PSP vs. DS

secrecyguy said:
How childish you are. Check the facts.

#1 Wii
#2 xBox 360
#3 PS3

However if you check the total sells and take it into consideration that xBox 360 had a head start, xBox 360 will actually come in #1. But Wii is gaining up on xBox 360 in total sells so it won't be true anymore.

why are you all arguing about console sales in a thread about the two handhelds? cause you both know the DS outsells everything, including the consoles, Hell i wouldnt be suprised if people in japan were born with a DS in hand, and if not itd be the first gift in a baby shower!
why is everyone turning it into a console war, manufan15 was asking which to get. stop sticking up for a DS or PSP, the PSP is good for media, DS good for games. simple as. they both have their advantages and disadvantages, it depends which one will suite more
I'm glad the DS and PSP killed the N-Gage and other posers. As long as these two compete we'll keep getting better stuff. So I hope both companies stay in this market.
I did a ****load of travelling back in 2005/2006 and got one. It was a great investment, being that I was always using it to play games and watch films/tv shows, etc. Now that I haven't travelled much, I've found myself using my DS more then the PSP.

They are both great but at the moment I prefer my DS.

The load times on the PSP can be shockingly bad and most of the games have glitches (Vice City, anyone?).

Either way, I like them both and don't regret getting the PSP.
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Yeah, now I see that they're both good in different ways. I kind of want Medal of Honor Heroes, with great multiplayer, online and off. I'm not sure if I'll be able to connect though, the DS wasn't able because, in simple terms the router was too new, and the DS was too old. The PSP is newer, but I still don't think I can connect. Anyway, that was off topic... Some of the games on the PSP interest me, such as MOH, Ratchet & Clank, MLB 07 The Show, etc. Then again, the DS has great interactive games and such. I don't think the handheld battle will ever cease.
They both arnt the grastest here is the problems with the psp fris
Cons Psp:
Need Card to save stuff
It takes umd's
screen does not flip open
cant play a game if yor frend does not have it.
Can surf the web (thats all)

Ds cons
2Screns make more bat power
top part of it will fall off one day (mabby not today not torrmrow but soon)
Web brouser sucks
game cant hold lots of stuff

Game load fast
can do ds download
Can chat in it over a WLAN
hooks up to the wii so far-> (pokeman)
Can play gba games\movies
lost of home brues

ds better
Bigjake52 said:
They both arnt the grastest here is the problems with the psp fris
Cons Psp:
Need Card to save stuff
It takes umd's
screen does not flip open
cant play a game if yor frend does not have it.
Can surf the web (thats all)

Ds cons
2Screns make more bat power
top part of it will fall off one day (mabby not today not torrmrow but soon)
Web brouser sucks
game cant hold lots of stuff

Game load fast
can do ds download
Can chat in it over a WLAN
hooks up to the wii so far-> (pokeman)
Can play gba games\movies
lost of home brues

ds better
Thats so off, I don't know if I should correct you or give you a cookie and call you special.

You can do what the PSP calls "Game Sharing." In fact, almost all PSP games have this option. The real con is not many have online play.

It comes with a memory stick so I don't see the complaint there.

As far as pros go, I think since people are getting this R4DS to listen to music, being able to play music out of the box is a plus. Watch movies is a plus and being able to use more homebrew, like actual useful homebrew, is just awesome.

The browser isn't the best but hey, at least it comes with one. Did you have to buy the internet for it? You do with the DS, which makes it a con for the DS.
sagema said:
I'm glad the DS and PSP killed the N-Gage and other posers. As long as these two compete we'll keep getting better stuff. So I hope both companies stay in this market.

sorry just have to step in here, the Ngage was never meant as a competitor to any handheld gaming devices, it was a phone, that just so happened to play games.

infact it was (at the time) a high end smart phone, with more features than most, and a built in mp3 player that was far superior to any other phone on the market..

one of its main downfalls was the emergence of the camera-phone

anyway i own both a DS and a PSP, and cant remember the last time i played either, due to lack of appealing games...both are decent systems and like others have already written, they both have their own advantages (though saying that both have hacks/mods to make them do similar things)

and yeah competition is good for us, the consumers, as it means the companies will try and out-do the other, giving us (hopefully) better games and lower prices :yesnod:
GamerCon said:
Thats so off, I don't know if I should correct you or give you a cookie and call you special.

You can do what the PSP calls "Game Sharing." In fact, almost all PSP games have this option. The real con is not many have online play.

It comes with a memory stick so I don't see the complaint there.

As far as pros go, I think since people are getting this R4DS to listen to music, being able to play music out of the box is a plus. Watch movies is a plus and being able to use more homebrew, like actual useful homebrew, is just awesome.

The browser isn't the best but hey, at least it comes with one. Did you have to buy the internet for it? You do with the DS, which makes it a con for the DS.

are you a fan of corner gas?
I prefer the DS, mainly because the actual games appeal to me I don't care about, nor from what I've read would ever use, the PSPs extra features.

Plus I'm not sure why, but the PSP felt orkward in my hands...again this is just personal preference so..
if you're into shooters, than the ds is the only way to go.

aiming with the stylus on the touch screen is the best possible way to operate a handheld shooter. it's like using a mouse. check out metroid hunters and brothers in arms (especially since you're lookin into medal of honor).

whoever posted before about the new psp needing two analog nubs was spot on.

mario kart ds is also the be all, end all of portable racing as well. it's rated as one of the best mario karts ever, and rightly so. the handling and drifting is just too lush.
On the PSP the only game i enjoyed was mercury lol.

on the ds i liked and still like are.

mario 64 ds
metroid prime hunters
mario kart ds
mario and luigi partners i time
I own a PSP but have never played a DS. I think both have their plus and minus points. The PSP has some decent games, Toca Race Driver, Medal Of Honor, Rainbow Six, Superbikes, Ridge Racer, plays UMD movies and has a wireless web browser. Then theres the DS's plus points, dual screen with touch sensitivity, Mario Kart, Mario,

I definatley prefer the PSP's range of games though. I find the DS more light puzzle orientated.
i did not get the brouser for my ds because i have one on my wii o i was off but there are lots of problems with the psp tho that the ds does not have you can get the umd or disk or what ever dritry and the ds card you cant. the ds you can add suff to it like the mic to it you cant with the psp. i dont leav home much an if i do i am fine in the bus with out game i just talk to ramdom peopel
i say the DS is way better, cause when it comes down to which has the better games, the DS is it. And people say that the "PSP has PS2 graphics", but thats only the cut-scenes, so it really dosent matter. I say the DS has better online too. Ont he last 3 PSP games I bought, THERE WAS NEVER ANYONE ONLINE. Nobody's ever online on the PSP. Also, FPSs are way better on the DS, since it's like PC dual control. The DS is just so entertaining, and it has a wide veriety of games. The PSP gets like 89% of their games from the PS2, or PS1. But the DS gets games from like every game consel. For example, the DS had Brothers in Arms, Ninja Gaiden, Splinter Cell, Final Fantasy, GAH! THE DS IS JUST SO MUCH BETTER WHEN IT COMES TO GAMES! so yea, i suggest u get a DS.

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