ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

*smiles a little and helps wii ninja up* "alright then, Well can u remember anything at all, like were u are right. Or where ur family is? just try and remember."
"Maybe we can help you get your memory back. By the way my name is InugamiGod, but you can call me Inu or like a few others Manga." *Does a bow to show respect* "Night any ideas about what could'iv happened and how to fix it?"
*looks at the 3*

"... Okay I can't handle this crazy anime soap-opra BS. If anyone needs me I'll be killing zombies."
*sorry about my late post //_x but i went snowmobiling this weekend* looks at wii ninja 4 a moment* "i know a guy that could help....but if we do go to see him, 2 things dont look at him in the eyes and dont talk. This dude is like a med. but knows so deadly posions and stuff. He lives in a town called "Rockvil mnt." *i couldnt think of a name //_T* "its about a days trip by flying for me but u guys dont have wings it will take us about 3 days tops"

No seriously guys this story sucks. It's too melodramatic. I say we try something else. I liked where Nights was going with this treasure map thing.
Wow this Thread has been in my CP since it started!

Same here, Luigi Man, same here!

I just pulled out an orange-blue yoshi from the refrigerator, yet he's hungry and feels warm. Can someone give me a lazer sledgehammer so I can work on his teeth?
Well, how about we try something a bit different. I got an idea if you guys don't mind.

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