PSP vs. DS

I am a game aholic I have a PSP GBA will have a DS soon and non portable I have

PS3, Wii, N64,NES, SNES, Sega Genisis, had a dreamcast but it got lifted

Oh I also have an PS2 lieing around I used before the PS3
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  • #152
CyanRussel said:
Metroid Prime:Hunters....kicks that game in the Jimmy's

Actually, no. I have SOCOM and had MPH. SOCOM has way better game modes, and you can actually play capture the flag type games against non friends. MPH is great. I was addicted to it, but SOCOM has so many more features online.
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^^ Yeah, they did, and it looks better, it's lighter, but there aren't too many new features to trade in your origional one, I don't think.
ok i just bought the new slimmer/silver/badass PSP (the Daxter limited edition box)

and i have the old nintendo ds but i just got the new crimson/brainage2 budle........DS IS BETTER!!!!:lol:
manufan15 said:
Actually, no. I have SOCOM and had MPH. SOCOM has way better game modes, and you can actually play capture the flag type games against non friends. MPH is great. I was addicted to it, but SOCOM has so many more features online.
Hmmm, to be honest.....NONE OF THAT MATTERS TO ME!

They should make a sequel to MP:H
so other then the fact that the DS Lite is smaller what other advantages does it have if any
Well, I wouldn't like too have a PSP because it looks like if I drop it it will smash into a million peices. I just feel safer with the DS.
I dont care about all of the PSPs additions. When I buy a console, I buy one with promising titles. Thats what the DS gives me.
I guess I'm one of the few that enjoy playing games on my PSP. I actually sold my PS2 for it so that I could play it in the car on a vacation roadtrip. I think the graphics are pretty good for a small portable system and they're just like the games from my PS2. The only thing bad I can say about it is that it takes a long time to load a game.

Currently owned games for PSP:

EA MVP Baseball
Need for Speed: 5-1-0
Need for Speed: Underground Rivals
Juiced: Eliminator
GTA: Liberty City Stories
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
Star Wars Battlefront II

I enjoy almost all of the games, especially the sports ones.
PSP all the way...Im not a Sony fan but I didnt like DSs either....
It would suck if MS made a handheld game system to keep up with the PSP and DS
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  • #164
ajamison said:
so other then the fact that the DS Lite is smaller what other advantages does it have if any

Pretty much none. Other than playing games, the only other feature it has is PictoChat and you can only use it within 60 feet of someone. The PSP can play movies, surf the web, look at pictures, and has better online modes. The DS does have quite a few good games though.
DS battery - average life 10 hours
PSP battery - average life 6 hours (2 hours or less if running something big)

Thats what makes the DS better in my book.

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