PSP vs. DS

The DS wins..sorry to you Sony lovers, but it's true. movies and tv shows may wash your brain with stupid propaganda, but the facts are facts.
Fact: DS is better either way, Why? Because its the king of hand-helds....its better in sales....what better way can i put this.....The Nintendo DS is just better!

Well thats just my opinion...also Axtlars too!!
Hey, GOOD JOB for the both of us......we did a great job, its just that ppl out there that are stubborn to agree with Facts....

Fact: DS as of right now since the last two years since its been out, is better than the PSP
yeah you are right

Fact: the DS has a very big roster of elaborate and creative "touchable" games, the PSP has only few, and mostly bad games.
hey....i want a good job too

ds has more variety of games then the psp and less likely to that good

and come on!......does the psp has a touch screen....nope:lol:
wario2ooo said:
hey....i want a good job too

ds has more variety of games then the psp and less likely to that good

and come on!......does the psp has a touch screen....nope:lol:
Good Job Wario2u.....its very true:That it has more than enough variety of games than the psp that dont suck and SELL ALOT!!
I know! what's better than that? I'm sure Sony will copycat that for their next handheld, just like they copycatted the Wiimote and called it "sIxAxIs"

but Nintendo is coming out with a new handheld with new capabilities. oh and good job Wario!!
oh....and its still able to keep in touch with gba games with its gba that u can play gba games

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