proximity mine users

you getting all definsive?.That would be you. are you some kind of computer geek.

Computer Geek? I don't know. You tell me.

well....after viewing your facebook....ive come to the conclusion that are infact a computer
not that theres anything wrong with the Rugrats, Power Rangers, Final Fantasy, Soul Caliber, Passion of the Christ, or christian metal (well i do have problems with that)....but these are all tell tell signs of a computer geek....add this to the fact that you made a custom sig with your fc in it....and youve got full on nerd
the worst part is that after reading the post i getting a little computer geek vibe off of it as
i cant be
...theres just no way.....

oh wait.....yep...yep i am :/ and a bored one at that....would somebody please add me and join my alliance against cheaters?

fc is 5118-9475-0639

pm if you added
well....after viewing your facebook....ive come to the conclusion that are infact a computer
not that theres anything wrong with the Rugrats, Power Rangers, Final Fantasy, Soul Caliber, Passion of the Christ, or christian metal (well i do have problems with that)....but these are all tell tell signs of a computer geek....add this to the fact that you made a custom sig with your fc in it....and youve got full on nerd

You are basing your assumptions on things I haven't changed in years.
I've had my facebook for about 6 years. I've just added to it, and haven't changed anything in years.
I haven't played a Final fantasy game since freshman year of High school.
Soul Calibur was a great franchise. And if you have a problem with us Christians, then you have bigger problems than I do. I had to take a photoshop class in college, that is the only reason why I make my own sigs. Photoshop is easy, It's a shame you don't know how to do it.
You may take my need to keep decent grammar, and full sentences as "nerdish", but I see it as a way to be an individual in a place where it is so easy to fall into the trap of misspellings and abbreviations.

Oh and Slimothy, no you don't. Internet "relationships" are doomed from the start. They may work for some people, but it's not my thing. So no flirting for you to read from me. I just have a thing for Eyes.
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You are basing your assumptions on things I haven't changed in years.
I've had my facebook for about 6 years. I've just added to it, and haven't changed anything in years.
I haven't played a Final fantasy game since freshman year of High school.
Soul Calibur was a great franchise. And if you have a problem with us Christians, then you have bigger problems than I do. I had to take a photoshop class in college, that is the only reason why I make my own sigs. Photoshop is easy, It's a shame you don't know how to do it.
You may take my need to keep decent grammar, and full sentences as "nerdish", but I see it as a way to be an individual in a place where it is so easy to fall into the trap of misspellings and abbreviations.

Oh and Slimothy, no you don't. Internet "relationships" are doomed from the start. They may work for some people, but it's not my thing. So no flirting for you to read from me. I just have a thing for Eyes.

Wow. Where to begin?...

First of all - don't ever apologize or make excuses for the things you like/liked. I never apologize for my middle-school hoard of POGS and slammers (of which I had the coolest) or my extensive collection of Weird Al Yank cd's. Even if we've grown out of something - it's still a part of who we are. And you are right - if he has issues with Christians, what you liked in high school should be the least of his concerns.

I never took photo shop and I was smart enough to figure out how to edit a picture i found, online, in Paint and upload it as an image file. But the last thing anyone whould ever call me is a computer geek. I'm almost computer illeterate(?).

And as far as internet relationships go - oh wait... my boyfriend, whom I met on, is IM'ing me on Yahoo chat about our Second Life date this afternoon. :) Gotta run!
A couple things....

First of all, Soul Calibur was/IS AWESOME. The original on Dreamcast was wicked fun.

Secondly, I also met my gf through an internet dating site, and things are just peachy in that area.

Lastly, I thought this forum was supposed to be about GoldenEye, not judging people based on their beliefs or lifestyles...
I reiterate "They may work for some people, but it's not my thing." I simply meant that people who start a relationship with someone Online, and continue to hold the relationship only online, are doomed from the start. If you find your match via a dating site, and it pursues into the physical world, that is a good thing. It is not to dissimilar to meeting somebody at a bar, meeting them there once a week, finding common interests, and pursuing said interests.

o_O you did that in paint?

and yes, back to porxies!
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wow....its amazing how people can get together on a forum and get such a mob mentality that they lose their sense of humor all together....
and i clearly said i have a problem with christian metal not "you christians" as i have a problem with most metal and hardcore...but thats neither here nor there
i would also like to add that you do get defensive quick....i even admitted to being a nerd myself in the next post....ive played my fair share of final fantasy games....probably more recently than you....and ive made some sigs in my day...but i never took a photoshop that shows that im enough of a nerd to learn photoshop on my own.....

...and i think soul caliber's alright lol
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LOL - everyone here knows we're all a bunch of nerds! How else do you define someone who plays GoldenEye online at 2 o'clock in the morning?! We're all guilty :)
I can honestly say I have never played Goldeneye after midnight.

Now LittleBigPlanet2 on the other hand . . .
I play late into the night regularly. What else am I going to do? My kids go to bed at 8 and I don't work until 10am... I had to drop someone at the airport last week for 430am so I stayed up all night playing GoldenEye so I wouldn't miss my alarm. lol

Don't judge. :)
Late at night is when as lot of the best players are on. You find yourself involved in some pretty heated matches after midnight. More competitive, I think.
LOL - everyone here knows we're all a bunch of nerds! How else do you define someone who plays GoldenEye online at 2 o'clock in the morning?! We're all guilty :)

that is exactly correct i personally do better from midnight to 2 am after ive had a couple beers and some bud :) you'd think that would delay my reaction time...but bein laid back completely relaxed seems to make me just a little quicker or a little more accurate....

and since when has it been bad to be a nerd? yea...they are typically the one made fun of in the 4 short years of high school....but they're also the ones who graduate and end up making the big bucks so they can just sit around on a computer all day:wink:


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