ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

*defends against arrow, picks up gun and shoots around Nights balls*
*looks around to investigate* "Wii_Ninja you okay?"
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  • #664
*looks around* no........sry i dont.............. *holds head* ugh my head
*Kicks oddly placed door in*

"I need an effing cigarette!!!"
*Runs up to WiiNinja*

"Insenstivty at it finist Bodine, or should i call you jack." Says bayne who drops though the celling.
"How are you doing Wii Ninja"
*the bullet misses night* "hey a$$hole nice shot u missed!" *grabs 720 by the neck and takes out a razor blade and slits his neck* "ok now that hes dead whats up guys?"
"What the hell have I missed!? I leave to buy cigarettes and you guys kill someone, and terify wii ninja. Can't be left alone for a week jees. You OK wii ninja?"
*still holding bloody razor blade* "ummm i didnt mean to terify ninja, but i did mean to kill 720 bec. i hate him so yea......alright look at this *takes out map*
*Suudenly turns into a 12 year old*

"...Damnit Night! I told you not to open that map!"
*looks at Bodine* 'oh woops wrong map." *puts back map and then takes out a black map* " ok here look at this one"

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