ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

*looks at Bodine* "oh...that was my death map.......that kills alot..*pulls out red map* hmmmmmmmm
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"Yes bodine, im back how are you doing my freind, your looking a little dead" Bayne sat down on the floor and relaxed. He then tapped the floor. A can of beer floated out of the ground.
"Beer any one, except bodine, we all know what hapens when you drink beer."
*springs back to life at the sound of beer*


"Oh wait, I'm a kid now... GIMME!!!"

*Downs beer*
"nah man i dont drink but thanks anyways, but for real you guys need to look at this map i bought from this old dude."
"Okay I'll have a look."

*Looks at map*

"I'll be... El-goddam-Dorado. Where did you get this Night!?"
"Hi, drink this."

*Hands WiiNinja a Elixer from Final Fantasy*
"It'll help you out, and bodine howed you get that?" *Starts watching Transformers* "Yes I shall find a way to summon them and take over the world, that or i'll make pokemon real and bring joy to all."
"It's an Elixer. It cures all status ailments."
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*shakes her head* i
*walks over to wii ninja and sits in front of her* "hello there, my name is Night, me and u were friends back in the day, i think. any ways what happen to u is that u lost ur memory for some reson. All of us here r good ppl were not ur enemys we ur friends. but if u dont want to trust me or anyone elase here then we will go away, or at least ill go away. all were trying to do is to help u. *gets up and holds out hand to wii ninja* "so what do u say friend? yes or no?"

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