best graphics out there. pokemon was released in 1995 when i was 10 and i have bought every one about twice. i have currently 477 hours on my new diamond one and i have alomst gotten every pokemon. my favorite pokemon is charizard because hes a super fire dragon. i started off with charmander my first time ever playing and have loved him ever since. i think it is kind of weird thet in the show ash started off with a pikachu and in the game you cant start off with one. also how did he catch a pidgeotto right away. i know, its crazy hunh. but out of all of this i think the ps3 is for little kids and the nintendo is for older kids. pokemon has been with me all of my teenage years and i have put in about 6 hours a day. a lot of people get kind of jeolous of my pokemon but i just blow them off because i cant be seen with nerds. i have a reputation to keep. currently i am 5th in the world i battling but i think i will become first. i have been training a lot of dragon pokemon because i want to be a dragon tamer as my profession. i am from spain the country that created pokemon and i must say i am really proud of my heritage. i am trying to get a girlfriend right now but she isnt as easy to catch as a pokemon is. every one says i am going to be a dragon tamer when i am older and i get really excited. so this information changed your mind about the ps3 for sure. i hope you go get some nintendos i know you will

Lol! I love that... "i am trying to get a girlfriend right now but she isnt as easy to catch as a pokemon is"
JerrodDRagon said:
i think that the ps3 sucks very much mostly because it does not have pokemon for it. pokemon is the best selling game ever it is the most fun game i have ever played and it is only for NINTENDO not ps3. ps3 are for little kids that cant play a strategic game like pokemon. pokemon is one of the hardest games and has the best graphics out there. pokemon was released in 1995 when i was 10 and i have bought every one about twice. i have currently 477 hours on my new diamond one and i have alomst gotten every pokemon. my favorite pokemon is charizard because hes a super fire dragon. i started off with charmander my first time ever playing and have loved him ever since. i think it is kind of weird thet in the show ash started off with a pikachu and in the game you cant start off with one. also how did he catch a pidgeotto right away. i know, its crazy hunh. but out of all of this i think the ps3 is for little kids and the nintendo is for older kids. pokemon has been with me all of my teenage years and i have put in about 6 hours a day. a lot of people get kind of jeolous of my pokemon but i just blow them off because i cant be seen with nerds. i have a reputation to keep. currently i am 5th in the world i battling but i think i will become first. i have been training a lot of dragon pokemon because i want to be a dragon tamer as my profession. i am from spain the country that created pokemon and i must say i am really proud of my heritage. i am trying to get a girlfriend right now but she isnt as easy to catch as a pokemon is. every one says i am going to be a dragon tamer when i am older and i get really excited. so this information changed your mind about the ps3 for sure. i hope you go get some nintendos i know you will

LOL. i wasn't sure how seriously to take this... but hey sounds like your having fun with pokemon games.

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