Sony rep: Wii an impulse buy

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Icredible Braig

Jovi Rule!
Oct 4, 2006
I just read this on gamespot & thought....what the hell?!!!! Have Sony no shame? They really need to tell their employees to stop saying things that could get them sued!!

Sony rep: Wii an impulse buy
SCEA spokesman tells New York Times that Nintendo's new console doesn't belong in the same category as the PlayStation 3.
By Brendan Sinclair, GameSpot

In the past, Sony Computer Entertainment America spokesman Dave Karraker has been fairly critical of his gaming rivals at Microsoft. In September, Karraker called Microsoft's decision to release an HD DVD add-on for the Xbox 360 that only plays movies "unfortunate," adding that the company's 1080p update for the system wasn't "full HD."

Two months later, he slammed Microsoft's decision to offer high-definition movies and TV shows for download over Xbox Live as "a disservice to their consumer base" because purchasers of the Xbox 360 Core system would need to buy a hard drive to store the large files.

Now, Karraker has turned his eye toward Nintendo's Wii, telling The New York Times that the system didn't belong in the same category as the PlayStation 3.

"Wii could be considered an impulse buy more than anything else," Karraker was quoted as saying.

The Sony spokesman also told the paper that Sony was selling out shipments of 100,000 PS3s in the US every week, although, "the frenzy we saw at the holidays has subsided a bit."

The article ran today under the headline, "Nintendo's Wii, Radiating Fun, Is Eclipsing Sony Machine." It discussed each machine's relative performance over the recent holiday sales season and noted that PS3 systems have been easier to find on store shelves than the Wii.
Just cause it take so long to save up for a PS3 no but really all spoke people saying different things everywhere shouldn't one company have one public opinion
what a load of crap.

if i met that sony rep i would beat him with a wii remote..

since when is 1080p not 'full HD'? wii an impulse buy? here's me thinking impulse buys are last minute thoughts to buy something you may not have already wanted/intended on buying...

strangely i thought the wii had sold out simply on pre-orders for the console, and they are still pretty damn hard to get hold of, that doesnt really go hand in hand with being an 'impulse buy'

he is right about one thing, the wii isnt in the same category as the ps3, a 'failure' :lol:
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