Pokemon of the Week

Nahh, they made the first Pokémon black and white versions way to easy. I played it at first and finished it, then my brother toke over and collected all Pokémon from the Trade center, which was cool but also boring. The only Pokémonsters we don't have are mostly from events.
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Nahh, they made the first Pokémon black and white versions way to easy. I played it at first and finished it, then my brother toke over and collected all Pokémon from the Trade center, which was cool but also boring. The only Pokémonsters we don't have are mostly from events.
Well of course it's easy. At least most of it. The Battle Subway can be hard, for example.
Well of course it's easy. At least most of it. The Battle Subway can be hard, for example.

It's easy but boring if you spend an hour a day grinding each and every pokemon to a specific level. AKA me as I dislike exciting and rough battles.

I have never seen that Volcarona before in my life...i'm falling behind with the times! I'm a pensioner to all the new Pokemon kids!
Well of course it's easy. At least most of it. The Battle Subway can be hard, for example.

The Battle Subway reaches into competitive territory though. When the AI is actually workin' properly and there's no such thing as spamming full restores 'n other items, no being over leveled and opponents actually having good teams with proper natures/stats, 'course it's gonna be bloody difficult. Pokemon games as a whole aren't really represented by areas like the Subway or the Battle Frontier, so... yeah. Pokemon = laughably easy RPG.

Quite ironic really, since gettin' gold in the Battle Frontier(s) is one of the most difficult objectives in an RPG ever.
Quite ironic really, since gettin' gold in the Battle Frontier(s) is one of the most difficult objectives in an RPG ever.

I'd say challenge accepted but too lazy to go through that far in a pokemon game.
If you have all legendary pokémon, then call me again!

Legendaries are so boringly over-powered...

It's like the frikin game wants to make it easy since Gold/Silver with story based legendaries and even then in Gold/Silver the legendary was optional.
Yep, that's quite the problem I have playing Pk black version...

they even go as far as to force you into a Legendary v Legendary battle...funnily enough I played Pokemon white and Zekrom was pathetically easy to defeat with a SandSlash
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Legendaries aren't really overpowered, they're strong, yes, but I wouldn't go as far to say overpowered. Not saying I like to use them.
^ An outdated opinion popular among biased newbies, amigo.

I'd say challenge accepted but too lazy to go through that far in a pokemon game.

If you're too lazy just to complete the story, there's no way ya'd even get five silver medals in any Battle Frontier. :p

Legendaries aren't really overpowered, they're strong, yes, but I wouldn't go as far to say overpowered.


Some legendaries aren't even that strong, in fact. Take for example the miserable Entei; it has a very high Attack 'n HP stat, sure, but it's movepool is ****in' awful. It's best moves are effectively Strength and Fire Blast (which doesn't even use it's higher Attack stat; also, Entei's Special Attack stat is LOWER than a Charizards!). Your starter Fire type of any generation is quite a bit better than it even though Entei has a naturally higher stat total.

There's no such thing as a weak legendary, but to say they're all overpowered or uninteresting is a load of ****. Quite a few legendaries have very interesting designs 'n back stories. Unfortunately, the imbecilic children we all were at one point got attached to the notion that legendary Pokes are for n00bs only 'cause they're too strong, or some false garbage like that. Not every single legendary is a bloody Mewtwo in terms of power (half don't even come close to said example's omnipotence).
If you're too lazy just to complete the story, there's no way ya'd even get five silver medals in any Battle Frontier. :p

Tell me the generation and what game and it's on! Eh...infact lemme finish my Sandslash challenge first.

Isn't ROTOM a sub-par pokemon when it comes to stats? I remember catching one and wondering why I bothered in the first place. Diamond and Pearl I believe. Or I was just annoyed that it was a low level and didn't bother to level it...

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