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- #61
Major Tom said:Yeah. But Nintendo was the first to use the Wiis type of move & point system. Duck Hunt Arcade used it way back in the early 80's & Sony continually get their ideas from other companies. They started it when they worked 2nd party for Nintendo back in the NES/SNES days. The Playstation was originaly a snes CD concept. If you dont believe me look it up. Its even on G4.
oh ho ho ho. Ok I was hoping you would try to argue this. What you just posted is a trap many a fanboy fall into. Im the hunter and its not looking so good for ya.
First, the move and point system you are thinking of is not the same as what is around today. You cannot play old school duck hunt on current gen TVs. Wanna know why? because this is how the gun worked...
Pay attention. The nintendo gun did NOT track movement, it was done by having a small camera like device within the gun itself. When you pulled the trigger, the nes would make the tv flicker very very fast creating a white box in which gun would register. If the box was in line with the camera the gun would say you killed whatever you shot, if not you missed. It was a trick that your eyes couldnt pick up. Its also why if you put a lense/light in front of the gun, you can turn it into a shotgun and shoot everything on the screen with one shot. The gun has another name, its called a Light Gun. It operates off of light not movement.
OK, PREPARE yourself. This will be painful for you. THE FIRST LIGHT GUN GAME came out in 1936. Crazy huh... guess what it was? It was.. a DUCK HUNTING GAME. Your claim that nintendo is the first has just been beaten by the bitchslap of doom. Nintendo copied a game from the 1930s. Aw shucks.
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So nintendo built off of technology that has been around since the 1930s. Any more claims you wish to make? (i still like nintendo, but be honest about it)
So... the lesson you learned today is now about what you are talking about before making CLAIMS. Some might say you just got owned, but i will just pass it off as fanboy ignorance.
Now as for the Snes CD, if you have read any of my past posts you would have found an interesting lesson in them about this. Nintendo hired sony to make some of their internal hardware. Then they teamed up as equals to make the snes cd, which sony offered with their CD technology. Nintendo betrayed Sony and in many eyes Japan by breaking contract and signing a new one within hours with Phillips, a European based company. The japanese felt betrayed and there was a lot of anger towards nintendo back then. Because of this, Sony continued with THEIR TECHNOLOGY, not nintendos. Nintendo only uses other peoples technology, they have none of their own. Sony, to show that the betrayal would not be forgotten released the playstation. More than enough japanese developers were happy to make games for Sony over nintendo.
This is where nintendo goes into a slump with the japanese developers market, and they are still to this day trying to get back what they lost. Sony used CDs, Nintendo stuck with cartriges. The next gen, Nintendo used CDs, because no one wanted nintendo cartiges due to price and incompatibility.
But Nintendo was the first to use the Wiis type of move & point system.
Nintendo used the patent from another company that had a remote that relied on infared light to map movement. Its not theirs. Infared light devices have been around for a long time. Nintendo is making it popular with this console, but they are not the first nor will they be the last. Please get a clue.
So now that your history lesson is complete, you may now refrain from ignorance and bias remarks that are completely fictional.
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