Dumplings main ingredient...cardboard

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you can make your own, but according to china you gotta put cardboard to make the tasting of it so much better. Right?
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sorry, forgot to put sarcasm marks at the end..kinda off today :aureola:
Nothing new here. This happens CONSTANTLY in china. There are classes you can take to create artificial eggs (that you can cook with). Many baby forumulas are cut with talc. Alcohol is often diluted with industrial solvents. Beef balls contain rat. Toothpaste is made with antifreeze. Catfish are grown at the pipes that dump sewage into the ocean.

Want me to go on?
rumor has it is that cardboard is a good source of fiber lol like cheerios
ciper said:
Did you see the Mythbusters where they tried to prove eating the box is better for you than eating the sugary cereal?

no but i do now lol

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