Sony Paying to Attack Wii

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ok yea that article is biased. mario galaxy is the best game ive ever played, and ive been playing since NES days. i say that with confidence. ive never so amazed and star struck in a game till now
Wow... I heard on G4 that Variety didn't like Galaxy, but honestly, if that was not paid, it is ridiculous.

"They don't have the best platform anymore."

Are you serious, dude? Both MP3 and Galaxy look incredible to me. Yes, they would look even more awesome in HD, but I'm not going to pay another 200 bucks to get it.

I also loved the Ratchet and Clank plug. That proves that he does like platformers, so that can't be the reason for the low score. I haven't played Ratchet and Clank 3, but it is to my knowledge that they used some sphere-shaped worlds as well. And apparently, the guy thinks its better than Galaxy because it has that and HD graphics? Interesting...

ANYWAYS, definetly biased review. Don't really care as I freaking love Galaxy. Gonna go play it some more now.
What bothers me about this review is his constant comparing Galaxy to similar games on the PS3 and 360. The wii was never intended to compete with the other two; so what's the point of comparing them? The differences are obvious! The wii, no matter how you slice it and dice it, will never be a PS3 or an Xbox360. This constant bashing it by comparing it to the others has gotten tiresome. I see it like this; you get what you like and enjoy it. If you have to put down the "compitition" Than you really don't have good faith in you chosen product and see the "compitition" as a threat.

Why can't Galaxy stand on it's own? Why can't it be a good game in it's own right?

This review woulda had more merit if he hadda left the comparisons out, as I actuly agree with a few of his points!
TTACKK said:
i wrote a leter to ben fritz and its said.......Mr.fritz it has comed to my attenchion that you have writen a review of mario galaxy and said that is lifeles and that rachet and clank was a far more supirior game then mario galaxy. but first what I would like to talk about is sponcerd by sony the real question is how much they paid you? By the way the wii was not to be graphicly compared to the other systems it uses REAL inovation and REAL game play. The wii is an entrily different system and should not be compared to the other system and the "lifeles graphics are extarvegent and color full" By the way I do own a PS3 and A 360 and I whant to cell my PS3 becouse it doesent and WILL NOT life to expectation. You gave mario galaxy a bad review how about you cheack the REAL game critics like IGN and GAMESPOT and all those read there review and then read yours. Next time let a REAL critic review games on wii not some sony bribed guy. ................................................................If you guy whant to email him his EMAIL ADRESS IS <>

I meantioned somma the very same things you did in a reply to the OP: The nasty comparing of the Ps3 and 360 to the wii, something that was designed to be vastly different from the other 2.

I don't think Nintendo designed the wii to be the only console in households! I believe they knew gamers would own two or more gaming machines, and made the wii with that intention in mind! Like I said, it was never mean't to compete, but to COMPLIMENT the other two.

Please don't sell your Ps3 cuz you are pissed off at this biased reviewer. I think its a great machine and, just like the wii will, the PS3 will get some good games down the road. I think it will do better now, that the price has dropped some.
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Well, just the same, if not more importantly, it doesnt change my outlook of the game. No review does. If YOU think a game will be good, then YOU try it for yourself. Dont go off of other peoples opinions.
I love a lot of underrated games.
variety? thats the gayest website ever.Sony is going to pay now.seriousley, who would pay to bash a game that is considered very good? only sony, as it turns out.:sick:
Why do I bother replying here anymore? People just read the first post and reply. SONY DID NOT PAY FOR THE ARTICLE. THEY ONLY PAID FOR AD SPACE ON THE SITE.

TTACK -- If that is the actual email you sent to the author, you will not be taken seriously. There is almost no correct grammar and so many misspellings in that message.
This is some thing thats been hapening for years
A few years back Games mags used to take bribes to give a games companys newest game a hig mark
This is crazy.....I mean, of course there are naysayers out there...but they sound like they really have a problem with this game......are they idiots? Nah, I think you're right, Sony paid 'em off *LOL*
One of the reason I love the Wii is because the nunchuck and wiimote setup makes it MORE comfortable to play these sorts of games. Ben Fritz has to be one of the only people calling it awkward.
I love the noobish way he says that the grapics arnt as good as 360/ps3

About them (people that want shinny grapics own a ps3 allready)
Whether the article was paid for by Sony or not is irelevant (although would be shamefull if true). The review simply isn't professional. Its one thing to point out things you dislike about a game but the reviewer makes out-of-left- field comparisons to unrelated franchises and uses the review as a platform to point out the fact that he obviously doesn't like the Wii.

Looking at it from this perspective it isn't a stretch to think Sony had something to do with the unprofessional review.

However, this is Variety people, the scumchild magazine of Hollywood that isn't known being an unbiased source of news regarding the film industry.
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Theres a few people that dont like the Wii

But they tend to sit on there arseies all day and have no socail life

That last sentence described me
vashivihan said:
variety? thats the gayest website ever.Sony is going to pay now.seriousley, who would pay to bash a game that is considered very good? only sony, as it turns out.:sick:

I must ask; what do you mean by calling it the "gayest website ever?" I thought the word "gay" referred to one's sexual orientation or being happy? I don't think the website has a sexual orientation or is it happy, as it is not a person.
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