New Sony Concept Controller

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  • #16
WiiGod said:
I am well aware of the fact that Nintendo didn’t come up with the idea, although now reading back I see how it looks like that's what I meant, however I meant to suggest that the PS3 will surely be flamed for copying another company’s big success even if they did create it first, Nintendo’s biggest feature is the motion and that’s what the whole console relies on. So even though I know and you may know that idea was not created by Nintendo that is not exactly the way it will be seen and Sony are in enough trouble with their console not selling brilliantly even though they are loosing money that this will become a new reason to bully the PS3 even more so.

I also accept the fact that you would like to utilize the full potential of the controller for Sony, and I don't have anything against that and if anything I admire it as I haven't got the creativeness to do so lol.

So true, unfortunately sony has become a target for a lot of hate. The "damned if you do, damned if you dont" applies to sony right now. No matter what they do, they will get uncalled for hate agaist it. If sony came up with a cure for aids, some fanboys somewhere would complain that sony is copying God.
Shiftfallout said:
usually a bunch of drunken friends who get a little too...excited. The girls are the worst, they dont hold on as tight but swing harder. lol

Yeah I know how you feel, I've been almost hit by a flying controller and I've been hit when the controller was still in his hand lol. The controller has only came and my hand when playing once, it was more of a slip and I dropped it and it smashed a plate on the floor.
Shiftfallout said:
So true, unfortunately sony has become a target for a lot of hate. The "damned if you do, damned if you dont" applies to sony right now. No matter what they do, they will get uncalled for hate agaist it. If sony came up with a cure for aids, some fanboys somewhere would complain that sony is copying God.

Yeah, when the Gamecube was around all I cared about was Nintendo, my brother had a PS2 and I didn’t see me needing one as he had one. As of now I have opened my eyes more, and I admit I hated the guts out of the PS3 when I first heard about it, but since the release over in Europe I’ve found out more and more, and now it's only the price that stops me from going to buy one, but all that really means is I have to save up a little more not so much wait for them to drop it.
the pics remind me of a sony's version of the wii mote and Xbox is coming out with the key board attachment so again not as unique as you might think (I am no fan boy btw I did own a PS1 and PS2)
Wow its two nunchuks bridged by a minityping pad....a nice little copy of Nintendo's controller. Nice color though.

And if Sony came up with a cure of AIDs I'd credit them accordingly if they actually did all the research, etc.
MasterJedi2U said:
Wow its two nunchuks bridged by a minityping pad....a nice little copy of Nintendo's controller. Nice color though.

Hahah that was my first thought! Nunchucks!
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  • #23
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
lol the 2 hand play is just like a wii-mote and nunchuck.Pretty original


ok. History time. Ps2, splitfish released a third party controller...

Now, lets go on. The wiimote is a seperate piece, its a remote. No analog stick, no equal counterpart. It does not break into two, to become one. Its different, and its good that way.

Skip over to the concept picture. Its a ps dual shock controller, with sixaxis that filed before nintendo announced the wiimote. In fact, all this stuff was done by third party groups way way before both nintendo and sony. In the concept picture the controller is equal in both left and right side. Its identicle. The nunchaku is not identicle to the wiimote. The wiimote is a seperate piece with attachments.

So you see, what you have is a sixaxis that attaches to itself to make a regular controller or detaches from the bridge to be free of the other piece. They are still identicle, part of one whole.

This is original. Im sorry to break it to you but nintendo, as cool as they are, is not inventing anything. They maybe be standarizing and making popular some concepts, but they are not the first, nor will they be the last.


Ok this is funny, i posted this in the official playstation forum and now theres a group of people saying its real, where to buy it, arguing that it exists. Many think its official, even though i say its not. They dont believe me lol and im the one that made it. Sigh, no matter which forum you go to the fankids are all dense. Here and there.
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Actually I'm not surprised because I coulda sworn that I saw something VERY similiar on another website. That a 3rd Party Developer was making something like that for sony. Dead serious here too. I didnt' want to say anything lest you attack me but w/e. IF you made it then kudos to you. Still looks like a pair of nunchuks. As for you're "history lesson" that looks like a mouse. Nothing like the Nunchuk at all so I don't get what you're trying to say there.
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  • #25
MasterJedi2U said:
Actually I'm not surprised because I coulda sworn that I saw something VERY similiar on another website. That a 3rd Party Developer was making something like that for sony. Dead serious here too. I didnt' want to say anything lest you attack me but w/e. IF you made it then kudos to you. Still looks like a pair of nunchuks. As for you're "history lesson" that looks like a mouse. Nothing like the Nunchuk at all so I don't get what you're trying to say there.

I didnt make the split fish one, thats been in existance since the ps2, they are remaking one for the ps3.

As for the concept controller, yes i did make it. None of the pictures seen in this thread look like the nunchaku. The wii is unique in its nunchaku wiimote play, nothing will be like that. Especially a split in half ps3 controller.
I think for a seperate two hand play to work for The Ps3, the controller would need quite a hefty re-design.
becuase of how the anlogue sticks are positioned, in conjuction with the triggers underneath it'd feel very strange i think. there needs to be a centre point that the user can focus their grip on, again it could feel abit strange for swinging becuase the user would hold the narrow part (i see you've extended it) and still be left with the largest part at the top making it feel heavy or offset.

The dual shock controler has an 'inwards' design, whene i hold it my hands rest towards the centre of the controller, this is why i think the analogue sticks are positioned this way, and the handles of the controller slope outwards from the centre and are more narrow at the ends. cut the controller in half and there is nowhere to take the force of leaning into the controller - it's mainly the position of those sticks that i think is the problem in this concept.
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  • #27
imae said:
The dual shock controler has an 'inwards' design, whene i hold it my hands rest towards the centre of the controller, this is why i think the analogue sticks are positioned this way, and the handles of the controller slope outwards from the centre and are more narrow at the ends. cut the controller in half and there is nowhere to take the force of leaning into the controller - it's mainly the position of those sticks that i think is the problem in this concept.

well, while holding my ps3 controller i found that it can be quite confortable depending on how you place the triggers underneath. Though i did consider having the analog outward rather than inward, but then you miss out on the games made for the regular dualshock/sixaxis design. Its also possible to switch hands to make the analog outwards.

The picture is a bit decieving because the hands used in that picture were tiny and unproportional.
I think their controller is fine they need a keyboard though and I would laugh so hard if Microsoft made their keyboard puke green their color schemes are the worst IMO but people are buying it so I guess it's working
Shiftfallout said:
So true, unfortunately sony has become a target for a lot of hate. The "damned if you do, damned if you dont" applies to sony right now. No matter what they do, they will get uncalled for hate agaist it. If sony came up with a cure for aids, some fanboys somewhere would complain that sony is copying God.

Nice design and thing. you got skillz to make it from scratch.

Why are you making sony sound like a victim all the time. When nintendo is right there being called kiddie and never good enough for the world....... But i can't believe you honestly think people would run on to that..... but then if sony was to find a cure. You would be proving masterjedi2u point when he said in another thread that sony is greedy lol. So then sony would be a medical/gaming/electronic company. Whoa thats alot lol. I really don't think people would run on with that nonsense about sony copying God because no one can and who cares about who makes the cure, people want a damn cure and not a treatment......That's the only problem i had. i feel as if you make sony a victim to much. The world is not against sony. So stop making it seems that way.

Oh and again nice layout. But if i was a real fanboy i could say you copied the keyboard from mircosoft lol.... but no its a nice design. Now i want to see you design one for nintendo and mircosoft lol.
Shiftfallout i quite like that design, the idea of them being attached then detached isn't too bad, could work differently on different games maybe. Are they really remaking the 2nd pic you posted for the PS3?

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