proximity mine users

To anyone that uses proximity mines, you are a pussy. It takes NO talent to put a mine in a place where people obviously run by (like any hall in archives) and hide like a ***** until someone walks into it. Grow some balls and stop playing like a ****ing pussy, youre pathetic and you ruin the game for people who actually have talent. Honestly, how can you think it takes any skill whatsoever to put a mine in a popular place and hide like a pussy? If you play like that, you ****ing suck and youre not in the least bit talented. Dont be a ****ing pussy. And if you camp, youre a ****ing pussy for that to, STOP HIDING LIKE A LITTLE *****
dude,stop complaining proximity mines are fine with me just stop bi****** about it. ur the only pussy around here i dont have proximity mines but when u play heros and ur bond u got 3 proximity mines. I wouldent mind having proxies cause if ur playing heros just put a mine in a popular spot and they'll die there u go adds ten to ur score and u get 50 XP. so stop ur friggin complaining and play the da* game u pussy.
aren't proximity mines in some of the default loadouts? ex: the Sigmus, Terralite III + AC and Toros AV-400 Loadouts. Couldn't somebody possibly be using these? Or does every 10 year old know how to mod a Wii?

I'm not sure how stupid you are but we're talking about wifi not split screen.
You get remote mines at lv 35 and you get proximity mines at lv 53.

oh my bad i got mixed up. Yeah i have seen a guy hack infinite proximity mines. thankfully he was on my team.

but come on, if he went up to lv 53, he has earned the righ to use it however he wants. It's part of being a high level player. I run into these things occassionally in heroes--mine sweeper is a waste of a gadget compared to others imo--but its nothing to get butthurt about.

aren't proximity mines in some of the default loadouts? ex: the Sigmus, Terralite III + AC and Toros AV-400 Loadouts. Couldn't somebody possibly be using these? Or does every 10 year old know how to mod a Wii?

I'm not sure how stupid you are but we're talking about wifi not split screen.

you know he just asked a question. a serious one. you don't need to ****ing call him stupid or question his intelligence.

to answer the question, i'd say there are no default loadouts that include it to my knowledge. If there were, we would always be complaining about proximites instead of toobing.
I've been using minesweeper for a while in heros mostly when i'm not on the MI6 team and it works pretty well for me, though it can be distracting always checking my map for a little red "X". minesweeper isn't foolproof though, the same simbole appears on your map for friendly and enemy mines. it really stands out when playing high level players though.
I'll be honest, I have proxies in every loadout, but I rarely use them. Too many host quits that way. I only ever use them if it would be really helpful (like protecting a black box carrier), I'm losing badly, or if I meet a cheater.
aren't proximity mines in some of the default loadouts? ex: the Sigmus, Terralite III + AC and Toros AV-400 Loadouts. Couldn't somebody possibly be using these? Or does every 10 year old know how to mod a Wii?

I'm not sure how stupid you are but we're talking about wifi not split screen.

wow dude. I don't use the default loadouts when online, so I don't know which are available. My apologies for assuming that the same loadouts were available for online as are in splitscreen.

And I'm not sure how stupid you are, but cyber-bullying is only used by the most pathetic excuses for human existence.
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to answer the question, i'd say there are no default loadouts that include it to my knowledge. If there were, we would always be complaining about proximites instead of toobing.

Thank you for the answer to that. As I said in the post above, i refrain from the defaults, so I assumed that the loadouts were the same. Now I know
aren't proximity mines in some of the default loadouts? ex: the Sigmus, Terralite III + AC and Toros AV-400 Loadouts. Couldn't somebody possibly be using these? Or does every 10 year old know how to mod a Wii?

I'm not sure how stupid you are but we're talking about wifi not split screen.

wow dude. I don't use the default loadouts when online, so I don't know which are available. My apologies for assuming that the same loadouts were available for online as are in splitscreen.

And I'm not sure how stupid you are, but cyber-bullying is only used by the most pathetic excuses for human existence.

you getting all definsive?.That would be you. are you some kind of computer geek.
I'm not sure how stupid you are but we're talking about wifi not split screen.

wow dude. I don't use the default loadouts when online, so I don't know which are available. My apologies for assuming that the same loadouts were available for online as are in splitscreen.

And I'm not sure how stupid you are, but cyber-bullying is only used by the most pathetic excuses for human existence.

you getting all definsive?.That would be you. are you some kind of computer geek.
none of what you said made any sense, how is he being defensive, and are you just calling him a "computer geek" because you saw the word cyber in his post?
you getting all definsive?.That would be you. are you some kind of computer geek.

Computer Geek? I don't know. You tell me.

This is my personal Facebook page, why don't you add me and find out.
LOL - that's awesome! Hey Spike - I am having some technical issues with my computer. When's the best time to schedule you to come out and help me? ;)

Depends on the problem, location ect ect ect. :wiitransformer: But if your com is doing some thing like that.... we may have to negotiate the price up a bit.

BTW, Digging the profile image Brittany.
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Depends on the problem, location ect ect ect. :wiitransformer: But if your com is doing some thing like that.... we may have to negotiate the price up a bit.

BTW, Digging the profile image Brittany.

Yeah, my computer is transforming into something more. It's almost like my computer has disguised itself as a robot. Golden eye is a fun game - especially when you meet new people like you. :)

And thanks!

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