Sony Strikes Back

I didn't know the pink psp was limited edition lol but I was surprised to see it, Sony is very "male-orientated", the majority of their games are marketed towards men..and boys so a pink psp seems kinda redundant but w/e..if I wanted one I would buy the pink one.

But with the whole target audience thing..I think it largely depends on the company tbh..I don't think Sony would do very well if they aimed at children. But Nintendo have Mario and Pokemon which appeal to the majority of games released for nintendo systems have more childish graphics..Sony is more focused on graphics and sound quality that look/sound realistic, the majority of CHILDREN don't care about that.
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  • #32
hotpotato78 said:
Shift that is not making anything better you know....... Why make a last statement like that because i've seen masterjedi2u have a post in the xbox section where he is trying to find out about how this thing works.... So you can't say stuff like that man...

well, no I can. Because he has continually admitted to hating Sony and demonizing them. He appears in every thread to say something bad about it. On numerous occations has attacked me as a poster. So no i have no sympathy for his pathatic thread crapping. He admitted the Mods were wrong for the fanboyism rule in this forum, and that he will go agaist them because they wont do anything about it. He is closed minded, and when asked never bothers to back up the wild claims he makes. My response was good enough, but could have been harsher.

I don't agree with the sony ceo on a piece where he said when you target alot of different groups you set up yourself to fail. I think thats dumb because how come sony always targets at the adult gamers, they never branch out to say lets get to the kids..... I dont agree with that i feel its best to have a system where everyone can relate to and not just adults. i don't think you are setting up your self to fail if you target more than one group because you will never be able to target everybody because everyone has different taste. Just attract who you can.
" mom i want a ps3"
"wait mikey, not until the children games come out for it"

Look how stupid it sounds. it's best to have a variety and not target one set of people. Thats like being sexiest or racist.

but with that superbowl eg u use......... He is basically doing that by putting all of his votes in one set of team because sony honestly feels as if, if they target the adults they win the war. but they must also realise that these adult gamers are having kids to lol

He said "But we'll soon start the second phase, where we reach down to the teen market, and ultimately to the younger consumer [with the PSP]. But if you try to be everything to everybody from day one, you'll alienate a significant portion of the population. When I look at people in the street, it isn't surprising for me to see somebody in his twenties playing a PSP. I am surprised to see a little kid playing a PSP. Conversely, I've never really seen many adults playing [the DS], but I see a lot of little kids. We've always felt that people want to be like their older brother; they don't want to be like a little kid. I think in time, as the PSP matures, you should reach out the younger consumer. We like to start out with the early adopters and branch out from there. You can take the shotgun approach and go after everybody from day one."

While i dont agree with absolutely every thing he says, I do feel its important to point out some things.

I am a firm believer in that phrase "If you chace two rabbits, you will lose them both." Catch one rabbit at a time and you can have both.

The Wii did an amazing job at marketing to such a large target audience. But its fair to say that Sony is not leaving kids out of the loop, rather they are taking it one rabbit at a time. When you specialize in one field, you excel at it, when you become the jack of all trades, you become the master of none.

I also want to point out that he said that he believes in this day and age people end up buying more than one system. I dont believe Sony is trying to win the war persay, rather have a product that lasts awhile and is multifunctional. They want to make an appliance for entertainment.

If you read the interview with an open mind, no bias, you start to see that hes speaking very down to earth here. Some of it is his opinion and not fact, others state where Sony is coming from and their plans. Only time will show the success of the PS3, but the people who run these companys are people. Those people create products and have their own personal feelings. Companies are not so much machines as they are a group of humans around a table. Each human is just like me and you.

anyways.. just a bit o bits from me to you. Nothing personal.
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  • #33
Beki_J said:
I didn't know the pink psp was limited edition lol but I was surprised to see it, Sony is very "male-orientated", the majority of their games are marketed towards men..and boys so a pink psp seems kinda redundant but w/e..if I wanted one I would buy the pink one.

Well this is what the dealio is supposed to be. I have yet to see a regular pink psp in the US of A.

Now the guy in the interview is speaking on behalf of Sony America.

The pink PSP came out in october in Europe from what I know. They have their own branch over there. So my guess is the CEO of the Sony over there made the decision to market the PSP that way for his geographic area.

The Pink PSP that did appear in the US of A i believe was a promo PSP promotoing the artist PINK.

We have to keep in mind this guy in the interview is speaking about the USA, because hes in charge of that branch.
Really shift? I could care less. Be as harsh as you want. Its the internet. You obviously get some sorta sick pleasure out of being here and attacking people on a daily basis. Keep talking all the **** you want to. Keep thinking this is some sorta personal vendetta that you HAVE to win at any means necessary. Its not going to stop me from posting where and when I want to. Despite how your twisted mind might view it I actually post in a vareity of the forums here. NOT just the p$3 one. And I ask questions and answer them as well if they are worthwhile questions. I don't bash sony everytime I get the chance. I'm stated numerously that they have a few great games and no one can argue that the PS2 was a great system. Really you're the flamer here. That interview was dumb and more PR for sony to get out into the world.

Wild claims? Against the mods? You're completely over the top. And oh yeah you've NEVER once answered any of MY questions so why the hell would I have enough respect to answer any of yours sony fanboy. I might like Nintendo and despise sony but at least I can admit it. Looking forward to your next attack. At least you've admitted that some of that interview was just pure opinion.
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Well for me i don't like sony mainly because of it's fans. that's just me because i don't go around bad mouthing any console. But even though i dislike sony. I would still play it for a while but it will never be my main console.

But i am approaching it unbiasly. I would agree with him but sony has been out from 1997 or 1998 and this is their what 5th system and they are still targeting one group. That's why i disagree with it because if they was new then i would say hey i agree because you want to at least have those set of fans on your side. And they do have those set of fans, so why focus even more on them when you could win over another group. But look at it like this shift. what if you target one audience and that audience fall you. Now you have no rabbit. I think they should target atleast two groups. you have adults, teens,children, and mid adults. all arrange from 5years old to 40.... i just feel like sony has never tried to run after the next rabbit even after they caught the other one... The PS was not as bad with one rabbit but the PS2 really start of the one rabbit patrol
MasterJedi2U said:
ssbb that was an awesome analysis. sony has no gaming roots. Its got media, entertainment roots. Its trying to push all these extras that people don't want. We KNOW it has Blu Ray. Hardly anyone cares right now. Maybe down the line yeah but right now its not crucial. The 360 manages to have addons that people want and don't seem too excessive.

Lol at WiiNi...I might shoot someone if Nintendo does call it that. Although you gotta admit its going to be pretty hard to top "Wii". I'll always remember my first reaction to that name. "WHAT THE F*CK!?" I was loving "Revolution". Then they gave it the most kiddie sounding name of the millenium! I was like Nintendo deserves whatever catastrophe happens to it this time around. I'm done. But now a few months later I'm proud to say, "Wii will win".

Thanks much. :D

Wiini...:lol: I'm sorry, but that's just plain, good humor. I agree, it'll be hard to beat out "Wii"'ll have to be something way over the top. Good thing that's Nintendo's specialty.

Shiftfallout said:
Lol nicely put SSBB. Funny too.

I understand about the DS=kid association, i've only seen an adult playing a DS once...erm, twice in a blue moon. PSP is starting to be associated with all generations, but just a small portion of the most profitable one; the kids. That's where Nintendo hit the jackpot, they get a bad rep from the adult gamers, but they get good money. (a pretty good trade off, well worth it too)
hotpotato78 said:
Well for me i don't like sony mainly because of it's fans. that's just me because i don't go around bad mouthing any console. But even though i dislike sony. I would still play it for a while but it will never be my main console.

But i am approaching it unbiasly. I would agree with him but sony has been out from 1997 or 1998 and this is their what 5th system and they are still targeting one group. That's why i disagree with it because if they was new then i would say hey i agree because you want to at least have those set of fans on your side. And they do have those set of fans, so why focus even more on them when you could win over another group. But look at it like this shift. what if you target one audience and that audience fall you. Now you have no rabbit. I think they should target atleast two groups. you have adults, teens,children, and mid adults. all arrange from 5years old to 40.... i just feel like sony has never tried to run after the next rabbit even after they caught the other one... The PS was not as bad with one rabbit but the PS2 really start of the one rabbit patrol

Yeah sony fanboys are pretty mean and just assholes in general. As for the rabbit thing sony may have already lost the "kiddie" rabbit. Thanks to its perception and its intended audience, age group, or whatever word choice "suits" Shifts description most people think sony is after the hard core game who he says is mid 20's. Is that OKAY with Shift? is that definition up to your standards?

Because of that I think most people believe that sony could care less about the child demographic. Or even elderly people. I mean most sony supporters seem to laugh at the idea of anyone older than 10 enjoying the Wii. Why that is I'll never understand. I'm 21 and I love my Wii and I'm planning on getting a 360. Its hard to try finding a rabbit when it looks like you ignored it on purpose to begin with.

And I think the DS is a great handheld. My brother is getting one of those for his bday. I might get it in the future since there are some interesting games on it that I want to try (Mana series, final fantasy, etc). But I do see mostly kids and teens playing them. As for the PSP I rarely see them around here outside of stores.
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  • #38
MasterJedi2U said:
Yeah sony fanboys are pretty mean and just assholes in general.

My god.. the pot is calling the kettle black.

And I think the DS is a great handheld. My brother is getting one of those for his bday. I might get it in the future

And to think, all this time you have been talking about the DS as if you owned one.
I enjoyed the whole interview. It's nice to see how Sony (or at least the guy being iterviewed) is looking at the big picture.

I can also say that after reading it I will not buy a PS3. At least for another 5 or 6 years. When all the extras they have included will no longer be a long time investment.

"A lot of people in early 2007 are saying "Well, I don't need PS3's technology." But we know, given where technology's headed, that they're going to want it. And they'll want to invest in it, and they'll pay more for it than [they would with] the PlayStation 3. You're already seeing it now, where people are adding new configurations to hard disk drives, movie players, and so on. Technology that we integrate into the PlayStation 3."

This is a blatant lie. As everybody knows here technology usually gets cheaper and cheaper. So today a Blu-ray player is $1,000 bucks, PS3 has it for a fraction, but if (and that's a huge IF) the Blu-ray standard really sticks on (in say 1 or 2 years) then you will be able to buy a Blu-ray player for $200 bucks.

Just to clarify. Sony is trying to sell us something they think will be the future of technology, but at today's prices.

He also stated that most gamers want to do more things with their consoles that just play. Well, I consider myself a long time hardcore player and my X360, PS2 and Wii are only good for playing. I hardly surf the net on the Wii, I've never watched a DVD on my PS2 and have never downloaded music nor pictures into my X360. If you could have all those extras as such... Extras then you could purchase those extras at your own will. Right now they are ramming those extras down our throats just because they want to.

Thinking about it. The sony network (or watever they are calling it) it's free. You only pay for what you want. However the console makes you pay for everything on it. It doesn't matter if you will ever use it.

Ok, guess I'm ranting. Just a final thought. What would had happened with the Xbox 360 if M$ decided at design time that a HD-DVD was going to be the future of the digital movie industry and decided to include it from scratch? add $100 bucks to the tag. And of course everybody will need a giant hard drive. Another $100 bucks. So they would have ended up with another $600 dollar unit.

By letting us choose whether we need those extras they created a console in a reasonable price range that right now has the crown among next gen consoles.

Ok, thats it. I'll just shut up now.
i agree masterjedi2u. I never felt like sony tried to atrtract the next rabbit. If they felt like they couldn't getthe two rabbits, all they had to do was set up traps, and then try to chance them into the trap. But sony ran after the adults who they feel is the bigger audiences. all sony had to do was just give everybody a sample and then hit us with the real stuff. The PSP has been out for a year now and they are just attacking a next age group? that's ridiculous
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  • #41
hotpotato78 said:
i agree masterjedi2u. I never felt like sony tried to atrtract the next rabbit. If they felt like they couldn't getthe two rabbits, all they had to do was set up traps, and then try to chance them into the trap. But sony ran after the adults who they feel is the bigger audiences. all sony had to do was just give everybody a sample and then hit us with the real stuff. The PSP has been out for a year now and they are just attacking a next age group? that's ridiculous

Well, lets be honest here. Did they really have too? Look at the success of the PS2.

Now lets look at the sales of the PSP. They estimated it at what, 25 million units sold with their current target audience. Now they are giving the PSP a price cut.

Lets be honest, they are doing fine with their current target audience. What will happen now that they start going for rabbit number 2?
well they will have some sucess or whatever have you, but i will always stick with nintendo regardless of how many rabbits sony go after. BUt like the other dude said. i always felt like sony tries to jam pack there console with different electronics. Honestly i only want my game for GAMES not videos, not movies, and not songs. I spend enough time on my pc and every room in my house has a dvd player. so this is why i feel as if sony needs to calm down with all the electronics in one. If you are making a game, keep it to being a game as close as possible and not straying to far. But in reality sony will always go after the rabbit they started off going after no matter what they may say.
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  • #43
hotpotato78 said:
well they will have some sucess or whatever have you, but i will always stick with nintendo regardless of how many rabbits sony go after. BUt like the other dude said. i always felt like sony tries to jam pack there console with different electronics. Honestly i only want my game for GAMES not videos, not movies, and not songs. I spend enough time on my pc and every room in my house has a dvd player. so this is why i feel as if sony needs to calm down with all the electronics in one. If you are making a game, keep it to being a game as close as possible and not straying to far. But in reality sony will always go after the rabbit they started off going after no matter what they may say.

Its a good thing we have options then for gaming systems. No one has to play them all.
yeah its good you have options for real........ The way how sony is set up now they have waited to long. it's easier to get the adults back than getting kids back. Right now nintendo is trying to get the adults and hardcore gamers back and Sony is saying they are trying to ge the kids. But to me nintendo will have an easier task of doing this, because they was never a system full of kiddie(so people would say) games. They always had a variety. Sony on the other hand always was for the hardcore gamers or the adult market..

Nintendo did what i said in that analogy. They set up traps hoping to catch more than one rabbit(and they did catch more than one and still catching more) when sony on the other hand made sure they got a least one rabbit and abandon the others.. If sony was to bring out a heap of kiddie looking games, you would see how much people would leave sony. and i think sony know this and they know they waited to long to catch another rabbit.
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honestly, with Sonys price tag right now i cant see them attracting to many kiddies, plus if i want kiddy games i would rather play a kiddie friendly system, like the wii. The PSP might be different as its cheaper and a handheld, but probably not the PS3.

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