Rest in peace Steve Irwin

That is disgusting in someways. I dont see what he ever did to those people who hate him except bring them entertainment..... WTF has this world turned into.
Hay I lol at death
its beater then going all emo about it
Darkprinny said:
Hay I lol at death
its beater then going all emo about it
So first u abuse someone cause of the origins... NEXT u get attention by makin a thread sayin how your leavin (and u come back all the time) lastly u abuse someone over their death... get the f*ck off of this forum
Nuff said
Wiired said:
So first u abuse someone cause of the origins... NEXT u get attention by makin a thread sayin how your leavin (and u come back all the time) lastly u abuse someone over their death... get the f*ck off of this forum
Nuff said
Who who did I abuse

and I dont come back all the time I came back due to boradom

And im trying to make peolpe lol (better to be the joker rather than the king.
and if you looked at the link I posted its a funny

Wiired said:
So first u abuse someone cause of the origins... NEXT u get attention by makin a thread sayin how your leavin (and u come back all the time) lastly u abuse someone over their death... get the f*ck off of this forum
Nuff said

Agreed. DarkPrinny you should know better than to joke about someone's death like that. I don't think you'd like it if any of us started making jokes about relatives/friends of yours who have died. Besides, try telling a straight story for once, and don't say you're gonna leave unless you are not coming back.
Go on then joke heres the list of people that I know that are dead
Dad (hart attack last to see him alive first to see him dead)
Granddad (died in his sleep)
brother (9/11)
Friend to the family that I looked ather because he was to ill to move (died in his sleep)
Friend to the family 2 (he just died)
grand mother (died in her sleep)
Friend 1(Car crash)
Friend 2(stabbed)
Girl Friend of 5 years(ran over )
there also pets (some I was with since I was little)

its better not to go emo about death its better to laugh at death
Actually Darkprinny it's not remotely funny at all it's just being a Real Dumbass and can't respect people, even when they are dead.
So what you think I sholud be deppressed and blame myself for there deaths
Steve Erwin was a true asset to the animal entertainment industry. He will be truly missed.
sasuke747 said:
No, but you shouldn't Make fun of them either, thats not laughing at Death, thats being disrespectful to them.

no beeing disrespet full is danceing on there graves.

Spike muilgens grave said:
See I told you I was ill
m7ticalm said:
That is disgusting in someways. I dont see what he ever did to those people who hate him except bring them entertainment..... WTF has this world turned into.

I second you with that. He was a really great guy, and most people will think of him as someone who toyed with wild animals, well i hope everyone will learn to think of him as what he was. A major player for saving the wildlife.

He will always be remebered
Wiired said:
So first u abuse someone cause of the origins... NEXT u get attention by makin a thread sayin how your leavin (and u come back all the time) lastly u abuse someone over their death... get the f*ck off of this forum
Nuff said

Don't even bother, I've already been down this road with him. He's just another little teenager who thinks he knows everything about life. Hopefully, he'll mature one day, until then, he's going to remain ignorant. He doesn't know what reality is like, clearly, he is VERY sheltered and doesn't know the meaning of death. He follows the trends of "I LAWL AT EMO" and posting "ORLY" pictures, he's the typical internet child. Don't even waste your time on this racist little boy.
Darkprinny said:
Go on then joke heres the list of people that I know that are dead
Dad (hart attack last to see him alive first to see him dead)
Granddad (died in his sleep)
brother (9/11)
Friend to the family that I looked ather because he was to ill to move (died in his sleep)
Friend to the family 2 (he just died)
grand mother (died in her sleep)
Friend 1(Car crash)
Friend 2(stabbed)
Girl Friend of 5 years(ran over )
there also pets (some I was with since I was little)

its better not to go emo about death its better to laugh at death

Obviously you are a troubled little boy who takes his anger out by laughing at the misfortune of others and wishing death upon people. I suggest you go get immediate mental and emotional help. I'm not saying this to embarrass you, I'm saying this for your own good and I mean it. I strongly suggest you get some profession help because obviously something in your brain is not clicking. This problem will seriously catch up with you later on in life when you try to form serious relationships with others. It's going to be a big issue for you if you don't seek help soon.

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