proximity mine users

Funny thing is on our team I'm the "camper" sniper and I have more then a. Few spots to snipe. My teamates flush everyone out and if your in the open bang your dead. Best part is watching the same guys come back looking around for me but since I've already moved its too late. Funny how people whine about one style or the other. Our team has bever been beat when all 4 of us play. Plus u gonna tell me the snipers in the marines or army aren't good cause they "camp"? Learn to play different ways.[/SIZE right. Camping in Iraq is called survival
Exactly. It def takes talent to remain hidden all while taking out people while being accurate in a short amount of time. I can't help it if these idiots run around like a deer in headlights right in the open field and then wonder why they get clipped. Stick to single conflict if u prefer balls out kill while being killed . My advice to rich is go back to playing them low level scrubs that have terrible aim and therefore let u kill them first and level up and make u feel better. See u in the jungle brother.
About this whole proximity mine thing: I was playing a game yesterday, finally got linked up with a guy on here (won't mention any names),and got into a game of Heroes with him and his pal. So I eventually come around to defend him when he is the Hero, and he just starts laying mine after mine after mine after mine after mine after mine after mine after mine. Just...horrible. Why? Are you that bad that you need to resort to cheating, seriously? Do you think it is "fun", or "funny"? Well, I hope you are laughing, because EVERYBODY ELSE THINKS YOU'RE A GOOF.

EDIT: BTW I left his party, obviously. He invited me back and when I finally arrived a few games later, the numerous proximity mines were not being used. Think he got the point. No one wants to be associated with a cheating party.
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~ Everyone From The ++Team
i was playing today i was the hero i had like infinte proximty mine or somthing and when i died they were still there i think the host hacked it
To anyone that uses proximity mines, you are a pussy. It takes NO talent to put a mine in a place where people obviously run by (like any hall in archives) and hide like a ***** until someone walks into it. Grow some balls and stop playing like a ****ing pussy, youre pathetic and you ruin the game for people who actually have talent. Honestly, how can you think it takes any skill whatsoever to put a mine in a popular place and hide like a pussy? If you play like that, you ****ing suck and youre not in the least bit talented. Dont be a ****ing pussy. And if you camp, youre a ****ing pussy for that to, STOP HIDING LIKE A LITTLE *****

How could you possibly ***** about something that is built INTO THE GAME!?

It's not like someone modded the game to some kinda unfair advantage to shoot continuous rockets out of their Sigmus(thats something I could understand to ***** about). They are simply using an gadget that they have achieved by ranking up.

Sounds like you need to acquire a little more awareness so that next time you can at least attempt to see them before they get you for the kill. :sick:

Shoot the mine before you run over it. Problem solved.

One word: Minesweeper.

x2 to both of these replies above ^^
Hey rich just curious what level r u exactly? i ve played a lot of 007 and can tell u maybe its my experience or level but I've never had a problem running over or getting killed continuously by mines. I agree with earlier post maybe u need to be more aware of ur surroundings and quit bitching cause u obviuosly suck if u can't adapt. Like I said before u gonna call a marine sniper or our army. Men whomay lay trap mines a *****? I doubt it. Its part of conflict arsenal either learn to avoid them or continue to get dominated prob by me more then likely. Is that ur user name also? Cause if so ill look to dominate ur complaining ***** ass again and yes I will both camp and run n gun ur ass into quitting just to show u its not the game its YOU!
So frustrating when you walk into one chasing the hero
"arghh how could i be so STUPID" but so satisfying when being the hero ans seeing
explosive elimination +5xp
3 kill streak

so unfair tho on that bond gets them but zukovsky only gets rubbish smoke in the archives level
aren't proximity mines in some of the default loadouts? ex: the Sigmus, Terralite III + AC and Toros AV-400 Loadouts. Couldn't somebody possibly be using these? Or does every 10 year old know how to mod a Wii?
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Thanks to this thread the word pussy lost all meaning.

But whatever. If they are level 53, let them use proximity mines. They earned it. Plus, I've never had a problem with them.

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