Sony Paying to Attack Wii

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romj said:
Thank you for stickin up for me. I couldn't have explained it any better that you did. The posting system will put posts in a row if no one esle replies inbetween yours, so it will look like a double post. I have no control over that and i'm not going though all that just to please someone who don't like double posting.

And a true double post is replying to the same message twice in a row, instead of editing the original message to include the aditional information. So technically, I did not double post.
Well with a little effort your can copy, paste, insert bing bing bing and your done. I try to do that when I'm not posting in the lounge, but in the lounge I'm too lazy to do it. I don't have any prob with it, I'm just saying...
ive never even heard of variety review site, not even when i google game reviews it doesnt come up, i dont give a **** what they say im definetely buying it
blueovalboy7 said:
Well with a little effort your can copy, paste, insert bing bing bing and your done. I try to do that when I'm not posting in the lounge, but in the lounge I'm too lazy to do it. I don't have any prob with it, I'm just saying...

Well, go read Shippy's post as to WHY that would be a pain in the butt. I don't know why this has gotten to be such a big deal anyway. This is getting ridiculous, policing this site to such an extent that it makes members not want to post here for fear of being rebuked. Get real!

AtomicB said:
Back when I was a kid... There wouldn't be this huge controversy over a 3rd grade insult.
Times have changed -_-...

Oh, and back in my day, you could actually wish someone a 'Merry Christmas' and get away with it...

It wouldn't be such a controversy if people didn't make these stupid offensive third grade insults, now wouldn't it? I mean are we not adults here, or at least beyond third grade?


Skippy is right, you do have to go back into other pages, look for the original quote, copy it, look for your own message, paste it and reply. If the thread is long with many messages, it would indeed be a pain to do it this way.
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Skippy is right, you do have to go back into other pages, look for the original quote, copy it, look for your own message, paste it and reply. If the thread is long with many messages, it would indeed be a pain to do it this way.

Not to mention that edited posts are not flagged as new messages if you've already read the original.

People with hormones shouldn't be allowed to post on the interwebs.
They always argue.


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