Well I don't really have a "story" in mind, but a plot. Something else besides all this anime-related stuff we've been doing. A bit more realistic. I liked we're you were going with the map. Modern time treasure hunters maybe? Travel different parts of the world, getting the next clue, and trying to stay alive. Kinda like the Bourne movies meets Uncharted.
Bodine journal entry- March 17
Today was pretty cold. I awoke to see the sun was starting to rise. I walked out to the deck of the boat to get a view, see if we were near any land. The large, well crafted yacht was owned and being driven by aristocrat/friend Night. The guy has been sort of a "buisness partner" of mine for a few years now. He loves the good life as much as he loves fine wine. A big liver. He does this for ritches, I do it for the adventure... and possible fame. We're pretty close friends, we argue from time to time though. He says I'm to much of a smart-ass and I run head first into danger. I say I don't see anything wrong with that.
Not too long ago he recieved a mysterious letter from an unknown sender. With it came a map. He soonafter contacted me, saying he needed my treasure seeking skills. I could tell he was on to something big. So here we are, in the Atlantic heading to some island off the coast of South America... far, far off the coast.
*Journal entry ends*
"well my good friend i would say at least 2 days or so with the wind on our side." *Night starts to steer the boat left for a little and see something in the distance* "Oh my god....BODINE!!! get the life boat ready we hav a man over borad!"
"Woah where am...i? [Awakes on a small island behind the boat] "How'd i get here? I look around for any clues. All i see is a boat! "Hey i yell HEY! can you help me?!"
ok so this is very confuseing..//_< we need a player sign up
iam in
Bodine in
wii ninja u in?
lugie man u in?
now if everyone is in we need to think of whats going on bec. right now its only like me and Bodine..................and a two person RP is not that fun.................