Rest in peace Steve Irwin

~Marisa~ said:
Don't even bother, I've already been down this road with him. He's just another little teenager who thinks he knows everything about life. Hopefully, he'll mature one day, until then, he's going to remain ignorant. He doesn't know what reality is like, clearly, he is VERY sheltered and doesn't know the meaning of death. He follows the trends of "I LAWL AT EMO" and posting "ORLY" pictures, he's the typical internet child. Don't even waste your time on this racist little boy.

Hellooo im 25 last time I looked that wasnt young.

I do know what death is


Edit : dont care if people die
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Darkprinny said:
Hellooo im 25 last time I looked that wasnt young.

I do know what death is


Your physical age has nothing to do with it. Your mental maturity is what truly determines how you act. And know what death is irrelevant, a 5 year old knows what death is but doesn't know how to properly deal with it, such is your case. Like I said, I strongly suggest professional help. There's nothing wrong with getting help, even if you may think you don't need it, it's better safe then sorry because later in life this is going to bite you in the ass.
It was tryed when I was 13 (when dad died) failed I dont talk about feelings
so I try to make people laugh instead of being all depressed

but this threds starting to get dull
time to change
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Darkprinny said:
no beeing disrespet full is danceing on there graves.

And you don't seem to know what Direspect is, You are laughing at him, Posting Sad and no funny pictures, and dont you lie and tell me you Laughed at your Dad when he died SO STOP HIDING YOURSELF FROM EMOTIONS, Depressing sometimes is a Good thing but the way you see it is you should be Disrespectful to Dead people.

I think I made my point :incazzato:
Starts to dance on a grave
I'm not afraid of my emotions that one sucks id rather not be in a wish I was dead mood

anyway this topic is dull
Id rather not be depressed best to be happy than a miserable (unt
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u no its wierd a few days ago my moms best freind(and some 1 i new seince i was born)died(from a blood clot i think?)anyways when i herd she died it didint really faze me i couldint cry cals i didnt feel it ..........i mean it was sad to hear it but i coludint cry i dont know its wierd..........
Darkprinny said:
It was tryed when I was 13 (when dad died) failed I dont talk about feelings
so I try to make people laugh instead of being all depressed

but this threds starting to get dull
time to change

It's not telling you how to live, kiddo, it's a helpful suggestion. Please, learn the difference before you get all defensive about your hidden issues.
heers a web site you might like
Full of annoying people
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2stupid4u said:
u no its wierd a few days ago my moms best freind(and some 1 i new seince i was born)died(from a blood clot i think?)anyways when i herd she died it didint really faze me i couldint cry cals i didnt feel it ..........i mean it was sad to hear it but i coludint cry i dont know its wierd..........

You went through this because you didn't have an emotional bond with that person. How can you cry for someone you don't really know?

The only reason I see why yoyu didn't cry Darkprinny is because you didn't love your father. I don't know why you don't love your father but I'm not going there, I know I love my father, without him or my mother I wouldn't be here. But saying this doesn't mean you have to love your parents, your parents could be abusive or something and you wish they were dead anyway.
actuley i knew alot about her "seince i was booooooorrrrrrrnnnnnnn"we(my family) went to her house like every week and did all kinds of things with her and her family
Darkprinny said:
Hellooo im 25 last time I looked that wasnt young.

I do know what death is


Edit : dont care if people die

Dude you are so not 25. Even if you were, you have the grammatical skills of a 12 year-old. Hell, even I could string words together more coherently and correctly spelt when I was in primary school. And stop posting those stupid pictures with every post you make, they aren't funny and just chew up bandwidth.

Besides, why do you attach a stigma of "emo" to a fact of life like death? Are you saying it's trendy to be upset when people die and by not being upset by the death of relatives you are somehow rebellious in the face of modern pop-culture? Grow the f*ck up man. Everybody hurts when someone dies, and I don't believe it was ever socially acceptible to laugh at someone dying.

So grow up. Stop harassing people with your barely legible posts and get a real backbone.
Whoa 60s tv ref
Tv tune (theres a lot of tv tunes on there see if you remember them)
some what relivent

And its not working your not pissing me off
And im dislexic so I cant spell and gramer was never my storng point (LOL us Mancueans are stupid)

Anyway if I have offended anyone "gomenasai" my way was to be funny to help take peoples minds off it (works in real life. hate being around sadness) and if some people dont have a sense of humor thats there prob.
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Ezekiel86 said:
Dude you are so not 25. Even if you were, you have the grammatical skills of a 12 year-old. Hell, even I could string words together more coherently and correctly spelt when I was in primary school. And stop posting those stupid pictures with every post you make, they aren't funny and just chew up bandwidth.

Besides, why do you attach a stigma of "emo" to a fact of life like death? Are you saying it's trendy to be upset when people die and by not being upset by the death of relatives you are somehow rebellious in the face of modern pop-culture? Grow the f*ck up man. Everybody hurts when someone dies, and I don't believe it was ever socially acceptible to laugh at someone dying.

So grow up. Stop harassing people with your barely legible posts and get a real backbone.

You know, with every new post I see of yours, I dislike you alittle more. Your a complete asshole.
When did I say I was trying to piss you off?

Anyway, it's not about not having a sense of humour, it's about joking about issues you aren't supposed to. You can't do that. Haven't you learnt anything from human contact? You can't be so insensitive, and it is NEVER appropriate to wish death upon the muslim population. If you cant grow up, just leave (as you have so often claimed to do so).

There's alot of people on here who have had enough of your immature attitude, pal.
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Ezekiel86 said:
When did I say I was trying to piss you off?

Anyway, it's not about not having a sense of humour, it's about joking about issues you aren't supposed to. You can't do that. Haven't you learnt anything from human contact? You can't be so insensitive, and it is NEVER appropriate to wish death upon the muslim population. If you cant grow up, just leave (as you have so often claimed to do so).

There's alot of people on here who have had enough of your immature attitude, pal.

Whoa, talk about putting words in my mouth. Who wished death upon anyone? Don't put words in my mouoth, PAL. Your a miserable prick... the end.

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