Novocain Stain'd
Nice time to discuss
(I like reading your long posts, Shift, just so you know; they're interesting, unlike 80% of the bologna on this forum nowadays)
(When I say "he" I mean John Tretton, not Shift)
He's asked 1st, "Is there anything that will surprise about the PS3"; his answer is the mot simple possible, "it surprises me more every day..." C'mon Tretton, put some thought into it. So he starts talking about how he plays the games his own company makes for weeks on end (not that this is surprising, just the fact that his has no relevance to the question and his only answer is...well, just sorta stupid).
GP then asks "GP: How well do you think that message is getting out there? That the PS3 has more going on than just gaming?". Of course, this is what Sony is known for; adding extra gizmos where (int he case of the PS3) extra gizmos aren't needed. So, I would say the message is pretty clear to a lot of people that the PS3 has tons of extras, however many people are mis-lead into thinking that all of the extras turn the PS3 into a "over-priced hunk o' junk" which isn't true. The highlight of the paragraph to me is when he says...
"But I think we do the industry and the technology an injustice if we assume that all gamers care about is gaming and that they don't do anything else with their time."
....actually, most people distinguish the two things. They want to play games on their gaming-console, and they want to do all their other **** with machines that are designed for that particular stuff (DVD player, computer, MP3 Player, etc.). That's why so many people are pissed at Sony, because of that exact reason.
"Do you think the PS3 isn't getting good advertising, as well as too much bad advertising?" He replies hinting that Sony is the leader, the dominate company in gaming, how everyone is after them (which I agree, the PS2 was and still is a major success). This (IMO) disappointing follow up [the PS3] leads to tons of bad coverage, and not enough of the good. Honestly, how many Wii commercials have you seen....okay, now how many PS3 commercials have you seen? Think of the good-to-bad ratio of articles for the the PS3. Sony is definitely, I think, getting spat on more than they really should.
When he's asked about what he thinks about M$ and Ninty he confesses, while he's still proud of the games Sony develops, he's jealous of their platforms as well (obviously, with games like Halo and GoW; and Mario, Link, and Smash Bros.). Who wouldn't? Bare with me, the next paragraphs will go quicker....
Moving on....
Then he's asked multiple questions about the success of the PS2, even after the release of the PS3. He says that it's 7 years in, it's got the best games out for it by now, it's well known. This will also happen with the PS3 as well, according to Mr. Tretton. He says (throughout the interview) that they're going for long-term success (with those prices you must!), however long they're seeing is unknown to me, but I don't think the PS3 will be making a huge turn around for a while.
"PSNetwork, give us the skinny" It's free (which is a reason that it's better than the 360) and it's better than the Wii's free online service (then again, the console is $350 more...all I have to say is that it better be a f*** load better than a little kiddie console
). Oh, it's easier to access to (from what i've heard though, the Wii's interface is much easier to access...)
I like when he says "That promise [buying the PS3] is requires consumers to take a leap of faith." :lol:
Also, "But the best proof points are, 'were you satisfied with your PS2 or PSP?' The research we get is overwhelmingly positive." That in no way implies that the PS3 will be just as great. This has been shown with the destruction of companies (at least the console making aspect of them).
"How will the PS3 stack up in the future?" His basic reply was, "Like I said before, we're shooting for a long-term success." He admitted that the ONLY think he would like to change would have been the release, which was high near impossible (obviously you would only know that if you produced the further comment). He said he would stick with his price tag, it's more than you could ask for for $600 (which is true). He states over and over "it's an investment..." and it is, just like it's previous two consoles. Time will tell if it was worth it.
"Will the price ever come down?" To me, I couldn't see anywhere he just said "yes" or "no". He gave an example and hinted no further...
"Will there ever be an even more updated v. of the PS3?" Once again, no hints towards "yes" or "no" (in my eyes). I did agree with him, however, on that entire paragraph. The following:
"TRETTON: It's something that's in consideration, but again, it's very early on in the PS3's life cycle. We believe that every consumer should have a hard drive, and they absolutely have to have 50 GB Blu-ray drives. For the gamer, Blu-ray video may not be desired today, but we went through the same thing with the PS2. People didn't buy it for the DVD player, but in many instances the PS2 was the first DVD player they ever owned. A lot of them still use it as their DVD player today. I don't think Blu-ray is the reason why gamers would buy the PS3, but I will guarantee you that every consumer will see value in that over time. You may not own a 1080p television today, but how many of us have HD TVs now when we didn't even know what it was three years ago? Technology moves quickly, and people tend to live in the here and the now.
With including the Blu-ray in the PS3, we're taking some lumps in the short term so we can say "I told you so" in the long term."
He points out an interesting fact in the next section when he's asked: "Are the PS3 sales what Sony has expected to see?" We all see how people rave on about how the PS3 sucks ass and is just worthless, not a true gaming system, but how the PS2 was the god of the 2nd generation. Well listen to this, "Considering those lofty sales heights, our initial PS3 numbers hit one million faster than the PS2." So in theory, the PS3 should sell better. So maybe Sony really is looking for the long-term success, maybe the PS3 will really just become the "PS2 #2".
Pretty much a big fat "NO" to new, pro controllers.
Bunch of GFX q's...
He's then asked about one thing that most, if not all gamers dream about: "Will our favorite games from the [previous console] be updated with new graphics and put on the system?" He says it's definitely a possibility. That's great news for my ears (even though I won't ever get a PS3 most likely, but this could pressure Ninty to do it themselves; M$ too if they haven't already promised this).
Okay, I honestly can't do anymore...the rest of the questions I think are mostly about the fan-base and how they're getting crapped on by people who nothing about the console...
Phew, I hope that all came out the way I planned.
(When I say "he" I mean John Tretton, not Shift)
He's asked 1st, "Is there anything that will surprise about the PS3"; his answer is the mot simple possible, "it surprises me more every day..." C'mon Tretton, put some thought into it. So he starts talking about how he plays the games his own company makes for weeks on end (not that this is surprising, just the fact that his has no relevance to the question and his only answer is...well, just sorta stupid).
GP then asks "GP: How well do you think that message is getting out there? That the PS3 has more going on than just gaming?". Of course, this is what Sony is known for; adding extra gizmos where (int he case of the PS3) extra gizmos aren't needed. So, I would say the message is pretty clear to a lot of people that the PS3 has tons of extras, however many people are mis-lead into thinking that all of the extras turn the PS3 into a "over-priced hunk o' junk" which isn't true. The highlight of the paragraph to me is when he says...
"But I think we do the industry and the technology an injustice if we assume that all gamers care about is gaming and that they don't do anything else with their time."
....actually, most people distinguish the two things. They want to play games on their gaming-console, and they want to do all their other **** with machines that are designed for that particular stuff (DVD player, computer, MP3 Player, etc.). That's why so many people are pissed at Sony, because of that exact reason.
"Do you think the PS3 isn't getting good advertising, as well as too much bad advertising?" He replies hinting that Sony is the leader, the dominate company in gaming, how everyone is after them (which I agree, the PS2 was and still is a major success). This (IMO) disappointing follow up [the PS3] leads to tons of bad coverage, and not enough of the good. Honestly, how many Wii commercials have you seen....okay, now how many PS3 commercials have you seen? Think of the good-to-bad ratio of articles for the the PS3. Sony is definitely, I think, getting spat on more than they really should.
When he's asked about what he thinks about M$ and Ninty he confesses, while he's still proud of the games Sony develops, he's jealous of their platforms as well (obviously, with games like Halo and GoW; and Mario, Link, and Smash Bros.). Who wouldn't? Bare with me, the next paragraphs will go quicker....
Moving on....
Then he's asked multiple questions about the success of the PS2, even after the release of the PS3. He says that it's 7 years in, it's got the best games out for it by now, it's well known. This will also happen with the PS3 as well, according to Mr. Tretton. He says (throughout the interview) that they're going for long-term success (with those prices you must!), however long they're seeing is unknown to me, but I don't think the PS3 will be making a huge turn around for a while.
"PSNetwork, give us the skinny" It's free (which is a reason that it's better than the 360) and it's better than the Wii's free online service (then again, the console is $350 more...all I have to say is that it better be a f*** load better than a little kiddie console
I like when he says "That promise [buying the PS3] is requires consumers to take a leap of faith." :lol:
Also, "But the best proof points are, 'were you satisfied with your PS2 or PSP?' The research we get is overwhelmingly positive." That in no way implies that the PS3 will be just as great. This has been shown with the destruction of companies (at least the console making aspect of them).
"How will the PS3 stack up in the future?" His basic reply was, "Like I said before, we're shooting for a long-term success." He admitted that the ONLY think he would like to change would have been the release, which was high near impossible (obviously you would only know that if you produced the further comment). He said he would stick with his price tag, it's more than you could ask for for $600 (which is true). He states over and over "it's an investment..." and it is, just like it's previous two consoles. Time will tell if it was worth it.
"Will the price ever come down?" To me, I couldn't see anywhere he just said "yes" or "no". He gave an example and hinted no further...
"Will there ever be an even more updated v. of the PS3?" Once again, no hints towards "yes" or "no" (in my eyes). I did agree with him, however, on that entire paragraph. The following:
"TRETTON: It's something that's in consideration, but again, it's very early on in the PS3's life cycle. We believe that every consumer should have a hard drive, and they absolutely have to have 50 GB Blu-ray drives. For the gamer, Blu-ray video may not be desired today, but we went through the same thing with the PS2. People didn't buy it for the DVD player, but in many instances the PS2 was the first DVD player they ever owned. A lot of them still use it as their DVD player today. I don't think Blu-ray is the reason why gamers would buy the PS3, but I will guarantee you that every consumer will see value in that over time. You may not own a 1080p television today, but how many of us have HD TVs now when we didn't even know what it was three years ago? Technology moves quickly, and people tend to live in the here and the now.
With including the Blu-ray in the PS3, we're taking some lumps in the short term so we can say "I told you so" in the long term."
He points out an interesting fact in the next section when he's asked: "Are the PS3 sales what Sony has expected to see?" We all see how people rave on about how the PS3 sucks ass and is just worthless, not a true gaming system, but how the PS2 was the god of the 2nd generation. Well listen to this, "Considering those lofty sales heights, our initial PS3 numbers hit one million faster than the PS2." So in theory, the PS3 should sell better. So maybe Sony really is looking for the long-term success, maybe the PS3 will really just become the "PS2 #2".
Pretty much a big fat "NO" to new, pro controllers.
Bunch of GFX q's...
He's then asked about one thing that most, if not all gamers dream about: "Will our favorite games from the [previous console] be updated with new graphics and put on the system?" He says it's definitely a possibility. That's great news for my ears (even though I won't ever get a PS3 most likely, but this could pressure Ninty to do it themselves; M$ too if they haven't already promised this).
Okay, I honestly can't do anymore...the rest of the questions I think are mostly about the fan-base and how they're getting crapped on by people who nothing about the console...
Phew, I hope that all came out the way I planned.