Wii Win!!! Now what Sony and Microsoft ?

I said it once, and I will say it again. As long as Sony and Microsoft duke it out, Nintendo will easily retain #1. Because the Wii has almost nothing in common with the other two consoles. If you studied history you'd discover the PS2 was the weakest console on the market, and it won by an insane margin of 114 million units worldwide! It's still freaking selling. Sony or Microsoft has to fail for one of them to stand a chance at obtaining #1. There's not enough market for both of them to surpass the Wii, and that's why Nintendo is #1 now, and will be for a while.
yungblood6 said:
81 Wiis in one store come on dude be realistic, it wasn't even like that at launch other than the nintendo store in New york

Ok. How can you tell I'm not being realistic? I asked them myself. Why would they lie? Did I not say that they have increased thier production? Would the greater number of consoles in the stores reflect this?
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yungblood6 said:
ok lets compare markee titles nintendo has released almost all of its big hit titles except mario kart and smashbros, sony has just now released two hit titles hsword, and jack and dextar, so yea i hope nintendo would be above sony in software sales. You people that say microsoft has no good games obviously have been hiding in a closet for the last two years. Almost every other month if not every they release a blockbuster hit, not including the hit arcade titles and independent titles that they have out that are all in hd, and provide innovative gameplay. So yea nintendo is doing good but lets just get it straight they only brought a controller and after the casual hype dies down this holiday we will see what nintendo can dish out.

are you kidding me, this is probably the most ignorant post I have ever read, you say stop being a fanboy in your sig, and then start to post like a 360 fanboy.......

1)yeah mario kart and super smash bros arne't out, but so isn't Star fox, F-zero, pikimin, animal crossing, mario sport games(besides msc),kirby, and im' sure shiggy will come up with another new refreshing franchise...

2) heavenly sword wasn't really rated good due to it's short, dull and repetitive gameplay

3. ratchet and clank is third party, therefor sony didn't release it...

4. no body is saying microsoft has no good games, you think we are, all we're syaing is that microsoft SHOULD(and does) have a better selection than the wii, since it's been out for a year prior, but wii looks like it's catching up

5. every month a good game? hmm i thought that was the wii.....

6. nintendo's virtual console is better....face it, with such classics as loz: oot(highest rated game of all time(well not anymore)), super mario world, and past metroid games, it owns microsoft's arcade..

7. innovative gameplay? all they release is shooters, and more shooters....cept viva pinata, that's innovative..

8. who's they? us? i bought the wii because of shiggy......not the controller, can't play tony hawk games with it..

9. "we'll see what nintendo can dish out" it's the leading selling console, produced the best(or second best) game of all time, and it keeps just selling more....
yungblood6 said:
well seeing as each store only gets 3 each shipment that can be expected. Microsoft had the same problem its first year but unlike nintendo it fixed this problem and boosted production so its consumers can find its product unlike nintendo who uses this 3 per store tactic to garner hype.

Did you just make that up completely? I would like to see some evidence for that statement because it sounds like utter crap.

How long do you think its gonna be before people stop waiting for a system and go with another? If nintendo realy wants to be on top it would boost its production rate and then lets see how many wii's realy get sold.

Evidently many people want to wait for this system, as its sales are through the roof. Nintendo have already bumped up production a couple of times, it's not as easy as just simply pushing a button. Please get your facts straight.

Most stores only get 3 with some of the big name stores may just may get 5, now think about how many gamers there are in the world do you think 3 per store is enough to satisfy a demand?

Once again a little evidence would be appreciated, as at this pont you're just pulling these figures out of your head.

People get off the numbers, and stop believing the hype. Its not a good thing that people can't find wii's thats realy a bad thing.

It's not a good that that your console of choice is so popular that demand is outstripping supply? You're incorrect there. Having this much interest in the Wii encourages third party support and further investment in the console.

What else is so funny its that you nintendo fans are the only ones that talk about this stuff like it matters. While every one else just plays there great games and go about thier day.

You're the one making these ludicrous claims...

I like nintendo and i have fun with some of its products but it has a realy long way to go to Topple the compitition. Thats nice mario galaxy is a good game but just as wii has its select few good games microsoft has a whole boatload of great games, not including original independent titles. Playstation has yet to even releas there markee titles and it may be in last place but without these titles its still in the race, so imagine with the price drop and the release of these titles what it will do.

Fair enough, though that is only your opinion.

Most gamers don't just own a wii, so just because they contributed to the sell doesn't mean the wii is the greatest thing to hit gaming its just an alternative, and a second console.

I think you'll find that is not completely true. There are many people that solely own the Nintendo Wii, such as myself.
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yungblood6 said:
81 Wiis in one store come on dude be realistic, it wasn't even like that at launch other than the nintendo store in New york

Thats funny, the local Best Buy here just got a shipment of 125 consoles. They had 148 on launch day. The local Circuit City had 53 on launch, and just got a shipment of 62 for Black Friday. Not only that, but as of this past Monday the local Wal-Mart distribution center had over 700 Wiis shipping out for Black Friday to the local Wal-Marts. And this is a very rural area (although within an hour of 2 of the US' largest cities, NY and Philly)

Nintendo is selling just over a million Wiis a month. Which would lead any sane person to beleive that they are producing that same amount. Sure MS had problems with demand early in the 360's cycle, and fixed it. But seeing as MS is not moving anywhere near 1 million units a month, I don't see how that relates.

To tell you the truth, I would be willing to bet that if Nintendo shipped every Wii produced JUST to NA (all 1 million a month) you would still see shortages. The Wii is just that popular with gamers and non-gamers alike.
yungblood6 said:
ok lets compare markee titles nintendo has released almost all of its big hit titles except mario kart and smashbros, sony has just now released two hit titles hsword, and jack and dextar, so yea i hope nintendo would be above sony in software sales. You people that say microsoft has no good games obviously have been hiding in a closet for the last two years. Almost every other month if not every they release a blockbuster hit, not including the hit arcade titles and independent titles that they have out that are all in hd, and provide innovative gameplay. So yea nintendo is doing good but lets just get it straight they only brought a controller and after the casual hype dies down this holiday we will see what nintendo can dish out.
So you could also say that Microsoft have released all their big hits already too, i mean GOW, Halo 3, Bioshock, COD4 and Mass Effect are all out and what else is there to come? They wont make any more good games now they are out? Thats the same as saying Nintendo will only make Mario Kart and SSBB and then stop having any hits.

Nintendo beat all of Sonys consoles in total software sales, not just the PS3.

You say that the Wii is just casual hype, i think you are in denial.
why do(es)

1. Wii fans always post crap about the wii and how great it is like "happy birthday wii!" and "wii is owning microsoft and sony!" --honestly if you own a wii you probably already know this.
2. yungblood always think he's right?
you keep saying nintendo only has this and that, but this and that is more like zelda, metroid, battalion wars, medal of honor, resident evil, zak and wiki, and mario galaxy. microsoft has halo (uh oh, trilogy's over...now what?), COD4, mass effect, bioshock, as always i will include nhl 08 since its freakin godlike, and skate because its innovative. oh...well if you include Generic FPS Shooter 1-49, I guess that ups the count a little, but if you ask me after 4 or 5 they just went downhill. 0_o

and dont try to argue a racing game into the 360 argument, like a lot of people do. it's freakin racing.

and one more thing: it's not nintendo's fault 3rd parties (for a big part) don't put effort into their wii games.
You start to think that Nintendo mamangement have seen that south park episode where cartman owns a theme park and uses the sensational " you cant come" Techniuqe
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Wii fans always post crap about the wii and how great it is like "happy birthday wii!" and "wii is owning microsoft and sony!"

With the bold part, me being a nintyfanboy i had Snes and up, now when it was the N64 Vs PS, all u heard was PS is owning n64 - this is just that karma coming back around, dont tell me u havent been on one end of it cause i know you have.

This is the chance for the nintendofans to rejoice, nintendo is on-top for the moment, something they havent done since the Snes and thats how long ago.
Dayoh said:
With the bold part, me being a nintyfanboy i had Snes and up, now when it was the N64 Vs PS, all u heard was PS is owning n64 - this is just that karma coming back around, dont tell me u havent been on one end of it cause i know you have.

This is the chance for the nintendofans to rejoice, nintendo is on-top for the moment, something they havent done since the Snes and thats how long ago.

i dunno . i've owned all the systems (genesis and snes, ps and 64, ps2 and cube) up until now, and i was always content with what nintendo systems had. i guess its cause i could get anything else i wanted on the other system. whatever, it still seems a little pointless to me, posting "nintendo rulez!" info in a forum dedicated to wii.
wii win in sales nothing else, I don't see what the biggy is when we don't even a good library games to prove we are really successful. Just sales....
RVPersie said:
wii win in sales nothing else, I don't see what the biggy is when we don't even a good library games to prove we are really successful. Just sales....
I think that the Wii has quite an impressive library of games considering the short amount of time its been out. PS3s library is still worse looking than the Wii despite being out about the same amount of time and while the 360s library looks good now it was pretty bad in its first year too. It took over a year to get a real outstanding game out on 360 (GOW), the Wii has had 3 already inside of a year (Zelda TP, MP3, SMG).

I would usually base a systems success on whether or not it could fill my quota of games in a year. My quota being decent games in various generes such as adventure, FPS, beat em up, platformer, racing etc. Well the Wii games tend to go outside of regular generes (with games such as Trauma Center) but its covered most of them so far with the exception of beat em up (best so far is probably Naruto but SSBB will take the crown) and racing (best is Excite Truck but Mario Kart will be the one). Sports titles are a bit thin on the ground too but my guess is that is because nobody has made a game that exceeds Wii Sports enough to make it a viable seller. Still i will have at least 10 Wii games by Christmas that as far as i am concerned are fantastic games.