

An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Forms is dead as **** so no idea who is going to see this, been an...........ok time
Moving on with things

Someone else turn the lights out when they leave
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will do, mate. best of luck to you darkprinny, you were here from start to finish.
My email thats tied to this is still my main account and for some reason I got an email about this thread. Not sure why but I figured I'd pop in one last time with ya. Man this place brings back memories. Joined just before I graduated highschool. This place really was special. Can't believe it's been almost 20 years. **** man. Where has time gone?
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Rumours of my passing have been something something.
Dark places are fun
Strangely enough I was thinking about this place recently and I out of nowhere got this random email from wiichat. These are crazy times indeed! Anyways, just popping in for a quick hello.
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To bad its probably to late to have a WiiChat Discord channel

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