PSP vs. DS

I only have a PSP i like it but not that many good games, and i have ALOT i like tekken and virtua tennis and a few others but i really cant say because i dont have a DS
ok, lets get it straight and compare the two systems....
GAMES - depends what your looking for
SALES - definitely DS
so out of what i just did, they are tied, they both have weaknesses and strengths. i know its hard coming to a nintendo forum having a psp, cause everyone here votes for DS. but keep an open mind about what i just did.

oh, and im sorry supanova, its just that i usually dont affiliate myself with people i dont know such as yourself. but im sorry for being harsh, I GUESS THAT MAKES ME A GOOSE DOESNT IT!!!
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i hope that means you like the psp better. i hope im right cause right now i am a minority
Wow, this is the most DS biased thread I have ever seen. Half of the things you are calling facts, are mere opinions. You guys better brush your slate clean. Here's some stuff for you:

Axtlar said:
I know! what's better than that? I'm sure Sony will copycat that for their next handheld, just like they copycatted the Wiimote and called it "sIxAxIs"

Six-Axis controlling has nothing to do with the Wii Remote. Sure the PS3 controller using motion-sensing but it has no connection of stealing from the Wii Remote. They are totally different ideas.

wario2ooo said:
oh....and its still able to keep in touch with gba games with its gba that u can play gba games

You can't count that against the PSP since the PSP is Sony's first handheld device. It can't have any backwards compatibility.

Axtlar said:
Fact: the DS has a very big roster of elaborate and creative "touchable" games, the PSP has only few, and mostly bad games.

How can you call that a fact? Some people might think that the PS3 has good games. You're post is simply opinion, not fact, as you stated.

CyanRussel said:
Fact: DS as of right now since the last two years since its been out, is better than the PSP

This just baffles me, how the hell can you call that a fact? Can you tell the difference between fat and opinion? I don't think so; look it up.
DS makes you look more sociable and fun. Guys get fun girls. Girls get fun guys.
God bless Nintendo.

Have healthy non hooligan-gangster-wannabe-hummer-driving-retarded kids by getting the right games for 'em only on DS. :thumbsup:

The games on the DS can be quite unique and innovative and have an odd feeling of comfort, something I've never felt on the competing systems.

The DS is affordable as are the games.

The DS comes from a veteran developer\publisher. A publisher that already pwned and partway conqured another great company.

The DS is quite durable.

The system may not be for everyone, but its pretty damned close! :lol:

As for the PSP.

A few games are truely innovative and fun(loco roco)
The specs are nice.
The graphics are pretty I suppose.

Thats my opinion.

Also my suggestion for a clean bottom screen: Don't be a violent retarded American and just tap the screen lightly. My screen isn't scratched up nor is my TV broken and I play sans strap. :thumbsup:
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tylertulli said:
sorry for the triple post, but ...

There's an edit button so you can merge your three posts in one.

I don't have a DS or a PSP, but if I had to choose it would be a DS. PSP is just a PS2 with a smaller screen while the DS has that fun stick thing and Mario Kart.
{Axtlár} said:
The DS wins..sorry to you Sony lovers, but it's true. movies and tv shows may wash your brain with stupid propaganda, but the facts are facts.
no duh DS is winning. but psp can play any NES-to probably N64 game + classics from any other console from n64 adn before.
Sovieto said:
no duh DS is winning. but psp can play any NES-to probably N64 game + classics from any other console from n64 adn before.

ds can emulate other classic systems too. does a great job of it as well.

just not ps1 and n64 i dont think. but i'm running ds roms on mine right now.
FR. said:
This just baffles me, how the hell can you call that a fact? Can you tell the difference between fat and opinion? I don't think so; look it up.

A bit harsh coming from you...

Isnt it a Fact that the DS has more games than the PSP?
Isnt it a Fact that the DS selling more than the PSP?

Answer those two questions.......and tell me that a F'ing opinion...."If its a fact.....shut your trap..:wink:

(Oh, and tell me if this isnt a FACT also: DS Lite Sells 10 Times More Than PSP
For the week ending May 28 Japanese hardware sales figures show that the Nintendo DS outsold the PSP by a factor of 10. The DS Lite sold 295,103 units, while the PSP managed to sell 27,191.)

If you say this is opinion.....THEN YOU SHOULD GET DOG_SLAPPED!
CyanRussel said:
A bit harsh coming from you...

Isnt it a Fact that the DS has more games than the PSP?
Isnt it a Fact that the DS selling more than the PSP?

Answer those two questions.......and tell me that a F'ing opinion...."If its a fact.....shut your trap..:wink:

(Oh, and tell me if this isnt a FACT also: DS Lite Sells 10 Times More Than PSP
For the week ending May 28 Japanese hardware sales figures show that the Nintendo DS outsold the PSP by a factor of 10. The DS Lite sold 295,103 units, while the PSP managed to sell 27,191.)

If you say this is opinion.....THEN YOU SHOULD GET DOG_SLAPPED!

I'm not denying that the DS has sold more consoles and games than the PSP. Yes, that is a fact. But lets rewind and see what you said before:

CyanRussel said:
Fact: DS as of right now since the last two years since its been out, is better than the PSP

Nowhere do you mention sales of the handheld consoles. All you say is that the DS is better than the PSP. That, is opinion. If you said that the DS, as of right now is selling more than the PSP, that would be acceptable as a fact. What you wrote, hardly constitutes of a fact.

And don't say that I'm PSP biased because I don't even own a PSP, I own a DS. Usually when I look and rate gaming consoles, I lok at the pros and cons of each console before saying that it's better than another one. I chose the DS because of it's price and it's looks. HOWEVER, somebody else might think that the PSP looks better and appeals to them more...that is perfectly fine, that's there opinion, I respect that.

I do not respect people that post opinions and call them facts, when they are just being biased.

I'm done with my rant.

tylertulli said:
oh, and im sorry supanova, its just that i usually dont affiliate myself with people i dont know such as yourself. but im sorry for being harsh, I GUESS THAT MAKES ME A GOOSE DOESNT IT!!!

fake intelligent tylertulli said:
oh, and I'm sorry Supanova, it's just that i usually don't affiliate myself with people I don't know such as yourself. But, I'm sorry for being harsh, I guess that makes me a goose doesn't it?

You are welcome and, yes, it does make you a goose.
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I've gotten a PSP, and I'm loving it. MOH heroes is an awesome game. But I can't get online with SOCOM Ft Bravo 2 and i think its becuase my memory doesnt have enough space to perform an update. I'm not sure though....

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