proximity mine users

LOL - everyone here knows we're all a bunch of nerds! How else do you define someone who plays GoldenEye online at 2 o'clock in the morning?! We're all guilty :)

ince when has it been bad to be a nerd?


For me it's ok to be geek but Nerds lack social skills... Geeks get the best of both worlds.
yea...thats a good point.....too many people use the words geek and nerd interchangeably....when really the set of social skills is an outstanding difference
Social Skills?! Come on. We make posts on a wii chat forum. And we play video games at all hours of the night. We're nerds. I'd much rather have nun-chuck skills or bow staff skills. Computer hacking skills, maybe...
^^hey do you go by Brittany in game and are you level 43ish? Me and RS-qc and SLOWBRO* ran into a Brittany last night in TC on nightclub. We were all using only pistols until the last bit when we needed to secure the win. Also I used to live in Arvada, CO where you from?
^^hey do you go by Brittany in game and are you level 43ish? Me and RS-qc and SLOWBRO* ran into a Brittany last night in TC on nightclub. We were all using only pistols until the last bit when we needed to secure the win. Also I used to live in Arvada, CO where you from?

Yeah, that was me. You were playing as Yellawolf, or something, yes? I almost had you guys, but makes sense my score was 14-6 against the 3 of you if you were just using pistols. Wouldn't mind playing against you guys sometime officially.
I dislike people that hate on people with Proximity Mines or Remote Mines. I acquired Remote Mines last Level up and I friggen love these things, I like running by the Boat House on Docks tossing in one Remote Mine and blowing the hell out of the snipers and running in with guns blazing. Same thing goes for the Snipers in Outpost that camp in the towers.... BOOM. Dead. I just want to know what the opponent thinks when they hear that beep & click sound Mines make just before I blow them to peices LOL. I earned them fair and square and if you dont like me using my Mines you can suck a big one.
I like using Remote triggered mines in my sniper loadouts. Helps protect me. Its fun to plant them on a goldeneye satellite thingy and wait for someone to try to hack it. Proximity mines will be a nice upgrade once i get em

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