PSP vs. DS

manufan15 said:
Wow. If I want good graphics in a game I should watch the Yankees???? Just so you know, people can't control the Yankees. The Yankees control if they win or not. The whole point of sports games is that you control the action. That's the fun of it. And its YOUR opinion if you don't like graphics. It's ok that the DS's graphics suck. But it's not ok, when people like you go stating facts that are actually your opinions. I happen to like sports games and FPS's. I guess you like doing math problems and taking control of italian plumbers trying to save princesses. But don't say "Who wants mere FPS's and sports games?" when the majority of people do.

ds > psp in terms of fps control

touch screen, mouse-like accuracy to adjust perspective > 1 (one) analog nub and some buttons
i just bought a PSP, i love it. all my fav. games on ps2 on the go plus i get to play the best fighting game ever. Powerstone!! what more could you ask for? :D i think the graphics blow the DS away. i like the bigger screen.

ive had a Phat DS for 2 years, i still like it but dont play it as much anymore because the PSP to me is more comfortable. my hands really hurt when i try to play a non-stylus DS game. im thinking the DS Lite would be more comfortable?!?

Both systems have their strengths and weakness but still both are fun to play.
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lackluster dj said:
ds > psp in terms of fps control

touch screen, mouse-like accuracy to adjust perspective > 1 (one) analog nub and some buttons

I disagree, and the DS has like what 2 FPS's????
you perfer an analog nub to move and 4 buttons to adjust perspective over a more intuitive, more accurate, and faster stylus controlled method??

to each their own i guess... :lol:
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lackluster dj said:
you perfer an analog nub to move and 4 buttons to adjust perspective over a more intuitive, more accurate, and faster stylus controlled method??

to each their own i guess... :lol:

Yes, I acutally think the analog nub is way better than any thing the DS could provide. In MPH, when you try to aim with the touch screen, you could aim, but all the other buttons were so hard to get to. It was horrible controls.
Earthworm Jim said:
i just bought a PSP, i love it. all my fav. games on ps2 on the go plus i get to play the best fighting game ever. Powerstone!! what more could you ask for? :D i think the graphics blow the DS away. i like the bigger screen.

ive had a Phat DS for 2 years, i still like it but dont play it as much anymore because the PSP to me is more comfortable. my hands really hurt when i try to play a non-stylus DS game. im thinking the DS Lite would be more comfortable?!?

Both systems have their strengths and weakness but still both are fun to play.
I have both the phat DS and the DS Lite (and a PSP) and it's safe to say that if you find the phat one uncomfortable, the Lite is worse. My hands ache so bad after playing games like Mario Kart.

manufan15 said:
Yes, I acutally think the analog nub is way better than any thing the DS could provide. In MPH, when you try to aim with the touch screen, you could aim, but all the other buttons were so hard to get to. It was horrible controls.
I have to agree with that.
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lackluster dj said:
are you a dual analog over mouse/keys kinda guy?

Actually no, I like playing BF2 with the mouse and keys, and I like dual analog. The DS is fine in MPH when you use the button keys to aim, but the touch screen is so awkward.

And thank you Nintendo93 for being one of the few that backs me up on any issue. (Even when some people's arguements are unbelievely pointless.)
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lackluster dj said:
this wasn't directed at me was it?

No, I can see how some people would like, the touch screen aiming. It is more acurate than the buttons, but I can't get to the jump button and such. It wasn't directed at you. :smilewinkgrin:
manufan15 said:
No, I can see how some people would like, the touch screen aiming. It is more acurate than the buttons, but I can't get to the jump button and such. It wasn't directed at you. :smilewinkgrin:


yeah, the control method can get uncomfortable after a while i've noticed. hand cramps up and what not. good in short spurts though.
it's a tough choice. but nowadays i can actually afford consoles and handhelds. my gf works in a game company and they get some good discounts. the ds lite is 80.00 or something like that. i'll probably pick it up and the new psp. i want the slimmer version with longer battery life. it's suppose to come out this month. sony better deliver.
arcticreaver said:
it's a tough choice. but nowadays i can actually afford consoles and handhelds. my gf works in a game company and they get some good discounts. the ds lite is 80.00 or something like that. i'll probably pick it up and the new psp. i want the slimmer version with longer battery life. it's suppose to come out this month. sony better deliver.
actually, the battery life is shorter (i heard) i may be mistaken but i saw a product that replaces the new psp battery cover with the old oen so you can use the old battery with a longer charge..

could be bad information though, because ive heard both stories..

pertaining to the topic: sold my psp for a DS but i will buy the slim PSP when it comes out.. i loved that thing but i just was craving better games. and i found that in the form of Animal Crossing :)

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