Rest in peace Steve Irwin

This is an absolute tragedy.
Not just for the Australians (as I am one of them) but for the whole world and his millions of fans around the world.

I managed to catch a couple of shows tonight (*note* any non-Australians probably won't know what I'm talking about) being A Current Affair and Enough Rope with Andrew Denton. A Current Affair had a massive segment about Steve Irwin. Apparently Stingray stings are very painful (a small barb through the foot is enough to leave someone in excruciating pain for no less than 6 hours) and he would have had a pretty big one going through him...

It makes me cringe just thinking about the ammount of force it would have ripped through his chest with... That's no way for a legend like him to die...

I remember my sister and I grew up with his shows and we loved him. Lol, remembering those days makes me smile *smiles*. We always thought he was 10ft tall and bulletproof, totally invincible, as if nothing could ever kill him. It was quite touching tonight actually... They showed some old interviews with him on TV and he said in one, upon being asked "Have you ever met your match?" he responded with "The day that I die, is the day I meet my match". Damn... Poor guy... How right he was...

I wish I had a chance to meet him... He's done such great things for the Australian Tourism industry, he even bought massive pieces of land across Australia, America, Fiji and a couple of other countries, just so he could create places of sanctuary for wildlife, as his logic was "If I own it, I can protect it" and he even said if he owned the whole of Australia he would use the whole country as a sanctuary for native wildlife.

He was not only one of our most famous Australian icons (mention Australia to any American and the first thing they'll think of is either Steve Irwin or Crocodile Dundee) but he was also a passionate environmentalist. He has done so much for the Australian wildlife, and wildlife around the world. He is truely a modern day legend and will be missed dearly by all of us.

Our deepest sympathies to you, your family and your friends. May you rest in peace. You will always be with us, remembered and loved as you were.
Napalmbrain said:
Poor guy... hope it wasn't painful. It's sad to see him go.
I heard the stingray barb went in his heart and that would explain why he died so quickly. Also that he was shooting an underwater special for the Dicovery Channel, so that means the got his death on tape.:sick:
I already know the news but didn't realise there was a dedication page for it.
Damn.. everyone knows who Steve Irwin was.. and now he's gone?
The irony being.. he's battled such deadly animals in the past.. and he was killed by one of the least violent...
And Sovieto.. W T F?!?!? :wtf: ur happy hes dead coz of his accent.. im sorry but thats kind of sick.. its like u wish death upon all Australians :confused:
But anyway, Steve said that if he did get killed by an animal, he hoped that he was being recorded at the time, and apparently the whole reason he was underwater etc.. was for a documentary..
R.I.P Steve Irwin (Croc's Rule)
And im out...
omg i woke up to the news that steve died, but then i was like WTF??? my mom, dad, bros, sis and me loved his show. it was really the main reason we watched Animal Planet. but now that hes gone, i only hope it really was quick. no one, and i mean no one Sovieto diserves to die. no matter how someone sounds when they talk. its jus stupid how you thought of that.

but anyways. may he rest in peace. :( :(
Yeah, i heard about this in the morning. It's a huge tragedy. I mean, there are wars going on all over, global warming is hitting us, and in the midst of things, an innocent, great guy dies for the sake of television. Its just terrible. I really used to love his show, and how eccentric he was, and how he could just handle dangerous animals.:( :( :( RIP Steve Irwin, you will be missed.

BTW, i know 1 person in the world who deserved there death: Adolf Hitler.
he almost died instantly thank goodness, i hate to say this but, the sting was so big that it actually ripped through his heart and tore it into pieces. If that did not kill him, the large quantaty of poison would have made him convolse, become paralayzed and lose conciuosness almost instantly. I think he died on the way to land, but was not awake thank goodness.
But the worst thing of all,
his daughter was there with him and saw him die a violent death
The saddest part is that he had children, young ones too and his wife doesn't even know he's dead yet... I couldn't even imagine the horror and pain I would feel if I came back from a trip and found out that my boyfriend had died a day or two ago.

Too unbearable to even think about...

Poor Steve, he had an awesome attitude and was a huge role-model for me. (All but the dangling my kid near a crocodile thing :p)
Meh I took the piss outa him and didnt like his attitude to animals
"Im gona tese this croc to see what it does"
answer it gets pissed off
~Marisa~ said:
Poor Steve, he had an awesome attitude and was a huge role-model for me. (All but the dangling my kid near a crocodile thing :p)

any ways u no he died like 4 days ago u think she would have found out buy now?? i dont know just a thot

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