PSP vs. DS

Shoko said:
i say the DS is way better, cause when it comes down to which has the better games, the DS is it. And people say that the "PSP has PS2 graphics", but thats only the cut-scenes, so it really dosent matter. I say the DS has better online too. Ont he last 3 PSP games I bought, THERE WAS NEVER ANYONE ONLINE. Nobody's ever online on the PSP. Also, FPSs are way better on the DS, since it's like PC dual control. The DS is just so entertaining, and it has a wide veriety of games. The PSP gets like 89% of their games from the PS2, or PS1. But the DS gets games from like every game consel. For example, the DS had Brothers in Arms, Ninja Gaiden, Splinter Cell, Final Fantasy, GAH! THE DS IS JUST SO MUCH BETTER WHEN IT COMES TO GAMES! so yea, i suggest u get a DS.

agree 100%
Shoko said:
i say the DS is way better, cause when it comes down to which has the better games, the DS is it. And people say that the "PSP has PS2 graphics", but thats only the cut-scenes, so it really dosent matter. I say the DS has better online too. Ont he last 3 PSP games I bought, THERE WAS NEVER ANYONE ONLINE. Nobody's ever online on the PSP. Also, FPSs are way better on the DS, since it's like PC dual control. The DS is just so entertaining, and it has a wide veriety of games. The PSP gets like 89% of their games from the PS2, or PS1. But the DS gets games from like every game consel. For example, the DS had Brothers in Arms, Ninja Gaiden, Splinter Cell, Final Fantasy, GAH! THE DS IS JUST SO MUCH BETTER WHEN IT COMES TO GAMES! so yea, i suggest u get a DS.
Shoko is right one of my frends has a psp and when he plays it there is never no one on and he as all of the online games he stayed all night one night to see is fsome one came on and noe one

Thinks there is 24 time zones
Bigjake52 said:
Shoko is right one of my frends has a psp and when he plays it there is never no one on and he as all of the online games he stayed all night one night to see is fsome one came on and noe one

Thinks there is 24 time zones

he stayed up all night, what is he an owl?

I got a PsP and a 32mb memory card. My PsP gets boring the only thing i do on it is internet, and gaming. Music, Videos, are really useless if you have a little bit of memory. I like Console Gaming more than Handheld Gaming =]
Ya he did and he is a night person he is like that for some reason i do that in the summer. and i dont get why play station did umd's or what ever there are. i think the game cards are better. there are rom but there is ~10mb for saving :)

What is a 1up??? i don't know lol. i'm new and i know i'm new here so dont make fun of me or i will become the Incredible hulk. just joking
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its the little green mushroom under someones name and stuff. click this if you want to give this person rep, if they have been helpful or woteva
I have both but i personally use my psp more than my DS, Since most of the games on the DS don't appeal to me anymore, I wish they would make another Mario game like the new super mario bros...

I mostly play pokemon which is rather boring now on my DS and Grand theft auto on my psp which is pretty fun whenever u got nothing to do...
Shoko said:
i say the DS is way better, cause when it comes down to which has the better games, the DS is it. And people say that the "PSP has PS2 graphics", but thats only the cut-scenes, so it really dosent matter. I say the DS has better online too. Ont he last 3 PSP games I bought, THERE WAS NEVER ANYONE ONLINE. Nobody's ever online on the PSP. Also, FPSs are way better on the DS, since it's like PC dual control. The DS is just so entertaining, and it has a wide veriety of games. The PSP gets like 89% of their games from the PS2, or PS1. But the DS gets games from like every game consel. For example, the DS had Brothers in Arms, Ninja Gaiden, Splinter Cell, Final Fantasy, GAH! THE DS IS JUST SO MUCH BETTER WHEN IT COMES TO GAMES! so yea, i suggest u get a DS.
No offense Shoko but the PSP has Splinter Cell, Brothers in Arms, Final Fantasy, even Prince of Persia. After I saw Prince of Persia on DS, I couldn't hep but wonder why? Then I saw Tenchu on DS and, you really can't go wrong with Tenchu, it was horrid.

When it comes to which version I would want, I go with PSP. I would have wanted FFIII on PSP cause on the DS, the top screen is black 3/4 the time anyways.

I don't get the WiFi chat thing either. Whats the point when you have to be within hearing distance anyways.
the chat is just over a small lan it is not over the net nintedo did that for 1reason for peopel that live under 30 ft from there houses and if you cant talk
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Bigjake52 said:
the chat is just over a small lan it is not over the net nintedo did that for 1reason for peopel that live under 30 ft from there houses and if you cant talk

Picto Chat is really stupid... Why not just talk to them in person, rather than typing when they're a few feet away?
Because he wants it to make sense so badly, but it just doesn't. You actually have to find someone and say "Hey, wanna Picto Chat?" which completely voids the purpose.

The only way someone would live out side the house 30 feet away would be a tree house or dog house. Then for some odd reason, the manual says not to give your personal info out through Picto Chat. If you use Picto Chat, you know who the person is, you can see them, there in visual distance.
ive been wanting to buy either a PSP or a DS and im stuck because i know the PSP plays movies and can homebrew and get GPS app on it, but i like the games for DS...

after reading these 3 pages here i think i might go with DS because its cheaper and the games appeal more to me..

what would you guys do?

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