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to bad countries like Iran are housing and providing for terrorists forcing us to attack them.
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Iran do not house, or arm terrorists. Dont listen to everything Bush tells you.

And you are very correct Napalmbrain, thanks for the contribution.
ottoman said:
Iran do not house, or arm terrorists. Dont listen to everything Bush tells you.

And you are very correct Napalmbrain, thanks for the contribution.

Please tell me your joking.

i plead the 5th!! :X

eta- dont believe everything bush tells you???? you serious???


Bush is a politician. He's naturally inclined to lie. :D

By the way, before anyone assumes otherwise, I'm not a fan of Ahmedinejad and his tyrant mates either.
you do know that Iran has publically admitted to supporting terrorist groups. yeah lets just let the those Islamic Extremeists wait safely there and plan there next attack. I don't think so. Maybe the good Muslims should start hunting down the exetremeist over there so the US wouldnt have to. And for the record I dont blindly listen to Bush but I do support the war in Iraq. I might even be sent there after I join the military.
ok one more point before i shut up entirely,

anyone see the episode of southpark with cartman when he is playing "jack bauer" and its all based off of an episode of 24?

thats all i have to say!!!!!
I_Dont_Know859 said:
you do know that Iran has publically admitted to supporting terrorist groups. yeah lets just let the those Islamic Extremeists wait safely there and plan there next attack. I don't think so. Maybe the good Muslims should start hunting down the exetremeist over there so the US wouldnt have to. And for the record I dont blindly listen to Bush but I do support the war in Iraq. I might even be sent there after I join the military.
Right on! :thumbsup: BTW what branch are you joining?
I_Dont_Know859 said:
you do know that Iran has publically admitted to supporting terrorist groups. yeah lets just let the those Islamic Extremeists wait safely there and plan there next attack. I don't think so. Maybe the good Muslims should start hunting down the exetremeist over there so the US wouldnt have to. And for the record I dont blindly listen to Bush but I do support the war in Iraq. I might even be sent there after I join the military.

you sound like everyone else who i know that has enlisted or finally came back from iran/iraq

lemme guess, youre either going into the marines or the army?

either way, best of luck from a long standing republican/LEO/MOS supporter

ETA- airforce i was wrong! dang! lol
The_Loose_Cannon said:
you sound like everyone else who i know that has enlisted or finally came back from iran/iraq

lemme guess, youre either going into the marines or the army?

either way, best of luck from a long standing republican/LEO/MOS supporter

ETA- airforce i was wrong! dang! lol
Thanks I appreciate it. I just have 1 more year until I get my bachelors degree in criminal justice then I'm off.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
you sound like everyone else who i know that has enlisted or finally came back from iran/iraq

lemme guess, youre either going into the marines or the army?

either way, best of luck from a long standing republican/LEO/MOS supporter

ETA- airforce i was wrong! dang! lol
My bro is gonna join the Marines while I become an Army Ranger. ;)
people please stop reffering to terrist as exterrmist

1. because extremists are people who pray alot but terrist do the opposite they pray but they kill aswell so please refrain from appling extremist to terrists

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