Sony Paying to Attack Wii

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Jeez. Thats worse than when Sony used Project Gotham 3 images when advertising for Gran Turismo 5.

Sony is failing compared to Nintendo and Microsoft, so they're trying to do anything they can. But they can't tarnish the amazingness of Galaxy.
wow completely ridiculous and biased.

I hope any decent person with enough intelligence would not fall for these kind of false reviews. Hopefully, people know how to use their sources.
The ad is just a rotating ad that appears all over the Variety site. Sony did not 'pay' for the review. They only paid for the click-throughs in the Electronics section on Variety's website. How come you are not bitching about GMAC paying to review the game poorly? Their ad is larger and more prominent. They paid more for that ad to appear.

If GM advertised on, and a Ford received a bad review, would you say GM sponsored the review? No.

You guys do know how internet advertising works, right? Keep in mind that any idiot can start a blog, and that is where this story started. He goofed up, and everyone believing it is just jumping on his bandwagon.

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Well, what can we expect from Sony?

Do you remember, oh around this time last year, when suddenly ALL the DS games got moved into a back corner on the back of a rack in all the Gamestops, and suddenly the spot right by the door was full of like 50 copies each of the same six PSP movies?
Yeah, my Gamestop guys admitted it was a paid advertising move by Sony. They paid Gamestop to MOVE the DS stuff to the back, not just display the PSP stuff prominently.

I also love their random claims that they're winning the High Def DVD war. Except that the sales figures don't reflect that. HD-DVD is winning, but Blu-Ray has already won the war. It's not the Beta-Max of DVD at ALL.
Shouldn't Sony aim their attack campaign on the 360? Ratchet and Clank, along with many other of their top games have only sold slightly over 100,000 units. Games like Halo 3, Zelda TP have sold over 4 million each.

Sony should take that damn money out of the hands of the marketting department, and put it into the hands of game studios to make freaking games.
TiwazTyrsfist said:
Well, what can we expect from Sony?

Do you remember, oh around this time last year, when suddenly ALL the DS games got moved into a back corner on the back of a rack in all the Gamestops, and suddenly the spot right by the door was full of like 50 copies each of the same six PSP movies?
Yeah, my Gamestop guys admitted it was a paid advertising move by Sony. They paid Gamestop to MOVE the DS stuff to the back, not just display the PSP stuff prominently.

I also love their random claims that they're winning the High Def DVD war. Except that the sales figures don't reflect that. HD-DVD is winning, but Blu-Ray has already won the war. It's not the Beta-Max of DVD at ALL.

at every gamestop i've been too both the DS and PSP stuff is right in front, one on left and one on right.... and BTW ps3 plays blu-ray disks, not HDDVD disks.... plus you guys are way paranoid about sony paying the site to make SMG look bad, not everone likes that kind of game
If Sony wants a shot at Nintendo they should focus on #2, not #1. That's like a race car driver in 8th place figuring out how he's going to pass the guy in first place. Ok...
The Guy

i wrote a leter to ben fritz and its said.......Mr.fritz it has comed to my attenchion that you have writen a review of mario galaxy and said that is lifeles and that rachet and clank was a far more supirior game then mario galaxy. but first what I would like to talk about is sponcerd by sony the real question is how much they paid you? By the way the wii was not to be graphicly compared to the other systems it uses REAL inovation and REAL game play. The wii is an entrily different system and should not be compared to the other system and the "lifeles graphics are extarvegent and color full" By the way I do own a PS3 and A 360 and I whant to cell my PS3 becouse it doesent and WILL NOT life to expectation. You gave mario galaxy a bad review how about you cheack the REAL game critics like IGN and GAMESPOT and all those read there review and then read yours. Next time let a REAL critic review games on wii not some sony bribed guy. ................................................................If you guy whant to email him his EMAIL ADRESS IS <>
Well this "Ben Fritz" guy must be getting a load of stick XD if only he left is email in that review :p
TiwazTyrsfist said:
Well, what can we expect from Sony?

Do you remember, oh around this time last year, when suddenly ALL the DS games got moved into a back corner on the back of a rack in all the Gamestops, and suddenly the spot right by the door was full of like 50 copies each of the same six PSP movies?
Yeah, my Gamestop guys admitted it was a paid advertising move by Sony. They paid Gamestop to MOVE the DS stuff to the back, not just display the PSP stuff prominently.

I also love their random claims that they're winning the High Def DVD war. Except that the sales figures don't reflect that. HD-DVD is winning, but Blu-Ray has already won the war. It's not the Beta-Max of DVD at ALL.

Ya, that's just like the gamestop where I live. I'm gonna ask them if sony paid them to move stuff around :yesnod:
you should post this on the sony board and see what they say.
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