Sony Paying to Attack Wii

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Mariotard said:
Whether the article was paid for by Sony or not is irelevant (although would be shamefull if true). The review simply isn't professional. Its one thing to point out things you dislike about a game but the reviewer makes out-of-left- field comparisons to unrelated franchises and uses the review as a platform to point out the fact that he obviously doesn't like the Wii.
Looking at it from this perspective it isn't a stretch to think Sony had something to do with the unprofessional review.

However, this is Variety people, the scumchild magazine of Hollywood that isn't known being an unbiased source of news regarding the film industry.

^^Thank you, my feelings exactly^^
romj said:
I must ask; what do you mean by calling it the "gayest website ever?" I thought the word "gay" referred to one's sexual orientation or being happy? I don't think the website has a sexual orientation or is it happy, as it is not a person.

Gaydar(not adding any more)
Gayest site ever
lol im a member

Also romj please use the edit button instead of double posting
I replied to two different people, so how is that double posting?

And your "Gaydar" comment means nothing since one doesn't have to be gay to not like the word being used in this offensive manner.
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See above
You posted twice in a row
Hence double post
TTACKK said:
i wrote a leter to ben fritz and its said.......Mr.fritz it has comed to my attenchion that you have writen a review of mario galaxy and said that is lifeles and that rachet and clank was a far more supirior game then mario galaxy. but first what I would like to talk about is sponcerd by sony the real question is how much they paid you? By the way the wii was not to be graphicly compared to the other systems it uses REAL inovation and REAL game play. The wii is an entrily different system and should not be compared to the other system and the "lifeles graphics are extarvegent and color full" By the way I do own a PS3 and A 360 and I whant to cell my PS3 becouse it doesent and WILL NOT life to expectation. You gave mario galaxy a bad review how about you cheack the REAL game critics like IGN and GAMESPOT and all those read there review and then read yours. Next time let a REAL critic review games on wii not some sony bribed guy. ................................................................If you guy whant to email him his EMAIL ADRESS IS <>

I hope you at least spell-checked that before you sent it! :scared: :yikes:
Back when I was a kid... There wouldn't be this huge controversy over a 3rd grade insult.

Times have changed -_-...

Oh, and back in my day, you could actually wish someone a 'Merry Christmas' and get away with it...
Darkprinny said:
See above
You posted twice in a row
Hence double post

His posts were 6 minutes apart and responding to two different people.

Going back and editing the first post to include the second response to the other person is cumbersome at best. You would have to click reply to the first post, then type up a full reply to the second person, but instead of submitting the message, you'd have to copy the textbox contents, cancel the reply, find your previous reply, choose edit, and then paste you new message into the bottom of it. It's even more of a navigational pain if the two posts you are replying to are on different pages of messages.

And not only that, if someone read the first version of the response and then came back later and checked for New Posts (the link at the top), that edited post would not be considered new so the thread would not be listed as having new messages in it and you'd miss the new response.

And another thing to consider: it's not always possible to know that your post would be a "double post" at the time. I had just entered a message here, and then immediately began this respose. This would result in the dreaded double post, however, in the time it took me to type this up, someone else posted a new message, so now I've avoided the double-post even though I started my second post immediately after the first one. There are just too many factors to take in. In all the messages boards I've been to, typically the only time there are complaints of a double post are when someone posts two copies of the exact same message - and even then that's usually not on purpose.
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A double post is a double post
I was just telling him not to
Whatever Sony! Super Mario Galaxy (in my opinion) is a excellent game. The graphics, for a nintendo game, are just beautiful. The loading doesn't have a loading time! The gameplay is very, very smooth and anyone can pick it up and play. Hell my wife, who only plays the old school games, picked this thing up and was just at aww on how easy it is to play. I do not hate Sony for trying to up their sales, nor do I hate any other company within the gaming industry, but come on now. (Oh and RE:UC is fun as hell!)
Darkprinny said:
A double post is a double post
I was just telling him not to

Why does it bother you?

They were 6 minutes apart to different people about different topics. Not to mention the problems that come from editing existing posts that I mentioned before.
Will you leave it allone
Like I said
I was just telling him not to

Did you read that bit or just skip it
sony is baggin , they actually think people are going to trust a site like this......clearkly ign and gamespot are the way to the deffenition for baggin is at the bottom

baggin- the equivilant of being kicked in the nuts being used in a sentence
Skippy said:
His posts were 6 minutes apart and responding to two different people.

Going back and editing the first post to include the second response to the other person is cumbersome at best. You would have to click reply to the first post, then type up a full reply to the second person, but instead of submitting the message, you'd have to copy the textbox contents, cancel the reply, find your previous reply, choose edit, and then paste you new message into the bottom of it. It's even more of a navigational pain if the two posts you are replying to are on different pages of messages.

And not only that, if someone read the first version of the response and then came back later and checked for New Posts (the link at the top), that edited post would not be considered new so the thread would not be listed as having new messages in it and you'd miss the new response.

And another thing to consider: it's not always possible to know that your post would be a "double post" at the time. I had just entered a message here, and then immediately began this respose. This would result in the dreaded double post, however, in the time it took me to type this up, someone else posted a new message, so now I've avoided the double-post even though I started my second post immediately after the first one. There are just too many factors to take in. In all the messages boards I've been to, typically the only time there are complaints of a double post are when someone posts two copies of the exact same message - and even then that's usually not on purpose.

Thank you for stickin up for me. I couldn't have explained it any better that you did. The posting system will put posts in a row if no one esle replies inbetween yours, so it will look like a double post. I have no control over that and i'm not going though all that just to please someone who don't like double posting.

And a true double post is replying to the same message twice in a row, instead of editing the original message to include the aditional information. So technically, I did not double post.
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