PSP vs. DS

manufan15 said:
Pretty much none. Other than playing games, the only other feature it has is PictoChat and you can only use it within 60 feet of someone. The PSP can play movies, surf the web, look at pictures, and has better online modes. The DS does have quite a few good games though.
The DS has an internet browser now.

DS as a gaming system is better because it has a bigger library and an innovative touch screen.
manufan15 said:
Pretty much none. Other than playing games, the only other feature it has is PictoChat and you can only use it within 60 feet of someone. The PSP can play movies, surf the web, look at pictures, and has better online modes. The DS does have quite a few good games though.
DS can do all that stuff, plus it actually has a battery life so you can enjoy doing the stuff for more than 2 hours.
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FWELR said:
DS can do all that stuff, plus it actually has a battery life so you can enjoy doing the stuff for more than 2 hours.

It can illegally. Plus, you have to pay for the internet browser on the DS. There's better online service for the PSP, and sports games. The DS does have some good games, but the PSP beats it out in many others. Plus a bigger screen.
manufan15 said:
It can illegally. Plus, you have to pay for the internet browser on the DS. There's better online service for the PSP, and sports games. The DS does have some good games, but the PSP beats it out in many others. Plus a bigger screen.
i call UMDs as much of a crime as the R4/M3/G6/DSLink/etc. the point is, you can do anything you can on a PSP on a DS.
FWELR said:
DS can do all that stuff, plus it actually has a battery life so you can enjoy doing the stuff for more than 2 hours.
Someone else who actually realises that the battery life is important.:yesnod:

What good is having a portable on my 8 hour plane flight if the thing only lasts for 2 hours? The DS would make it all the way.

Honestly graphics and multimedia dont mean squat if the thing wont make it through a whole journey.
zelda phantom hourglass is out now for the ds

so i shall hereby declare any features the psp has, or any games the psp as crap in comparison to the ds

that is all

while we've all had some good times in this thread, we all know that zelda > psp's memory stick media, umds, and watered down ps2 games


:smilewinkgrin: (try not to take this post too seriously) :smilewinkgrin:
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lackluster dj said:
zelda phantom hourglass is out now for the ds

so i shall hereby declare any features the psp has, or any games the psp as crap in comparison to the ds

that is all

while we've all had some good times in this thread, we all know that zelda > psp's memory stick media, umds, and watered down ps2 games


:smilewinkgrin: (try not to take this post too seriously) :smilewinkgrin:

One game can't surpass An Ipod, DVD player, Photo Viewer, and Gaming device in one. Once you beat Zelda, you'll probably only play it once more if any.
manufan15 said:
One game can't surpass An Ipod, DVD player, Photo Viewer, and Gaming device in one. Once you beat Zelda, you'll probably only play it once more if any.

unless said zelda playing device also features an ipod, dvd player, photo viewer, and a gaming device..?
DS. The DS and PSP are basically the same. THe DS is coming out/has came out with a four GB adapter that you snap on to the bottom of your DS for music and all that. And the online on DS is sick. DS wins!!!

you just cant beat the VERY innovative touch screen that the DS packs and i DEFINATELY need the touch screen since i own a Palm Treo 700w for verizon and im constantly found with my stylus in my hand.

the PSP has all those other functions like music player browser and movie viewing but come on! do you really need to be on myspace anymore than you already are?? do you really need to load your expensive memory stick duos with mp3s?? do you really need to ruin your vision SQUINTING to watch dr dolittle on the little screen??

i say websurfing is ridiculous on the PSP waste of money buying UMD movie discs (how often are you going to watch mobile christmas with the kranks) and leave the portable mp3 market to APPLE

games are more fun on the DS, more of a variety, sure they maybe kid-friendly but EVERYONE was a kid once (some may still be on the inside) and DS styling is so much more ergonomic

DS RULES there i said it BLAH lol :p

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