PSP vs. DS

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I'm personally leaning towards the PSP. I got tired of some of the games in the DS category, and I can't go online. A lot of the DS's single player games aren't that fun. They hardly have any fps's at all too. The PSP has better graphics. I know the DS's battery life is a lot better, but charging it is not a problem. Yes, some of the DS's games are fun, but what about SW Battlefront, and MLB 07 the show? You can't get that experience out of the DS. I guess its just what you're into gamewise.
manufan15 said:
I'm personally leaning towards the PSP. I got tired of some of the games in the DS category, and I can't go online. A lot of the DS's single player games aren't that fun. They hardly have any fps's at all too. The PSP has better graphics. I know the DS's battery life is a lot better, but charging it is not a problem. Yes, some of the DS's games are fun, but what about SW Battlefront, and MLB 07 the show? You can't get that experience out of the DS. I guess its just what you're into gamewise.

Than just wait. The new PSP Slim will be out soon unless you want to hack it than you want to get the current one than.
got a ds played a psp... my view ds has the better games, psp has the better graphics.. and out of them both ds is doing alot better than psp on the market.. so its easy to choose
In my opinion the PSP was the biggest disappointment! The graphics were decent but the game selection is I sold my PSP for a DS.:lol:
I think the promise of Gran Turismo : Mobile has been a huge let down.
I have both the PSP and DS Lite and I play my DS much more than I play my PSP. The only games I have for PSP are Need For Speed Carbon: Own The City, Need For Speed Most Wanted, Burnout, Ape Escape, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and FIFA World Cup. None of the games are overly exciting, especially Grand Theft Auto since I can't get past a particular mission. The PSP has custom firmware and many opportunities for homebrew, but overall I like the DS better. The games seem to be more fun, even though PSP graphics definitely are much better than those of the DS.
i am one of nintendo's biggest supporters, but i have a psp, and it is wayy better than ds. music,photos,crappy internet browser, movies, WLAN multiplayer, vice city stories, what more could u want? also it is pc compatible, ds isnt, its has online, ds does too, but if u go by sales, ds is obviously waay ahead of psp, but what can i say, ppl like the cheap sh*t. but my brother hogs the psp, so i kinda hate it now.
sorry bout the double post but, has ANYONE HERE EVEN TRIED A PSP! i hear all this ranting, and some people say they arent even sure when they make a judgement. obviously ppl dont like psp cause sony should burn to bits, but come on, just admit it fanboys, we all know psp is better, BUT OMG THE STYLUS PEN IS SOOO COOL! until it turns ur ds to a scratchy piece of crap. just admit that too, ive seen my cousins, after just getting it and playing nintendogs for 2 hours, there was scratches all over that bottom screen. but thats all i have to say, ive obviously been having a bad day. and ds having better games? come on ppl, is it gta or catz? moh or horsez? nfs most wanted or mario kart? for the ds and psp being almost the same price, ds needs to step up on some features like some movies like umd has for psp. no not the crappy spongebob shows that were for game boy advance, some good stuff!!! NINTENDO WII RULES!!!!!!!!!!!
Shoko said:
i say the DS is way better, cause when it comes down to which has the better games, the DS is it. And people say that the "PSP has PS2 graphics", but thats only the cut-scenes, so it really dosent matter. I say the DS has better online too. Ont he last 3 PSP games I bought, THERE WAS NEVER ANYONE ONLINE. Nobody's ever online on the PSP. Also, FPSs are way better on the DS, since it's like PC dual control. The DS is just so entertaining, and it has a wide veriety of games. The PSP gets like 89% of their games from the PS2, or PS1. But the DS gets games from like every game consel. For example, the DS had Brothers in Arms, Ninja Gaiden, Splinter Cell, Final Fantasy, GAH! THE DS IS JUST SO MUCH BETTER WHEN IT COMES TO GAMES! so yea, i suggest u get a DS.
sorry for the triple post, but i could not help but notice u sound like one of those apple people who cannot shut no offense, its sooo entertaining, i guess im being harsh, but when it comes to games, i think it is a tie, ooh the ds has brothers in arms, so does psp and everyother console, same with splinter cell, so the ds doesnt really out do its self with third party games exclusive to the ds.
its obvious. for a gamer, psp is the way to go. the average joe just cant unlock all of the psps features. psp has better games, hands down, ive come to realize because it has the ability to torrent any classic game onto it which cant be advertised.
I play my DS far more than my PSP especially now that I traded it in. However it did have street fighter alpha 3 and the DS has -no- fighting games that I can think of.
tylertulli said:
sorry bout the double post but, has ANYONE HERE EVEN TRIED A PSP! i hear all this ranting, and some people say they arent even sure when they make a judgement. obviously ppl dont like psp cause sony should burn to bits, but come on, just admit it fanboys, we all know psp is better, BUT OMG THE STYLUS PEN IS SOOO COOL! until it turns ur ds to a scratchy piece of crap. just admit that too, ive seen my cousins, after just getting it and playing nintendogs for 2 hours, there was scratches all over that bottom screen. but thats all i have to say, ive obviously been having a bad day. and ds having better games? come on ppl, is it gta or catz? moh or horsez? nfs most wanted or mario kart? for the ds and psp being almost the same price, ds needs to step up on some features like some movies like umd has for psp. no not the crappy spongebob shows that were for game boy advance, some good stuff!!! NINTENDO WII RULES!!!!!!!!!!!
Temper? I have to admit; the stylus does scratch the screen a lot. Mine is extremely noticeable when it's turned off and I try to go crazy with the stylus when playing.

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