New Sony Concept Controller

Looks fancy.
It'd probably be better if the middle part wasn't so technical.
Too many buttons is a problem.

See: Atari Jaguar.
Atari 5200.
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  • #47
blueradio said:
Looks fancy.
It'd probably be better if the middle part wasn't so technical.
Too many buttons is a problem.

See: Atari Jaguar.
Atari 5200.

Never such thing as too many buttons in my opinion. Then again, i prefer a keyboard over a controller anyday of the week.

But the "middle part" is a keyboard, much like you see on a cell phone with text messaging as a focus. Its important because mmorpgs and HOME will play a big role in the PS3s future. If you want simple, then stick to the wii. Simple isnt bad, but like gloves, it has to fit the right sized hand. Simple fits the wii perfectly, technical and complex fits the PS3. Both are important for different reasons and equally as good.
The middle part does have too many buttons. Too complicated. I would rather have a keyboard.
I always liked the boomerang concept. Does anyone remember the 3rd party PS1 controller that was shaped JUST like the boomerang?
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  • #50
David328ci said:
The middle part does have too many buttons. Too complicated. I would rather have a keyboard.

how is it more complicated than a keyboard? Does having buttons in the middle ruin normal gaming?

Please answer, im curious to see your logic.
Wow. You gotta be f***ing kiding me!!!!!!! Its a copy of both the Wii-mote & the new 360 Keyboard attachment...... F***ing concept stealers.....

Heres the 360 attachment.....
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  • #52
Major Tom said:
Wow. You gotta be f***ing kiding me!!!!!!! Its a copy of both the Wii-mote & the new 360 Keyboard attachment...... F***ing concept stealers.....

Heres the 360 attachment.....

Nice try champ, please refrain from making statements and claims which show your lack of knowlege concerning the topic of originality.

tons of controllers have attempted inplimenting the "keyboard" or what I like to call minikey into controllers. A few have succeeded, guess what? They all came out before Microsoft wanted to put one in their controller.

My personal favorite is the one is the PS1-2 third party controller by Nyco way back:

Its setup allows for a normal controller while using that wasted middle space.

The reason microsoft is adding a keyboard is because they have some MMORPGs coming to their console. Its necessary to have a keypad. The same will be necessary for the PS3 since sony owns an MMO company as well as releasing HOME. Yeah concept stealers my arse.

Guess what, everyone, nintendo, sony, microsoft, they take concepts and current techonology and build upon them. Theres no "stealing" going on. If someone invented the car.. does that mean only that persons company should ever be able to make cars? If someone invented pizza, does that mean only that person can make the pizza and no one else? No its about who can do what the best, not who did it first.

As for the Wii? The wiimote is originally played in ONE HAND. most of the games out do not use all the attachments. What you see is merely a PS3 controller with a detachable center. Much like this concept that came out way way way before nintendo ditched the two handed PRIMARY controller in favor of a ONE hand tv/game remote design.

Here is the ps2 concept:

Still with me?

Good. OK Now the problem with a lot of third party concepts (which tend to be the best in my opinion) is that they are never mainstreamed and used by the developers themselves. When a third party idea or product becomes officially part first party, then its actually taken advantage of be developers. For example, if a third party came out with the wiimote, for the wii, no third partys developers would really use it but rely on the the official controller because they know everyone must have one. So its really about making those high concept third party ideas into first party use by developers for games.

Anyways, nice try on the whole stealing thing. I would suggest being familiar with the topic before making the typical sonyhaters response of "stealing this or that" blah blah.
ive always been one of those "id rather have a keyboard and mouse" guys... but i think they keyboard design is pretty cool and would be a good idea for certain games.. would be nice for custom button mapping. and i dont care who stole what and all that jazz as long as it works...

the split dual shock would be different, GT5 would play pretty nice with it.

cool designs maybe you should get a job in the gaming industry
I knew this was going to happen!If nintendo wasnt here ps3 would be ps1.
Now all consoles are gonna have sensors.
My temper just exploded i dont even want to buy one anymore.
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  • #55
wiing-around said:
I knew this was going to happen!If nintendo wasnt here ps3 would be ps1.
Now all consoles are gonna have sensors.
My temper just exploded i dont even want to buy one anymore.

sixaxis was officially filed before nintendo announced the wiimote and its motion sensing.

The tilt tech was already around since 1995/96 with Microsofts PC controller, later appearing in the PS1 third party controller. It was also used in missles found in quite a few coutries in which it helped with missile guidance and location. Take a look at the history of accelerometers.

If it makes you feel better, nintendo is the only mainstream console to use the infared light device (aka sensor bar). But then again, that was taken from a group that already patented it with their remote made for TVs.

Anyways, get the system for the games, not who you feel had it first because most of the time you will be wrong about who you think was the first and who stole what and took this to use that..ect
Yeah. But Nintendo was the first to use the Wiis type of move & point system. Duck Hunt Arcade used it way back in the early 80's & Sony continually get their ideas from other companies. They started it when they worked 2nd party for Nintendo back in the NES/SNES days. The Playstation was originaly a snes CD concept. If you dont believe me look it up. Its even on G4.
sixaxis was officially filed before nintendo announced the wiimote and its motion sensing.

Interesting. Link?

$hit like this really brings my pi$$ to the boil.

Oh, that must be the Piimote. rofl

Wow, good joke. No I mean it, that was hilarious, I'm sure you gave all the boys at chronic retardation a great big high five after that gem.

That other picture you posted had no motion control, not good proof. lol.
sorry dude but even with your history lessons, thats how the wii is played to a T. COPYYY

I guess at school for retards they don't teach history huh. As in, logical understanding of events that previously happened. Like you getting your ass handed to you and and not understanding it.

And why add the extra Ys? This just baffles me.
Like you were typing on your computer and thought "Hmmm, what would be a great way to add value and expression to my post.............I know! extra Y's"

if sony did that they would reach a untold low in the gaming industry.

No they wouldn't. Suck it up.

and as for fanboyism, your one as much as the next. you just try to hide it within your ubserdly long posts

What? So you're saying that people with longer, more educated posts are all hiding their 'fanboy' status? Apparently badly as well, since your astute deductions have obviously reduced this poor man's defense to nothing.

i couldnt care what you are lol.

Well, as you chuckle deviously with glee at your 'pwnage'. Perhaps you should of given some thought to the fact your actions are in direct confrontation with your words. Next time, before you 'lol' and 'rofl' you way through another steaming pile of $hit you call a post. Think about that first.

and your easily leaned on sony, anyone on this forum could point that out. 99% of ur posts r ps3 related.

This guy owns all 3 consoles, if he likes one best thats his choice.

anyways, time for this fanboyish child to go to beddy-by, bye

Words escape me.

For future reference, I italicized all the words you wont find in any dictionary.

In conclusion, it's children like you that give nintendo fans a bad name.

By the way, Shiftfallout is right, After visiting a few PS3 forums, I found the large majority of posters there to be more educated, sensible, and polite than the majority of people on these boards.

Its a shame.

Thank you and good night.
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  • #58
SamuS said:
Interesting. Link?

This is gonna be tough, as it was a legal document not so much as news. I found out about it awhile back, not sure i can trace it again but i will try.

For now there is this however

Also it seems sony is releasing a new patent, one that might give some nintedokids a heart attack, I need to read up a bit more on it before posting the news.
OK... You posted an article that says Sony said they had been working on it for 2 years. S-O-N-Y. Now when have they actually said anything true or for that matter logical in the last year. You guys were all here when they said stuff like:
"I'll pay you $1200 if you can find me a PS3 that has been in stock for more then 5 minutes"
or If you walk into a store one day and see 5 PS3s then walk into the same store the next day & see 5 PS3's yet again they aren't the same one but they have been sold & restocked countless times........ Most of their comments are delusional....
imae said:
I think for a seperate two hand play to work for The Ps3, the controller would need quite a hefty re-design.
becuase of how the anlogue sticks are positioned, in conjuction with the triggers underneath it'd feel very strange i think. there needs to be a centre point that the user can focus their grip on, again it could feel abit strange for swinging becuase the user would hold the narrow part (i see you've extended it) and still be left with the largest part at the top making it feel heavy or offset.

The dual shock controler has an 'inwards' design, whene i hold it my hands rest towards the centre of the controller, this is why i think the analogue sticks are positioned this way, and the handles of the controller slope outwards from the centre and are more narrow at the ends. cut the controller in half and there is nowhere to take the force of leaning into the controller - it's mainly the position of those sticks that i think is the problem in this concept.

exactly, gripping it would be horrendous, the analog sticks and triggers would be way to awkward to use, besides, this doesnt matter because sony would probably never do this anyways

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