Santa banned from using Ho Ho Ho

That is where our world is today, so afraid of itself that Santa can't say Ho Ho Ho anymore. I hate what the world has come to. Ugh!
owlsgo said:
what a jolly time of year christmas is in australia, too. sweltering heat, flies trying to get up your nose and in your ears. semi-nude old men drinking beer and exposing innocent eyes to their hairy nippled man-boobs. my god... i hate summer in australia... it's coming... please... god no.

more like drip drip drip, merry christmas.

I have to disagree with you there :p. I really like the Australian summer, nice weather for the beach or a BBQ. Plus there is the cricket and the Australian Open to watch, and the bikinis come out ;). Not to mention the Christmas festivities. Which leads me to the on topic part of this post, it's disappointing to have this break away from tradition. I doubt these rules will actually be followed, I'm sure you will still here "Ho Ho Ho" in the Australian shopping centres this Christmas.
ZeLdA4LiFe said:

Santa allways hires the same "hoe hoe hoes"

On one of his other days off
Darkprinny said:
Santa allways hires the same "hoe hoe hoes"

On one of his other days off

oh my ****in god........... your a ****in genius!!!!!!!

that pic is so ****in hilarious prinny!!!!!

*definitely repped*
A fat man who invites innocent children into his grotto to sit on his lap, spies on them while they're asleep, breaks into their house at night, and tries to seduce them with presents. Terrifies me.
no wayy!!!

ill go to australia and wear my "ho, ho, ho" pajamas just to shove it in their faces!
Samus101 said:
Wow this is almost as stupid as how people in America CAN'T even say "Merry Christmas!" or they get fired! :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5:

Tellin me man I cannot believe I cannot believe the P.C. Bull Crap.
So now I just tell people "Merry Crhistmas and and Merry what ever you celebrate." Can't be wrong if I include everyone.
eh, Im still gonna go sit on his lap and yell "No Santa, I dont wanna see whats in your goodie bag" in earshot of all the overprotective parents.

And when I tell them I've been mentally scared...STORE CREDIT:yesnod:

But in all seriousnes this is a disgrace, people need to harden up.
Napalmbrain said:
A fat man who invites innocent children into his grotto to sit on his lap, spies on them while they're asleep, breaks into their house at night, and tries to seduce them with presents. Terrifies me.
OH shi-

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