New Sony Concept Controller

Oh, that must be the Piimote. rofl

That other picture you posted had no motion control, not good proof. lol.
sorry dude but even with your history lessons, thats how the wii is played to a T. COPYYY

if sony did that they would reach a untold low in the gaming industry.
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  • #36
PtonJalken said:
Oh, that must be the Piimote. rofl

That other picture you posted had no motion control, not good proof. lol.
sorry dude but even with your history lessons, thats how the wii is played to a T. COPYYY

if sony did that they would reach a untold low in the gaming industry.

No it doesnt play the same way, as the only thing they share in common is the fact they have buttons and can be held in two hands. The wiimote turns sideways, backwards, upside down.. it uses infared lights to detect movement and distance. The PS3 relys purely on accelerometers to detect axis change. Thats its. It can only be held one way, its a controller with a detachable bridge.

Nothing like wiimote, nor can it play like one. But its pointless arguing about it, i have just about given up on this community of fanboys and children. I would love to say you guys are worse than the PS3 ones, but your not. All fanboys are bad, really really bad. Ignorant to the extreme. So its pointless to bother anymore.
Shiftfallout said:
No it doesnt play the same way, as the only thing they share in common is the fact they have buttons and can be held in two hands. The wiimote turns sideways, backwards, upside down.. it uses infared lights to detect movement and distance. The PS3 relys purely on accelerometers to detect axis change. Thats its. It can only be held one way, its a controller with a detachable bridge.

Nothing like wiimote, nor can it play like one. But its pointless arguing about it, i have just about given up on this community of fanboys and children. I would love to say you guys are worse than the PS3 ones, but your not. All fanboys are bad, really really bad. Ignorant to the extreme. So its pointless to bother anymore.

sorry to burst your bubble but the wiimote doesnt just use infared to move. (you can play most games without sensor bar)

and as for fanboyism, your one as much as the next. you just try to hide it within your ubserdly long posts
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  • #38
PtonJalken said:
sorry to burst your bubble but the wiimote doesnt just use infared to move. (you can play most games without sensor bar)

and as for fanboyism, your one as much as the next. you just try to hide it within your ubserdly long posts

I never said it didnt. Sorry to "burst" your bubble. I did say however that it uses infared where as the ps3 does not. The controllers are nothing alike.

As for me being a fanboy, i dare you to prove it. Your claims are just that of everyone else that attacks me for being a REAL gamer, someone who goes where the games are.. not a tool that goes where the brands are. I own all 3 systems, I enjoy certain parts about them equally.

Sorry to ruin your dreams of me being the big bad ninty hater you want me to be though.
Shiftfallout said:
I never said it didnt. Sorry to "burst" your bubble. I did say however that it uses infared where as the ps3 does not. The controllers are nothing alike.

As for me being a fanboy, i dare you to prove it. Your claims are just that of everyone else that attacks me for being a REAL gamer, someone who goes where the games are.. not a tool that goes where the brands are. I own all 3 systems, I enjoy certain parts about them equally.

Sorry to ruin your dreams of me being the big bad ninty hater you want me to be though.

i couldnt care what you are lol. and your easily leaned on sony, anyone on this forum could point that out. 99% of ur posts r ps3 related.

anyways, time for this fanboyish child to go to beddy-by, bye ;)
i like the 360 controller better, the ps3 control was cool but same old control.
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Manny21 said:
i like the 360 controller better, the ps3 control was cool but same old control.

its not so bad, the ps3 controller that is. But i believe both the ps3 and 360 need a better designed controller. Props to nintendo for adding a radically fresh design for once.
Sony need to do something about the complete ASS that is their controller.
If they implement rumble will people who already own a PS3 get a discounted price on the new controller - or get it free?
The Playstation analogue pads would also suck on one handed controllers. wii or xbox style sticks would be much more responsive.
Celestial said:
I like the trigger things on the Ps3 controllers.. even though no games really use it properly yet...

it is basically what the GC, Dreamcast and xbox had rite?
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  • #45
Clish said:
it is basically what the GC, Dreamcast and xbox had rite?

yes and no, its basically the normal PS1 L and R buttons but the L2 and R2 now sense depth of input.. It can measure how much you push the button in or how little you do so. This feature has been around on a lot of controllers, many that have been out for a long time.

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