ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

Yay He's back to normal. *Gives bodine a Dew and Pizza.* Sits down to watch Godzilla destroy Tokyo again. "Man I never get tired of this. And the military never learns." Huge explosion. "Boom Shacka Lacka! HA HA HA HA HA!"
you don't like Street Fighter, Sonic, Resident Evil,...

Please don't tell me youre the kinda guy who dosen't need to try something to consider it bad :lol:

Plus, I thought it was impossible to hate RE4. And the movies were horrible...
i beat RE4 in 3 hours. it sucked badly.

i don't hate sonic, i just think he's gone way downhill since the original 3.

and i don't like street fighter but i don't hate it. i know what its done for the fighting genre and respect it as a classic but i just don't like to play it.

and i usually try a game before i make my opinion. for example Star Wars Force Unleashed got horrible reviews. i love the game.
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*runs into the room screaming and then runs into a tree face first and gets knocked unconcious*

"Eh, EH!"

"...yep, shes dead Joe, take'er away."
*runs into the room screaming and then runs into a tree face first and gets knocked unconcious*

"hmmmm........i think............she hit...................................a tree...........of some kind................" *pokes wiininja with a stick* "ello? u dead?"
*throws a dart at Night* I then say: "DAM it missed his balls, at least I got his leg"
*shoots 720 in the face with cross bow, than looks at wii ninja* "Umm well iam Night and ur wii ninja and u ran into a u know where u r? r u ok?
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