Rest in peace Steve Irwin

Ezekiel86 said:
So he's all of a sudden realised that we are right all along and that his argument is futile. If only he realised sooner than draw it out this far, he always seems to find something to fight about, but its alright, he'll think a bit harder before he argues with us again :)

And there you go again.. You just don't learn do you? And I am the stereotype? Get off that horse young man because your not a bad ass. But you sure are an ass.
All Out said:
And there you go again.. You just don't learn do you? And I am the stereotype? Get off that horse young man because your not a bad ass. But you sure are an ass.

I dont understand these random statements u are making.....
If you can't take the heat, then get out the kitchen. :lol:
Guys, don't even bother with him, he just likes to cause trouble because he obviously has some issues of his own. Usually, assholes are never assholes to you because it's your fault, they're that way because they hate their life. He's one of those people who defend racists and killers, just ignore him. He'll end up dieing alone anyways. Don't please him by giving him your attention.
Woot end up dieing alone

I know that all ready

Any way topic way off corse
back on subject hate the guys work, like the fact he did work for animals hated the way he teased them
Darkprinny said:
Woot end up dieing alone

I know that all ready

Any way topic way off corse
back on subject hate the guys work, like the fact he did work for animals hated the way he teased them

I was talking about All Out, not you.
its ok I will anyway
dont wana bring sadness down on my famaly

anyway im out of this topic (but will be reading)
ok guys it's kindah wierd but i understand what darkprinny is talking about.
example: if ur car is stealed, and u r so really sad than someone says something funny about it. i don't think u should be like that with death.
but since darkprinny has lost that many people, it's good that he has learned how to laugh at it! but i'm sorry to hear about he's losses.

maby not so smart to joke here...
nintendowiigaming.piczo said:
ok guys it's kindah wierd but i understand what darkprinny is talking about.
example: if ur car is stealed, and u r so really sad than someone says something funny about it. i don't think u should be like that with death.
but since darkprinny has lost that many people, it's good that he has learned how to laugh at it! but i'm sorry to hear about he's losses.

maby not so smart to joke here...

I know, it would normally make sense if he were doing it in a healthy way, but how he's doing it is an unhealthy form of expression.
^ffs you guys give it a rest, you wouldn't be doing this if you were in a funeral would you?^

ON TOPIC: He's the 2nd man to die in those circumstances in Australia, ever. Or something like that.

I suppose he'd have been pleased that he wen't in an interesting way, while doing what he loved.
E7ernal said:
^ffs you guys give it a rest, you wouldn't be doing this if you were in a funeral would you?^

ON TOPIC: He's the 2nd man to die in those circumstances in Australia, ever. Or something like that.

I suppose he'd have been pleased that he wen't in an interesting way, while doing what he loved.

I second that, it's hard not to fight given what some previous posters have posted but in the hype of it all we seemed to forget the real reason this thread existed: to pay our respects to a great man.

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